Duran, that brought many points of contradiction when I was a jw. Some were overly righteous and complained about everything, or complained about this but went to Disney World every year, even during the Christmas season. Somehow the magic of Tinkerbell is acceptable and that in the Lord of the Rings is not...
Posts by blondie
Bethelites dressing up for Halloween
by neat blue dog inthink about it: they had to go out and buy halloween paraphernalia, then apply makeup & costumes to dress the 'brothers & sisters' up as vampires, witches, mummies etc.
and you know they were probably joking around the whole time.
what a bunch of hypocrites, the last gen gb would be turning in their graves to see such a photoshoot at the 'house of god' 😆.
Attended JW funeral today
by usualusername1 innever miss a marketing opportunity—even at a funeral.
funerals aren’t the first place you’d expect marketing.
but jehovah’s witnesses know how to turn every moment into an opportunity to share their message.. during funerals, they weave in their teachings of hope and resurrection, offering comfort and, at the same time, presenting their beliefs to attendees who may not be part of the faith.
The WTS provides an outline for the jw speaker to use; not supposed to deviate from it. Perhaps that is why the format is all the same.
Leaked Annual Meeting Video: "Expect Sudden Changes" Jeffrey Jackson
by raymond frantz inhttps://youtu.be/uxqqyrrffow?si=wo0jotyvjg76oljk.
well that's sort of related to the next talk on our program brother jeffrey jackson will discuss the theme don't be surprised by sudden changes, brother jeff you have our.
attention well i'm sure we all agree with this fact in recent years there have been a lot of changes even since the last annual meeting there have been many changes some of them perhaps are a little surprising or may seem to be sudden but you know brothers and sisters when we look back on how these changes have come we can see that jehovah has gradually prepared us for each of these adjustments and changes let's review some of the recent changes we've had what changes have we seen with regard to our understand understanding of bible teachings at the 2021 annual meeting we received an adjusted understanding of john 529 it was explained that the resurrection of judgment will not be a judgment of condemnation rather it will be more like a period of probation the unrighteous mentioned at acts 24:15 will have an opportunity to gain everlasting life but their names will not be written wr in the book of life at the time of their resurrection to have their names eventually written in that book these ones will need to respond positively to the great educational work that will take place during the thousand-year reign then at the annual meeting in 2023 we gained enhanced insight into what we do know and what we don't know concerning jehovah's judgments we learned that the door of opportunity for people to take a stand for the kingdom does not shut when the great tribulation starts with the destruction of false religion at that time perhaps some will be like the egyptians in moses day who took a last minute stand and joined the exodus of god's people at the same annual meeting we adjusted our views with regard to jehovah's judgments of those who died in the flood and those who were destroyed in sodom and gomorrah also at that annual meeting an adjustment was made regarding the reporting of our time and activity in our preaching work instead of focusing on reports we try to make good use of every opportunity to witness then we receive the 2024 governing body update number two in that update we saw the need to adjust how we interact with those who have committed serious sins and have been removed from the congregation what other major adjustments have we recently seen in our preaching work the emphasis now is on studing bible studies and making disciples not on distributing literature to that end the focus is on studying meaningful conversations not just on using memorized presentations were you surprised by these adjustments perhaps so but as we look back we see how one adjustment in understanding gradually helped us with the next adjustment isn't it true that gradually jehovah has prepared us and when we look back on it we see how logical this training has been to refine our understanding but events in the world likewise have changed it's true sometimes in the world you have sudden changes for example the pandemic but often times change in the world is gradual isn't it true with regard to the view of morality homosexuality abortion even what's acceptable and not acceptable with regard to conduct all of that has happened gradually in the world and it's not until you look back and see how different the world is today with regard to those matters that we see that there have been a lot of changes but this can be dangerous because as things gradually change we may get used to gradual change and forget that there are some sudden changes about to occur uh let's take our bibles please and if you turn with me to the book of luke chap 21 now this is an example of sudden change in luke chap 21 uh notice there in verse 34 the words of our lord jesus are recorded and he said in verse 34 but pay attention to yourselves that your hearts never become weighed down with oving and heavy drinking and anxieties of life and suddenly suddenly that they be instantly instantly upon you it's interesting to note that jesus had already said that this day he was referring to would occur at a time that we don't think is likely so what lesson do we learn from what jesus said it's a warning isn't it that we can't just sit back and think well things are gradually going to develop we know which way it's going and maybe it's not going to happen yet you know got a little bit more wiggle room there with regard to the schedule but you see that's dangerous thinking now what we're going to do is consider two examples of areas where perhaps we could be a little guilty with regard to that for example our view as with regard to the number of anointed ones remaining on the earth now for many years what did we think we thought well that number would go down and down and down and down now i don't know about you but me i you when that report came out just how many how many partakers and and what were we thinking we probably you maybe we didn't say it but we were thinking you know the number will go down down down down and there'll be just a couple of old guys in a wheelchair who will get their reward well i'm exaggerating but that was sort of the feeling wasn't it but now what have we seen in recent years those numbers have gone up and up and not only that younger brothers have been appointed on the governing body now i know what you're all thinking two new ones how old are they we know you're not googling now but you will be but you see we need to be careful about what we're thinking with regard to the number of anointed ones left on earth you see 19 years ago i was appointed on the governing body even i thought i was too young now they tell me i'm not so young anymore but do we see the point what does the bible actually tell us with regard to this well it doesn't say the number would just dwindle down to just having a few uh older ones left no the great crowd of other sheep will be judged on the basis of how they deal with
And Beth Sarim, the WTS/GB has moved the goalposts many, many times over the years, hard for some jws to keep up with the WTS/GB "clarifications" and "adjustments."
