Locations of Regional Conventions, how to find one near you....but not necessarily assignment. Many locations are now smaller ones at places with assembly halls still. Assignments used to be somewhat covered in the old kingdom ministry. During COVID during the days of "zoom" assignments might not have been an issue. So this assignment thing may have evolved today. Perhaps someone mentally out of the WTS but still attending that is posting here, might share if that info has been announced at their meetings. https://apps.jw.org/ui/E/meeting-search.html#/conventions
Posts by blondie
List of conventions that congregation are assigned to
by AdamCzarnobay indoes anyone have access to the list that shows which congregations are assigned to each convention in the uk.
would really like the 2024 list if anyone has it.. thanks in advance.
Maddison, WI Shool Shooting - 3 Dead
by Sea Breeze inlike the one in tennessee, this one in maddison, wi, was done be a female.
the police chief points out that: .
“yes, i don’t know whether [the shooter] was transgender or not, and quite frankly, i don’t think that’s even important.
Yes, I think the families of the victims "and" the shooter are having enough to handle than have strangers speculating on the motive and it getting out there. So moomanchu, you seem to be trying to say that sharing guesses is a good thing for these families to see shared around. I think that someone who is now dead, may not be harmed, but their living family can be.
Maddison, WI Shool Shooting - 3 Dead
by Sea Breeze inlike the one in tennessee, this one in maddison, wi, was done be a female.
the police chief points out that: .
“yes, i don’t know whether [the shooter] was transgender or not, and quite frankly, i don’t think that’s even important.
moomanchu, I did not say it never happens, but it is more likely not for that reason. Maybe not, I know jws that reputations were ruined by gossip, business, said to have committed horrendous acts, so took their own lives. I should have said slander, this is not some gossip like whether a sister should be pioneering. The people killed have families and sharing such guesses, is very harmful, even here to those unknown readers or jws coming here. There is a reason why gossiping is said to be like stabbing someone in the back. I am still embarrassed to see these unsupported guesses are not informative. When there is more information from sources with the contacts to know, like law enforcement investigating, then share that.
Why Did God Create Us?
by Sea Breeze injesus is the creator god, but why did he create us?
what say you?.
St. Augustine The solution to this problem, suggested St. Augustine, was to see how those fallen angels could be, and would be, replaced by humans: https://www.patheos.com/blogs/henrykarlson/2016/04/replacing-fallen-angels-overturning-the-evil-powers-part-1/
Anne Catherine Emmerich (1774-1824): “Man was created to fill the choirs of the fallen angels. Were it not for the Fall of Adam, the human race would have increased only till the number of the fallen angels was reached, and then the world would have come to an end” (Life of Jesus Christ and Biblical Revelations, Vol. 1, p. 17).
Does god punish children for their parents sins?
by moomanchu inezekiel 18: 1-4 , “the word of the lord came to me: ‘what do you people mean by quoting this proverb about the land of israel: “the parents eat sour grapes, and the children’s teeth are set on edge”?
as surely as i live, declares the sovereign lord, you will no longer quote this proverb in israel.
for everyone belongs to me, the parent as well as the child—both alike belong to me.
I wondered about that, researched using WT publications, and was still confused. Asked an elder privately and he said that Exodus in context means the whole nation of Israel, while Ezekiel means individual responsibility. (what?!) And the Question from Readers ends with this statement: "As Creator and Life-Giver, Jehovah has every right to determine what punishment is just and appropriate. The above instances show that children or descendants may feel the ill effects of their ancestors’ sin. However, Jehovah “hears the outcry of the afflicted ones,” and individuals who earnestly turn to him may receive his favor and even some measure of relief." (Now isn't that a dance around) WT 3/15/29 p. 28-29,) (reporting not supporting) If you want you can look us this article made clickable on Watchtower Online Library.https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/2010210
The Watchtower—Study Edition | January 2025 Husbands, Honor Your Wife
by RULES & REGULATIONS in14 a husband who physically or verbally abuses his wife needs to take additional steps to repair his relationship with jehovah and with his wife.
what are these steps?
first, he recognizes that he has a serious problem.
