These are cynical: I miss the dirty looks and sometimes comments by my parents and others about NOT reading the bible during the wts or bookstudy. I wasn't following along... (I liked Ruth and Esther)
I miss being beaten at 2 years old because I couldn't sit still during the meeting, and once while being carried out even yelled "Jehovah save me!"
I miss my dad "trying" to spank me at 16 years old because I was trying to tell him he didn't know how to listen to ME--I just wanted to be able to tell him how I FELT, even if it wasn't JW approved
I miss wasting 30 years of my life believing their story of Paradise--spending it in field service as a pioneer--trying in vain (unless the person was not very educated IMO) to convince others that we had the "truth"
I miss the countless hours of studying I put in, even though I really didn't pay much attention to WHAT I was reading (how could I and have lasted that long?)
I miss the thousands of dollars that I gave to that bloody religion in gas miles, meals, lack of work, pioneering etc.
I miss the instant jolt of fear whenever a natural disaster occurred and you think, "Is this it?" and then your next thought of "If it is, I won't make it because I didn't do (fill in the blank with the appropriate guilt tactic of the week--more studying, praying, contributions, service etc.)
I miss constantly feeling guilty because I just knew I wasn't good enough
These are real: I miss being allowed to grow up in a healthy, normal (according to my body's needs) way--being allowed to develop sexually, mentally, emotionally, physically in ways that were good for me, not a religion
I miss all the years I could have figured out who I was, and went to school already to do something I like
I miss my family, since I'm not given much attention by them
I miss not really enjoying anything until now--because there was always SOMETHING wrong with EVERYTHING
I miss all the years that I could have been truly happy--without guilt like I am now
I miss the people, but have found others in my life who often resemble those features I liked in my friends
Bottom line--while things are very different now, and at times I've been resentful of the past--I am here now, and can do anything I want NOW! You're only to old to do something if you think you're too old. And although I may at times miss certain "good" (like lots of people around) aspects of my jw past, I realize I can re-create whatever those things are.