I don't know how to get them to answer my questions without them running away.
This is a bad thing?
i told them to come over tomorrow.
I don't know how to get them to answer my questions without them running away.
This is a bad thing?
from the dubs.
after being cornered and tired of the games, i suggested kevin elder meet me and i would give him my letter of da.
he doesn't know it has been posted on this forum and on jwfacts site for a week or better, and that i sent many copies of it out to former friends last friday.
Jeff --
Been there, felt that. It was time to put down the book you've been reading for most of your life and pick up a new one. I think you'll enjoy the new story. After all...it's about YOU now.
the information i have received back from the pittsburgh post-gazette head librarian is as follows: you'll have to research this on microfilm at the main branch of the carnegie library, 4400 forbes ave., pittsburgh 15213, 412-622-3154. sorry we couldn't be of assistance.
angelika kane.
head librarian, pittsburgh post-gazette.
Gee, Atlantis! It seems it would be easier to just call the WBTS and get it from the horse's mouth. Ya think?
i run into 6 sisters today .
i would guess poineering.
figured i'd stop and give them a try.
Johnny --- you da bomb !!!!!
after lady liberty gave a link to the new re-examine site, i found some details that are so disturbing its boggling my mind.. first, the original presidents were voted in, but not one vote per person but for every $10.00 contributed you received a vote.
so those already in power and with much money had tremendous sway as to who got in and who didn't.
this little scheme was not stopped until 1944.. so when rutherford was "elected by a unanimous vote" we can assume it was mainly of his own doing based on money contributed.
Eventually we all come to realize this was never "the truth" but just a business run by self-serving s.
BTW, RR. On page 60 of Crisis of Conscience I find this information about Russell's wishes as provided by Ray Franz: "He (Russell) also willed all his corporation voting shares to five women named by him as Trustees, and provided that if any members of the Editorial Committee should be impeached, these women would serve along with the other corporation trustees (evidently the Directors) and the remaining Editorial Committee members in acting as a Board of Judgment to decide the case of the Editorial Committee member accused."
Do these five women include the three sisters you mentioned?
i am an "active" jw.
i serve.
give talks.
Stressing confidentiality.
Kudos so far, but this one may sink ya. When their backs are against the wall (in the KH library), some panic-stricken dubs will rat out their mother, father, sister, brother. wife, husband, son, daughter...all to avoid the wrath of Jehovah. Hate to rain on your parade, but get ready to be toast some day.
<!-- .style1 { font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; } .style2 {color: #ffa042} .style3 {color: #000000} --> what factors led you to write your letter of disassociation?quite a number of disassociation letters can be found .
on the internet.
some are lengthy, others get right to .
Primarily the UN scandal, which led to further research and the realization that this was not, had never been, and will never be "the truth".
there was a post on the other day someone was asking about whether the wt monitors websites such as this and other "apostate" sites.. unfortunately i couldn't find it to add this to it.
i remembered a jw who worked on installing computers at london bethel, some time ago telling me that the wt did monitor websites.
this jw is gradually fading away from being one, so can't say to much about him.
Guess the theocratic warfare has gotten more involved. Whatever happened to "sticks and stones may break my bones"......???
i think that jehovah will bring salvation next month to all of us.
we, ex-jws with our lifes totally destroyed by the sect-tanic machine of lies of the cheattower, will inherit the paradise.
no entrance allowed to gay, lesbians and that kind of satanic tribes.
Yup, it's almost here.
just saw this on google search on jehovah's witnesses:.
they were raised jehovah's witnesses in montana's big sky country.
Maybe Ted Jaracz should don a dress and start a new life!
You mean in public? He's already a closet transie!