Yes, paragraph 14 actually says that. If you don't mind, you can click on the link that takes you to the article on the Watchtower Online Library. https://www.jw.org/en/library/magazines/watchtower-study-january-2025/Husbands-Honor-Your-Wife/ the go down to paragraph 14 and see for yourself.
Is it just me, or is Watchtower lowering its standards?
by ukpimo inin the past, we used to hear talks on:.
avoiding sexual immorality and porn, as well as masturbation and other sexual practices.
why evolution cannot possibly be true.
Let me add, what the WTS says in writing about training younger male jws, is much different from how elders actually teach. 1) What is said in the elder's manual is more important then what that new elder thinks the bible says, even if the WT directive does not use any pertinent scriptural support. 2) (if they still do this) Usually the CO looks over the publisher record cards, to assess the "spiritual" health of the congregation, missed one month reporting time, not reporting for 6 months, df'd and see if the elders have made a personal call on them (elders do a semblance of this making what my husband calls drive-by calls, drive by and assess if any one is home or catch them doing something "bad" such as holiday decorations or sneaking a smoke). Yes, the WTS uses a scripture that says that the shepherd must pay attention to the health of the sheep. 3) pick apart the length of a brother's hair, a sister's tight dresses, etc. The elders train new elders to do these things and many others, depending on the congregation. Yes, you must obey the elders or be labeled, a "problem" elder.
Maddison, WI Shool Shooting - 3 Dead
by Sea Breeze inlike the one in tennessee, this one in maddison, wi, was done be a female.
the police chief points out that: .
“yes, i don’t know whether [the shooter] was transgender or not, and quite frankly, i don’t think that’s even important.
I would wait until law enforcement and the local media put forth a more realistic reason/info. Guessing it and posting it here is of no good use to anyone. I doubt that any of your guesses are correct. I live closer to this than I care to reveal here. As far I have seen in the media in the past, we don't have to worry about a gender confused teen turned mass murderer. moomanchu, your guesses are maybe 1 percent likely to be the facts. Most mass murderers are not gender confused teens. I would hate to think this group is like made up jws that gossip about people in the congregation and the reasons they are df'd. Blondie (actually I am embarrassed that this has been said on here)
Merry Christmas Everyone
by jhine init's that time of year again .
in the words of the bard ( noddy holder ) " it's christmaaas " .
merry christmas everybody .
Merry Christmas, finishing decorating the tree and upstairs decor. Getting ready to bake cookies for 10 of our neighbors that helped us this year with things on our house and inside, that we can no longer reach without a ladder. We take them over other times, but this is a special time. Have a good safe time. Blondie
Convention attendance
by joe134cd injust heard from a pimi cousin who recently attended a convention, and remarked about the low attendance.
peak was about 500. i remember that circuit, in years past, had attendances of 1000+.
it's been over a decade now since i last attended a jw convention.
I have thought about circuit overseers being eliminated. At one point, local elders were trained to be substitute circuit overseers, because the CO schedule was so packed with 1) visiting each congregation 2x a year 2) convention overseeing 3) having their own time off 4) conducting the pioneer school... Organized to do Jehovah's Will (elders manual in the past) Chapter 20, p. 111
"Those who are appointed as circuit overseers by the Governing Body receive training and gain experience
first by serving as substitute circuit overseers. Such men love the ministry and love their brothers. They are zealous pioneers, diligent students of the Bible, and effective speakers and teachers. They are outstanding in manifesting the fruitage of the spirit, and they demonstrate balance, reasonableness, and discernment. If a brother is married, his pioneer wife is exemplary in her conduct and dealings with others. She is an effective preacher. She also understands her role as a submissive Christian wife, not speaking for her husband or dominating conversations. Circuit overseers and their wives have a rigorous schedule, so those reaching out for this service must be in good health. Pioneers do not apply for the circuit work. Rather, they make their desire to be in the circuit work known to their circuit overseer, who will provide them with suggestions."