Serious sinner?
by Gorb inwith the statement in the study watchtower this sunday, that stop serving jehovah is a serious sin, the following:.
- can i conclude now, that we, (i, wife and 2 children), since 2008 pomo and no longer active in any religious activity, are serious sinners for jehovahs witnesses?.
writing this in a watchtower, a statement like that, could have big implications.. it makes me so sad.
Gorb, so not a remark from WT publications or talks...that sounds reasonable. But the WTS does use the term "serious sins" and only mentions a few, like apostasy and adultery, many left out, obviously only the WTS knows what they are and can pounce on unsuspecting jws with it. Such as the term "brazen conduct" "Brazen conduct involves speaking or acting in a way that is a serious violation of God’s standards and reflects a shameless attitude. A person who does this shows that he does not respect God’s laws. When a person is guilty of brazen conduct, a judicial committee will handle the matter. Uncleanness includes various types of wrongdoing." "How To Remain in God's love" (lvs) p. 249 published 2017. No explanation of what those "sins" would be. Brazen conduct = serious sins and evidently the WTS does not specify and probably leaves it to the elders' discretion.
Serious sinner?
by Gorb inwith the statement in the study watchtower this sunday, that stop serving jehovah is a serious sin, the following:.
- can i conclude now, that we, (i, wife and 2 children), since 2008 pomo and no longer active in any religious activity, are serious sinners for jehovahs witnesses?.
writing this in a watchtower, a statement like that, could have big implications.. it makes me so sad.
The phrase "serious sinners" is not even in a publication according to the Watchtower Online Library. I can't even find a list of what the WTS considers serious sins.
Will the G.B. ever give a "new light" on Romans 6:7?
by BoogerMan injehovah' witnesses are taught to believe that romans 6:7 refers to a person's own literal death:.
watchtower may 15th 1982, pp.
8,9 - "the bible explains that at death a person is set free or released from any sins he committed.
Actually, SeaBreeze, I have no personal interest in the meaning of Romans 6:7, as I usually say, "reporting not supporting," but your explanation could be of interest to others. I am just amazed how the WTS keeps using the WESAYSO way of "explaining" things.
Leaked Annual Meeting Video: "Expect Sudden Changes" Jeffrey Jackson
by raymond frantz inhttps://youtu.be/uxqqyrrffow?si=wo0jotyvjg76oljk.
well that's sort of related to the next talk on our program brother jeffrey jackson will discuss the theme don't be surprised by sudden changes, brother jeff you have our.
