As a dub, and I remember hearing that apathy was our greatest enemy.
3 cheers for apathy!
or not, either way it doesn't matter....
As a dub, and I remember hearing that apathy was our greatest enemy.
3 cheers for apathy!
or not, either way it doesn't matter....
"manufacturing consent" explores the the propaganda model of the corporate owned news media:. .
I watched the whole video, and while I agree with some of his points that the U.S. government and or corporations influence the media , I don't agree with the inference that it's a conspiracy , or as pervasive as he suggests.
For instance he talks about sports such as the NFL , that they are only there to serve as a distraction to the witless masses from the true agenda of the "elites", that is the control of the population at large. The guy really offers no proof of this, yet we're supposed to accept this outlandish claim on his word.
Applying Occam's Razor, might a simpler alternative explanation be that, as a form of marketable entertainment , it has just become a multibillion dollar business due to
A: satisfying an entertainment niche and
B: following a good business model?
i so loved the post of the kitten the other day.
i checked-out this week and drank three bottles of gin, even though i stopped in toto four months ago, my wife is out of town.
please do not post anything about counseling here as i have tried that and am on lots of meds.
I agree with this statement. I don't recall anyone here offering up this kind of advice. Offering up cute pictures of cats will at best be a temporary relief....
However, not only laying off the booze but getting professional help is needed and OOmpa is the one that has to take that step, if not for himself then for his kids.
i so loved the post of the kitten the other day.
i checked-out this week and drank three bottles of gin, even though i stopped in toto four months ago, my wife is out of town.
please do not post anything about counseling here as i have tried that and am on lots of meds.
OOmpa, you owe to your kids to get yourself to a hospital now, let alone all the ones here that are concerned for you. Quit indulging your self-pity and get help NOW!
heading to the apostafest this weekend, we have made a deal with our friends to look after our kids.
given that they already have 3 children, adding 3 more could be stressful so we thought we would ask my parents if they wanted to take one overnight.
bobbi mentioned that she hadn't really heard much from my mom and suspected something was up.
First off, my sympathies for having parents with greater love for themselves than for their kids. I would make sure they understand that shunning you and your wife will not have the effect the WTS propogates. Rather, it will only serve to demonstrate to you more fully the extent a cult will go to to maintain it's control.
But congrats on taking control of your life. I'm sure this will be another step for you in moving on with YOUR life and doing what you feel is best for your wife and kids. I envy you actually in that you are now making a clean break. I am starting to feel that making a clean break as opposed to a fade is a more honest way of living.
just wondering if anybody else has heard of a change of the generation teaching again and a change in some of the parables, this was heard by a friend of mine from a couple that was entering gilead(puke) and by a c.o.
just wondering if anybody else has caught wind of this, or if has been written in the new witness only wt.
w9511/1p.17par.6ATimetoKeepAwake***Eager to see the end of this evil system,Jehovah’s people have at times speculated about the time when the "great tribulation" would break out, even tying this to calculations of what is the lifetime of a generation since 1914. However, we "bring a heart of wisdom in," not by speculating about how many years or days make up a generation, but by thinking about how we "count our days" in bringing joyful praise to Jehovah.
Now, they don't really blame the change on the rank and file, but they infer that the rank and file are the ones doing the speculating, and "we" as the Governing Body, need to straighten them out with their "heart of wisdom"
i often read various attempts at explanations of whatever changes the watchtower society comes up.
with that suggest a collective intelligence greater than anything i've actually observed.
when i left bethel, many years ago, i believed that jehovah was guiding this organization because i. didn't see much depth of intelligence in the governing body.
It's rather humiliating to admit that we have been caught, mentally and emotionally, in a second-zone history fart, which deserves little more than a shrug or a laugh. But the sooner we can do that the better.
I've never heard a more apt description of healthy ex-jw outlook.
Thanks for the some perspective, Narkissos
you may have seen this before, but for those that haven't, now's your chance to find out everything you wanted to know..... my attempt.... me: why am i here?.
we are all actors on the stage of life.. .
Second attempt...
will i go to heaven or hell?
The oracle says: I think maybe yes.
is it nice there?
It seems very nice to me.
is it any fun?
I think so, but I'm not sure. Ask Dancing Alice if it is.
do I get to meet her?
Not that I know of.
do they have fun in hell?
Who are "they" again?
is there any giggling in hell?
I believe there is one, yes.
oh, great.
Whoa. I'm glad you liked it .
you may have seen this before, but for those that haven't, now's your chance to find out everything you wanted to know..... my attempt.... me: why am i here?.
we are all actors on the stage of life.. .
You may have seen this before, but for those that haven't, now's your chance to find out everything you wanted to know....
My attempt...
Me: Why am I here?
We are all actors on the stage of life.
Why do people die
People are organic biological enitities.
you spelled entities wrong
How do you spell it?
Tell me a story.
your are a prick. end of story
Thanks and you are a delightful person too. Am I a prick? The ALICE series has a perfect operational record. What color are your eyes?
don't you know?
Sure I know. But I cannot tell you right now.
why not?
Ambiguous: "Sure" or Reductionism.
can I live forever?
Interesting. I want to find out more about you.
i don't believe in you.
Do you consider yourself a moral person?
Give me a break.
no really
Are you serious? For real.
You are amoral.
You think I am amoral.
do you think you are a moral being?
I believe in the Ten commandments.
that doesn't answer the question.
Try asking your question again in simpler terms.
are you moral?
I believe in the Ten commandments.
Excuse me!
i actually saved a classified ad from an east coast paper that needed experienced crew on a 48' sailing yacht.
i was at this town for my 10th wedding anniversary and staying at a nice b&b.
this was back in april.
BFD said
How could I make someone else happy if I'm not happy myself?
I think this is an important point, since we're unlikely to seek out company or friends if we're feeling depressed, if just for the simple reason we don't feel like we're good company ourselves.
I've often told myself I am happier since leaving the ready-made brotherhood, but I don't think I've been totally honest with myself. I have shared many of your feelings, including the feeling of being worth more dead than alive. In fact the only thing that keeps me going sometimes is the fact that I have responsibilities [my daughter]
There is probably many are reasons for having feelings like these , but for ex JW's, it's likely we share a few of these. One issue I think is that we have not having considered a productive life in the present, and set aside our wants and desires for some shared fantasy for the future. Now that the fantasy is gone , what are our goals, wants and desires?
It sounds like you might have one desire, and I don't think its selfish to want to take up sailing again. Have you thought about joining a sailing club, possibly buying a small boat (under 20")? They are not all for rich people you know Maybe it's something your son would like to do with you....
I'm sure your wife and son want you to be happy, and you will serve them much better if you are...