No,It is not correct to say they are "saved' in JW doctrine. I was in that cult for 33 years [sure hate to admit that] and what they believe is they can fall away and be replaced and they will be destroyed.
JoinedPosts by Alwayshere
The 144,000 ... is it correct to say that they are "saved" in JW doctrine
by kwintestal inreading 'the god delusion', dawkins says on page 258:.
hartung draws attention to the two verses in revelation where the number of those 'sealed' (which some sects such as the jehovah's witnesses, interpret to mean 'saved') is limited to 144,000.. i would not myself used the word 'saved', i'm not sure exactly sure what word i would have used because i don't think the jw's beliefs regarding the 144,000 can be summed up with one word.
What has happened to America? Stop Bush, Stop The Ignorance.
by Morocco ini'm pissed today and i'm about to let it out.
i hope nobody gets offended because these are only opinions.
is anyone else outraged by our president?
Bush can't cure anything. You must be as dumb as he is.
What have been the strangest "Grounds for DFing?
by new boy ini'm sure there are many........... what happen in my family was crazy......... glendora califorina mother wanted to change khs, it had a "bad spirit" there.
there was also a mass exodus from the hall.
she wanted to go to the azusa cong.
I know some who were DF for telling the truth.
Apostates do you still read Watchtower literature? And if so Why do you?
by booker-t ini was just wondering how many ex-jws still read wt literature and if so why.
i have noticed alot of posters here know what the lastest wt or awake magazines are talking about and i was just wondering why do you bother to read that stuff since you left the wt?
And I read it the same reson as Outaservice does.
What has happened to America? Stop Bush, Stop The Ignorance.
by Morocco ini'm pissed today and i'm about to let it out.
i hope nobody gets offended because these are only opinions.
is anyone else outraged by our president?
Morocco, couldn't have said it better! But all those Illegals sure love him.
Why can't I have a beard?
by nonamegiven ini've heard many times that there are some congo's in the us where you can have a neatly trimmed beard and it's perfectly ok. i have never been allowed and havn't known of anyone who could.
how about other countries?.
elders, why can't i have a beard and be able to be a ms?.
Depends on where you live. If it's not common in your country a beard might distract from your message at the door. They gave a talk about too much make up, hair length and so forth along time ago at the KH I used to attend. Just another stupid rule you have to obey.
My Kingdom Hall is near extinction!!
by RULES & REGULATIONS inour kingdom hall was started in 1973 with only 3 families totaling 13 grew to 85 members in the early 90's and that's because many were related to these 3 families.with older members dying,the young leaving when they reach 18, 5 divorces and many disfellowshipped,the congregation is down to 26 about low morale.
where is jehovah's blessing now?
That's the "Good News" to preach. Hope all of them go down.
by The wanderer in<!-- .style1 { font-family: verdana; font-size: 18px; } .style2 { font-family: verdana; font-size: 12px; } .style4 {font-family: verdana; font-size: 18px; color: #006699; } --> the preaching work proves it is the truth.
my best friend is now out of the organization.
however, he still defends.
Matthew 24:14, I believe was fullfilled in 1st century. At Colossians 1:23 Paul said it was preached "in all creation under the heaven." The end came in 70CE. It has no greater fullfillment like the Watchtower wants you to believe.
Need help quick! Anybody have a publications index?????
by drew sagan inhere is the deal.
i need some referances from the watchtower publications index, the 1930-1960 version or the 1930-1985 version.
i'm looking for the referances that fall under the heading 'kingdom's establishment - advance announcement' .
"Look! I'm making all things new" brosure on page 23' paragraph 46 says"For some 35 years prior to 1914, the Watchtower has been calling attention to 1914 as a marked year in Bible prophecy." That would have been in 1879. Watchtower 7/15/1894 says"1914 is God's date not ours,it is not the beginning but the end." So what they preached was the end would come in 1914 and not that 1914 would be a marked year in Bible prophecy. Another lie.
Why do apostates lie about where they get their information?
by slimboyfat init does no good.
i don't understant it - who do they think they're foolin'?.
i have just been listening to the judicual committee that disfellowshipped rick and laverne townsend and it is cringeworthy, to say the least, to listen to them cover-up, distort and outright lie about the sources of their information and the real background to their dissent.
slimboyfat, I admit I read Apostate literature and that's why I got out of the cult. The Apostate literature I read was the publications of the Watchtower Society. Wasted the best years of my life in it but trying to make up for now by doing everything the Society said we couldn't do.