A defining moment in my life, and a prime indicator that I had, for the most part lost my wife (ex-wife) to the control of the Watchtower Society, was on a night when she had one of her meetings. She was suppose to answer some questions or something. Anyway, I asked that she skid the meeting so that just here and I could go out, have a nice dinner, and just spend some quality time together. It took a little persuading (a normal wife would have just said yes and the fact that I had to persuade her bothered me) but she finally said ok, but she need to call someone (probably an elder) to say she would not be attending that nights meeting. I could tell immediately after she told whomever that she would not be at the meeting that the conversation turned one-way, my then wife being the listener. In almost the same motion she hung up the phone, grabbed her bag with books, etc., and was out the door mumbling something she was going to die. I did not follow or make a big issue of it after she returned home, about 2 hours later. She acted as though nothing had happen. Another similar incident happened on a Saturday. I live in Hawaii and we were suppose to go to beach, and just do a little driving, just the two of us. At the last minute she claim she had to go to her KH and clean the place up. She returned about 3 hours later pretty much ruining out day. In both instances she was not strong enough to tell the elder, or whomever, that she couldn't do what they wanted her to because she was going to spend time with her husband. To this day I find it hard to believe, and understand, the control the JW's and Society has over my ex, and any other JW I would suspect. The said jump, she asked how high. The said give us money, she asked how much, and so on...It was this bad.
These instances were just the beginnings of the end, and eventually it did when we were divorced in 2003. We/I would have competed for time together for the rest of our lives. Base on the above, and based on other minor incidences and altercations, I would have lost out to the Society 99% of the time I figured. She took the term "nonbelieving mate" ( I was not her husband, the Watchtower Society now was) quite literally and that's how I was treated. I was number 10 on her priority list of 10. I could have maintained this way of life, in her eyes as a second class person, competing with her and the Watchtower Society for the rest of our lives, or severed our relationship and gone off and led a normal life. The rest is history. I do miss her very much, but have accepted the fact that she is probably happier now than when we were married. Maybe in time she will come to her senses, but I doubt it.
I really hope it works out ok for you. Take care.