Have to say i enjoyed your take on this watchtower Blondie. Especially where you point out where Jesus is mentioned in this article. As usual he is left in the background almost hidden from view.
I had for many years (whilst sitting through all those long winded meetings) always felt that they pushed Jesus into the background.Time and time again i felt they were doing this , but i thought it was just me.
Once i was even told by a brother ( who came up to me privately, after i had given a bible highlights) that i shouldnt have put more of an emphasis on Jesus in my talk than i did for Jehovah.
At the time, i didnt feel angry at the brother for saying this because he was so sincere in what he believed . It was what he was brainwashed with week in and week out that bugged me at the time.( and that was when i was deep in the "truth", long before i had ever read anything remotely "apostate")
Everything you wrote here i agree with. I am currently inactive and have not been attending for about a year. I currently have no intention of going back to an organisation that has such controll over my life. One day i hope i have the strength to just tell them straight my views instead of having to hide everything. Its quite sad that so many of us in this forum simply cant( for the time being) reveal who we are because of the fear of being shunned by our own families .
I look forward to reading more of your takes on the nonsense that keeps flowing forth from the group of old guys at brooklyn.
bfn evergreen