Go for it garyneal. It was too time-consuming for me and I hoped someone would step up. I think you have my address already.
Posts by blondie
Tis the season
by garyneal inseems like i just pop in here every now and then to see what everyone is up to.
just like the previous years, i check in during the holidays to let everyone know about the annual christmas card exchange.. blondie used to lead this several years ago and i was involved for about 3 to 4 years before it began to fall off.
for those of you who participated back then, i still have your addresses and have just sent off this year's christmas cards to everyone.
2024 year Highlights: JWs hit 9 million Publishers
by Sanchy inwatchtower put out some highlights for the 2024 service year:.
average publishers: 8,828,124. peak publishers: 9,043,460. a 43.2 percent increase in "those who returned to jehovah", meaning 65,816 were reinstated.
baptized: 296,267. memorial attendance: 21,119,442. missing stat: number of partakers .. womp womp.
Congregations per jwfacts.com WTS seems to have putting about 1978...just after 1975 debacle https://www.jwfacts.com/watchtower/statistics.php#L5
End within 2 years (again)
by road to nowhere inan old elder friend from out of town stopped to see my ailing wife.
more than the locals do.
he said elder school emphasized 2 years and the existing body will be the leaders through persecution and tribulation.
The WTS is always rewriting its history, lets some publications go out of print, and accuse jws that investigate the WTS history even using WT publications, as being apostates. It's a cult, folks!
Diary of an Unknown Witness
by ukpimo ina rewording of "diary of an unborn child", applied to unknown or misunderstood jehovah’s witnesses trapped in a loveless organization:.
diary of an unknown witness.
october 5:.
Fallen Winter, most if not all of us here, reached this point of understanding, and many of us left the WTS in one way or another. But our lives could and many be rebuilt, distancing us from all those circulating thoughts and replacing them with positive ones. Love Blondie
FOR ACTIVE JW's: January 2025 Study Watchtower: Where is JESUS?
by BoogerMan indidn't jehovah assign christ all power & authority?
so why no mention of him?.
from the january 2025 study watchtower: .
Extreme physical abuse is another basis for separation. Suppose an unbelieving mate often gets drunk, becomes enraged, and causes the believer physical harm. (Proverbs 23:29-35) Through prayer and by displaying the fruitage of Jehovah’s spirit, the believer may be able to prevent such outbursts and make the situation endurable. But if the point is reached where the health and life of the abused mate actually are in jeopardy, separation would be allowable Scripturally. Again, congregation elders should look into charges of physical abuse when two Christians are involved in the troubled marriage, and disfellowshipping action may have to be taken (not report to police!)
Yet, what if a very unhealthy spiritual state exists where both mates are believers? The elders should render assistance, but especially should the baptized husband work diligently to remedy the situation. Of course, if a baptized marriage partner acts like an apostate and tries to prevent his mate from serving Jehovah, the elders should handle matters according to the Scriptures. If disfellowshipping takes place in a case involving absolute endangerment of spirituality, willful nonsupport, or extreme physical abuse, the faithful Christian who seeks a legal separation would not be going against Paul’s counsel about taking a believer to court. W88 11/1 p. 22
Article about a 2012 article by the Watchtower Society by a non-jw and how it reflects wrong advice for wives to stay with abusive husbands. https://www.womensviewsonnews.org/2013/04/dangerous-message-about-domestic-violence/
by raymond frantz inhttps://youtu.be/tppmprdxxzw?si=shh5vkmuzfp6c9_m.
so the watchtower has come out with sn article, study article 2 in their newly released study watchtower magazine for 2025 and we see from the start how they keep perpetuating the same old outdated narrative that when it comes to marriages the husband is the one at fault, we'll thats i think when i read paragraph from this article where i man has to work on a whole list of things and not once the wife is instructed to do any of these things, but let's just read together paragraph 14:.
what are these steps?
I agree Not Former. Since this info is in a study article, the WTS seems it is so known within the organization it is harder to hide it now WTS did the same with child sexual abuse, finally had to say something about but making sure they said the WTS was not the problem was with the pedophile jws, not the WTS. My experience with such cases is that women are told to stay with the abusive husband, perhaps their meekness will encourage the husband to change. and tell the husband to leave his wife, men have to stick together you know. Without the elders knowledge, I contacted the people I know in the law enforcement area about 2 cases I was aware of but said the wife would probably deny it. Ring a bell! WTS tactic with child abuse, tell parents not to say anything to authorities, or the parents might be punished.
Dr. James Penton - goin' up yonder dirt nap
by Nathan Natas ini saw a post on reddit by "big_routine1112" announcing that james penton died.. well, there's always the resurrec... oh, nevermind.. as always, the person expressing the most profound grief and dismay wins!.
"he was my friend" .
"there will never be another of his ilk".
https://www.jehovahs-witness.com/topic/6445094853410816/historian-former-jw-jim-penton-dies A more comprehensive account from his own words and how to get his books.
Historian and former JW Jim Penton dies
by slimboyfat ini don’t know a lot about james penton but i think he deserves a better thread than the one currently on offer.
james penton, who died recently, grew up in a jw family in canada and served as an elder.
unusually for a jw, he studied liberal arts at university and became a history professor.
Here is another resource, an interview with Jim as to his history in regard to the WTS. I met him at another ex-jw's house and had a nice evening and dinner that day. A treat to be sure. https://ad1914.com/jim-penton-dramatic-break/
Loss of a Jehovah’s Witness who I considered a friend
by Fallen_Winter ini have known a jehovah’s witness for approximately 15 years and i have considered her a friend although i know that jehovah’s witnesses cannot have friends who are not jehovah’s witnesses.
approximately two years ago, i was going through a very difficult time and i asked my friend if we could have bible study.
she said yes and we have been studying the bible since.
During the push to make converts pre-1975, jws were told to drop a bible student that did make progress in 6 months, to drop them and go on to another person who might make progress;
Kingdom Ministry February 1970 p.4
● How should we go about terminating unfruitful Bible studies?
This is a question that we ought to consider if any of our present studies have been in progress for approximately six months. Are they coming to the congregation meetings as yet, and are they beginning to make their lives over in harmony with what they have learned from God’s Word? If so, we want to continue to help them. But, if not, it may be that we could accomplish more good with our time by using it to witness to others.
Bethelites dressing up for Halloween
by neat blue dog inthink about it: they had to go out and buy halloween paraphernalia, then apply makeup & costumes to dress the 'brothers & sisters' up as vampires, witches, mummies etc.
and you know they were probably joking around the whole time.
what a bunch of hypocrites, the last gen gb would be turning in their graves to see such a photoshoot at the 'house of god' 😆.
Duran, that brought many points of contradiction when I was a jw. Some were overly righteous and complained about everything, or complained about this but went to Disney World every year, even during the Christmas season. Somehow the magic of Tinkerbell is acceptable and that in the Lord of the Rings is not...