attention well i'm sure we all agree with this fact in recent years there have been a lot of changes even since the last annual meeting there have been many changes some of them perhaps are a little surprising or may seem to be sudden but you know brothers and sisters when we look back on how these changes have come we can see that jehovah has gradually prepared us for each of these adjustments and changes let's review some of the recent changes we've had what changes have we seen with regard to our understand understanding of bible teachings at the 2021 annual meeting we received an adjusted understanding of john 529 it was explained that the resurrection of judgment will not be a judgment of condemnation rather it will be more like a period of probation the unrighteous mentioned at acts 24:15 will have an opportunity to gain everlasting life but their names will not be written wr in the book of life at the time of their resurrection to have their names eventually written in that book these ones will need to respond positively to the great educational work that will take place during the thousand-year reign then at the annual meeting in 2023 we gained enhanced insight into what we do know and what we don't know concerning jehovah's judgments we learned that the door of opportunity for people to take a stand for the kingdom does not shut when the great tribulation starts with the destruction of false religion at that time perhaps some will be like the egyptians in moses day who took a last minute stand and joined the exodus of god's people at the same annual meeting we adjusted our views with regard to jehovah's judgments of those who died in the flood and those who were destroyed in sodom and gomorrah also at that annual meeting an adjustment was made regarding the reporting of our time and activity in our preaching work instead of focusing on reports we try to make good use of every opportunity to witness then we receive the 2024 governing body update number two in that update we saw the need to adjust how we interact with those who have committed serious sins and have been removed from the congregation what other major adjustments have we recently seen in our preaching work the emphasis now is on studing bible studies and making disciples not on distributing literature to that end the focus is on studying meaningful conversations not just on using memorized presentations were you surprised by these adjustments perhaps so but as we look back we see how one adjustment in understanding gradually helped us with the next adjustment isn't it true that gradually jehovah has prepared us and when we look back on it we see how logical this training has been to refine our understanding but events in the world likewise have changed it's true sometimes in the world you have sudden changes for example the pandemic but often times change in the world is gradual isn't it true with regard to the view of morality homosexuality abortion even what's acceptable and not acceptable with regard to conduct all of that has happened gradually in the world and it's not until you look back and see how different the world is today with regard to those matters that we see that there have been a lot of changes but this can be dangerous because as things gradually change we may get used to gradual change and forget that there are some sudden changes about to occur uh let's take our bibles please and if you turn with me to the book of luke chap 21 now this is an example of sudden change in luke chap 21 uh notice there in verse 34 the words of our lord jesus are recorded and he said in verse 34 but pay attention to yourselves that your hearts never become weighed down with oving and heavy drinking and anxieties of life and suddenly suddenly that they be instantly instantly upon you it's interesting to note that jesus had already said that this day he was referring to would occur at a time that we don't think is likely so what lesson do we learn from what jesus said it's a warning isn't it that we can't just sit back and think well things are gradually going to develop we know which way it's going and maybe it's not going to happen yet you know got a little bit more wiggle room there with regard to the schedule but you see that's dangerous thinking now what we're going to do is consider two examples of areas where perhaps we could be a little guilty with regard to that for example our view as with regard to the number of anointed ones remaining on the earth now for many years what did we think we thought well that number would go down and down and down and down now i don't know about you but me i you when that report came out just how many how many partakers and and what were we thinking we probably you maybe we didn't say it but we were thinking you know the number will go down down down down and there'll be just a couple of old guys in a wheelchair who will get their reward well i'm exaggerating but that was sort of the feeling wasn't it but now what have we seen in recent years those numbers have gone up and up and not only that younger brothers have been appointed on the governing body now i know what you're all thinking two new ones how old are they we know you're not googling now but you will be but you see we need to be careful about what we're thinking with regard to the number of anointed ones left on earth you see 19 years ago i was appointed on the governing body even i thought i was too young now they tell me i'm not so young anymore but do we see the point what does the bible actually tell us with regard to this well it doesn't say the number would just dwindle down to just having a few uh older ones left no the great crowd of other sheep will be judged on the basis of how they deal with
My favorite phrase is "very soon now"
Explanation for changes to Disfellowshipping rules at Annual Meeting
by Listener inwally, a youtuber from jw thoughts highlighted something that was said by kenneth cook jnr in the annual meeting.
he thinks it may be removed before they publish the agm.
i doubt we would see it in writing either.. part of kenneth's talk was about the changes regarding disfellowshipping and the clip from jw thoughts youtube shows him saying -.
TonusOH hahaha Twinkies
Explanation for changes to Disfellowshipping rules at Annual Meeting
by Listener inwally, a youtuber from jw thoughts highlighted something that was said by kenneth cook jnr in the annual meeting.
he thinks it may be removed before they publish the agm.
i doubt we would see it in writing either.. part of kenneth's talk was about the changes regarding disfellowshipping and the clip from jw thoughts youtube shows him saying -.
It seems the GB is getting on the beard bandwagon.
A jury acquits Jehovah’s Witness in PA.
by was a new boy intrial of lancaster city jehovah’s witness member accused of molestation begins.
jose antonio serrano.
lancaster county prison.
TonusOH, that is why I write things down. :)