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The Man With the Big Nose
by TMS inno offense intended for the anointed ones on this board, but ive always compared such professed ones to martin jensen, who professed nothing for himself except that he wasnt good for much.. this iowa corn farmer became a jw in the 40s, was promptly divorced by his wife, and moved to the southern tip of texas, the end of the world.
by default he became the presiding overseer of the english unit, although he never gave a public talk.
there were many unsuccessful attempts over the years to replace him with a more suitable shepherd.
JW's And Risque Mnemonics.
by Englishman indo folk in the united states use mnemonics as we do here in the uk?.
just in case youre wondering, a mnemonic is a method by which it becomes easy to remember something, especially if it involves a table or sequence.
most uk mnemonics have a vulgar or sexual connotation, so their use is somewhat frowned upon in jw circles.. when number 2 son was studying geology, it was essential that he remembered the hardness order of various minerals.
The story of Brent Craft and Carol Keener
by Kent ini didnt want to write my story.
i wanted to close the door on a difficult part of my life and move on.
there are many things that are best left in the past because they are too painful to recall.
Question for Tina
by Maximus inskimming earlier, i noticed the name satir.. i had occasion to work with a very special older woman who was an absolute delight.
she had trained with virginia satir, who is now long dead, and vs had invited her to be part of her peace group.
(starts with an a?
Candid picture of Dave--aka 7-006
by VeniceIT ini found this picture and thought i should share!!!.
* .
Adoption by Jehovah's Witnesses is blocked
by expatbrit inadoption by jehovah's witnesses is blocked .
the independent - united kingdom; may 26, 2001. by brian farmer.
a couple originally approved by a council as adoptive parents have been refused permission by social workers to adopt a child, because they are jehovah's witnesses.
Hugs from Geordieland!
by Sunbeam ini've been lurking on this forum and previously on the old h20 for a long time now.
and have probably read every word that's appeared on randy's site too.
finally decided it was rude to enjoy all your insights without at least introducing myself :).
Phenomenal Woman
by COMF inphenomenally.. phenomenal woman,.
phenomenally.. phenomenal woman,.
phenomenally.. phenomenal woman,.
choosing a camera
by gotcha anyone here into photography...i would want to take.
a beginner's photography class so i need to get a camera ..i'm thinking of a canon rebel 2000 or maybe a nikon n60..could someone suggest something?and i would want something which i would not have to change immediately..thankss.
How do you feel about smacking at K Hall?
by Latte inpersonally, it upsets me very much.
or are there any other parents that found better, alternative ways of getting young children 'trained'?.
i am not anti -smacking by the way,(except at the kh) but it is always the very last resort.. latte