I sort of grew up a JW, parents where divorced when I was in grade l or possibly earlier. Then my sister and I lived with grandparents. My brother stayed with dad. Apparently as I was told, he didn't want girls, just a son. My grandparents where very loving people. They never really forced much upon us, it's just that when we started school, the usual no celebrations, no athem. If we wanted to go to hall, or out in service that was ok. The real change came when my mom re-married, we where I believe ll and 12 yrs old. Our whole live did a real turn around. Step-dad never had children before, now he was saddled with 2 almost teenage girls. There was a few problems. To make a long story short, I moved out at age 18 to the city where I was afraid, insecure and knew no-one. I got into some trouble, ended back at home, and I believe soon after married, had first child at 23, would have been sooner, but I could not get pregnant, and so goes the story. When my first child was 1, I got baptized. Oh and my mother was a very domineering person, and came a time she adopted a son, because she was unable to carry another child, this also happened when we moved out of grandparents home. Mostly because my step-dad wanted some of his own children. So along came the little boy. So goes the story and so on and so on. I think I could write a book on all the things that happened. Hind-sight if I had the choice things in my life would have been very different. I guess as children, many of us do not have choices, it just happens. Today, I am a very emotional person. I believe, as a big part of it was my upbringing. I have lost alot of who I really am, and wonder what I would be like if things where different.
JoinedPosts by bigfloppydog
for those who "grew up in the borg"
by zev inat this late, middle stage of my life, i've started wondering, now that i know what i know, about the things in my life that i "lived" with.
having been raised all my life in the "borg" i have known nothing else.
when questions began forming years ago, it started me thinking.
Death of a girl, a memory that still hurts.
by Tammie ini don't know where to start.
around the late 80's or early 90's i can't remember exactly.
my family and i (mom and sisters) went to a congregation get together.
Tammie, so sorry for this tragic loss, i feel sad for you. How truly insensitive some people can be. My thoughts are with you and your friends. Take care.
who is your favorite super hero?
by heathen inwhen i was young i used to love reading comic books and still have a collection.the marvel commics were always my favorite.although i liked alot of the different characters i would have to say spiderman was my favorite .i can't wait to see the movie it looks so cool from the previews.so common i know some of ya are into comics ,let's have it whose your favorite super hero or villian?
he he
Puppy Love
by Celia inmy dog died today.... and i am very sad.
i got him as a 7 week old puppy 11 years ago and i loved him dearly.. i brought him to the vet.
to be put to sleep, that was so hard, but he had diabetes, had lost at least 25 pounds in the last 3 months, drank gallons and gallons of water, woke me up 2 or 3 times during the night to go out, could barely walk anymore, and he was blind...
Celia I am so sorry you had to put your pet down, I also had to put my 9 year old Cat "Callie" to sleep two weeks ago, my heart goes out to you, this is a heart wrenching thing to have to do, still I cry when I think of her. She had a Kidney disease, and lost way to much weight, 5 pounds when I took her in. I just stood there and bawled, then brought her home. I love animals, so we have had a few experiences as this, It is so sad. Thinking of you.
Coke or Pepsi???
by Xena inlol sorry i am feeling fluffy tonight .
mulan started it!!!!!!!.
coke for me....the real thing or nothing!
Diet Coke only and warm to cold on my teeth. But on the other hand real Coke, with Ameretto in it, yummy.
'Give me one reason I shouldn't be a JW.'
by Ephanyminitas inwhat would you say if a close friend was to come to you and say: "i've secretly been studying with jehovah's witnesses and i plan to join their organization.
i know how you feel about the witnesses, but i truly feel that they are god's chosen organization.
i don't really want to hear anything negative about the society, but out of respect for our friendship, i'll let you briefly mention one reason why i shouldn't.
Everyone should have freedom of choice, before you jump into becoming a witness, some advice is to really think it over. Do you want to become part of someting, that will eventually control every aspect of your life. You will find there, your people who have their own clicks,
and if you aren't part of that then you are out. How do you feel about hypocrisy, shunning, celebrations, sex etc. all these things change. If you have or eventually get married and have children, even their lives are different. Just take a close look and check it all out. If you do decide this is what you truly want, then all the best to you. "Happiness is not having others tell you how to live your life. A when to do, how to do, and what to do situation." I was young, naive and really belived it was true, then I matured more and when I realized what was going on, it was a real blow to my emotional
well-being. I lost the company of many loved ones, is this the price one is willing to take? I don't mean to sound harsh, but many of us here have experienced many difficult situations in leaving, once we where in the org. and at a great loss. The best to you. -
what color are you?
by peaceloveharmony inhey all, i'm not sure if this has been posted before, so i apoligize in advance if you all have seen it.
what's your color?.
if your birthday is on....... december 23 ~ january 1...............red.
WOW I am Lime, and that is exactly me all over.
Hi, I am new to this board
by rebelledat12 inmy name is jessi, i am 24 and new to this site.
i spent the last hour or so reading some of the posts and wow!
i think i am in the right place.. a brief bio, i was raised as a "full" second generation witness (my grandmother converted) but always knew that i didn't want to be a witness.
Hi Jessi and welcome to the chat. Many people have experienced the same situation as you are in, and find it very hard to deal with, the only advice to you I can offer my dear is this. Stay close to your dad and family, he loves you, and in time maybe you can bring up question of how different he would feel if you had been df. Being raised as a JW can be real taxing on a person, emotionally speaking, but many lose contact with family members because of leaving the org. or being df. I have lost contact with family members, but also realize I need to live for myself, not for others, I need to be happy for myself, not for others. Live your life the best you can and try to be happy. It sounds like you have a real loving father, hang onto that, and be there for your younger sister if or when she needs you. There are quite a few feelings you go through when you leave the org. Some have anger, bitterness, fear, loneliness etc. but as time goes by you work through these feelings, and sometimes things do look brighter. Once again a big welcome to you.
Is this how we want to be perceived?
by Joyzabel inthis quote is from someone who lurks on jwd!
sorry for the long email, but this has been therapeutic and i just may post this on the db one day.
(lol) but i have to get up the nerve, because those people can be a little mean at times.
I come for the true support from others. To read others posts, and try to be supportive, I have noticed some have been mean, maybe not wanting to, but some people put up a supportive wall around themselves, to avoid getting hurt. Some have already been hurt to many times. If a person gets verbally attacked, the natural thing is to attack back, and in doing so may say things they later feel they should have not. I agree that many need to try to be more kind. If I find that some are not so kind, I tend to stay away. I want to say a special hi to Joy2bfree, as I understand you where asking how I was since I have not been chatting for a while. I am fine and hope you are also. Thanks for thinking of me.
Memorial No Shows...Please Check in....
by ISP inwell, i was tempted but i decided not to go to the most bizarre religious ritual of modern times....how about you?.
No invite extended my way, wouldn't go anyway, their big loss. Like I really thought anyone in family would give a dam anyway. What a joke.