And shouldnt they have a pre printed poster for us to cut out telling visitors to the house to remove their shoes before walking across the carpet?
They probably already had that in the Japanese Awake.
i couldn't figure out whether to put this in "research", "humor" or "adult".
however, since i had to do research to compile it, it ended up here...awake!
1. wash your hands with soap and water after contact with feces and before handling food.. .
And shouldnt they have a pre printed poster for us to cut out telling visitors to the house to remove their shoes before walking across the carpet?
They probably already had that in the Japanese Awake.
kingdom ministry for october under: how can we help?
..."when donations are earmarked specifically for a certain disasters, it is necessary in some countries to use such funds only for the purpose specified by the donor and within a certain period of time, whether the needs of out brothers have been cared for locally or not.
(is this true and if so, isn't that the whole point of donating to natural disaster victims?
it makes a person wonder if they pocket most of it
C'mon, SW. You don't really wonder, do you?
kingdom ministry for october under: how can we help?
..."when donations are earmarked specifically for a certain disasters, it is necessary in some countries to use such funds only for the purpose specified by the donor and within a certain period of time, whether the needs of out brothers have been cared for locally or not.
(is this true and if so, isn't that the whole point of donating to natural disaster victims?
As coffee_black stated, they just don't want you telling them what to do with the contribution. They'll decide. For example, if they need to send a brother to Princeton to get a degree in International Studies, or if they need money to settle a child abuse case, or if the auto lease program needs an infusion of funds, then these are the things which would take precedence over disaster relief, assisting impoverished brethren in Third World countries and kicking up the pay scale at Bethel.
"a people for his name" by timothy white is an early, but still excellent, book about the history of the jws.. here is a page containing portions from the book.
Thanx, VM44
"a people for his name" by timothy white is an early, but still excellent, book about the history of the jws.. here is a page containing portions from the book.
TheOldHippie --
" This is an especially important project because many books about the Watchtower are very rare. Only about 100 copies of the critically important book by Timothy White were sold, the rest were destroyed. Today those books would bring many thousands of dollars (old Watchtower books are among the most sought after of all books published in the last century). A complete collection of all official Watchtower publications once went for one million dollars."
Where'd you get this from?
they wouldn't need as many elders and ms.. you could miss meetings and not many would notice.. brothers and sisters would be less stressed, since they wouldn't be asked to perform as much.. they would need less kingdom halls.. they would need less readers at the book study and watchtower meeting.. .
Now, what can I ask for? when we negociate a new contract...
How about "the truth"?
i couldn't figure out whether to put this in "research", "humor" or "adult".
however, since i had to do research to compile it, it ended up here...awake!
1. wash your hands with soap and water after contact with feces and before handling food.. .
After having a big dump you go over to the sink and turn on the taps with your poopy hands. You wash well and then turn off the (still poopy) taps. You then exit the washroom and touch the door handle where the last person ( who did not wash his hands) had touched it.Time to make lunch...
That's why they had to discontinue the food service arrangement at assemblies. Too many got dysentery. People were so busy in the potty, they couldn't get to the contribution boxes.
hi all, the goods coming from sir's appraisal of the elders school (great job, btw!
) are very upsetting... i know i'm very angry about what the leaders are being told to do, and i can see it in everybody elses comments too.
just thought i'd try an exercise to bring a bit more joy into our lives at this time..... what have you achieved since escaping the cult?
What have you achieved since escaping the cult?
I've reached nirvana.
In spite of the anger, the loneliness and confusion, you must have been able to do something with your new freedom... where has it taken you so far?
I joined the Foreign Legion and right now I'm in Libya.
What do you look forward to now?Watching The Amazing Race and The Apprentice on meeting nights.
with the "new" way jw's are expelled from the congregations how would the congregation know who left on their own(disassociated) themselves or was disfellowshipped for "wrongdoing".
when i left the elders told me that they would tell the congregation that i "disassociated"my self and that would be that.
the whole congregation would know that i left on my own and was not expelled for immorality or wrongdoing.
Do you think JW's leaders will eventually do away with the announcing and shunning former JW's in the congregations all together? Or will they continue to shun and expell members?
Hold on... let me check....
"a people for his name" by timothy white is an early, but still excellent, book about the history of the jws.. here is a page containing portions from the book.
Got $500.00? I know where you can get a copy.