Whoo Hoo !!!! Welcome to the forum breakfree.
JoinedPosts by TheListener
New here..
by breakfree injust wanted to introduce myself.
i've been reading your posts for a couple of months now and i think i finally have the courage to join in.
i have written and deleted this post many times.
"Birthdays rob the glory of God"
by sabastious inhumans are unique.
each one is unique in his/her own regard.
like your thumbprint, your life is unlike any life in existence.. .
Birthday party - Who are the gifts for? Who gets the attaboys and congratulations? The person whose birthday it is right? Witnesses say birthdays are pagan and wrong.
Anniversary party - Who are the gifts for? Who gets the attaboys and congratulation? The individuals who got married a certain number of years ago - Witnesses say this is acceptable.
Bridal showers - Who are the gifts for? Who gets the attaboys and congratulations? The individual(s) getting married - Witnesses say this is acceptable.
Baby showers - Who are the gifts for? Who gets the attaboys and congratulations? The gifts are for the ones having a child to use with/for the child - Witnesses say this is acceptable.
Wedding receptions - Who are the gifts for? Who gets the attaboys and congratulations? the gifts are for the newly married couple (the gifts are not for the 'marriage arrangement') - Witnesses say this is acceptable.
If you feel that giving honor to a person or being other than Jehovah is wrong then actually live by those ideals. Don't pick and choose what is acceptable and what is not.
My question to my witness friends is this: Why are you constantly training your conscience if you aren't allowed to use it? Ooops, except when you're told it is ok to use it. :)
Birthdays - most logical explanation...
by bottleofwater incan someone explain step by step why birthdays don't contradict the bible.. refuting the wts' evidence, including the terms explaining the account of birthdays in the book of job not referring to birthdays according to the wts' explanation?.
Oh yeah there is also the WTS use of the 1913 Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume X page 709 where it quotes Origen and his Homilies on Leviticus. (The WTS also directly quotes from Origen in the latest YPA book when discussing birthdays).
Also, the WTS uses historian August Neander's book "The History of the Christian Religion and Church, During he Three First Centrues" 1848, page 90.
The more detailed threads on this board I am sure discuss both of these points. I only mention them so you can research and be ready if the subject comes up.
Birthdays - most logical explanation...
by bottleofwater incan someone explain step by step why birthdays don't contradict the bible.. refuting the wts' evidence, including the terms explaining the account of birthdays in the book of job not referring to birthdays according to the wts' explanation?.
Yes, the WT printed an article (questions from readers) many years ago discussing Job's children's non-celebration of birthdays. They updated that again in the last 10 years - which was basically a summarized reprint of the original article. I don't have my cd on me so I can't print the references. Sorry.
Basically, the WTS says that the Hebrew language has two words: one for Day and one for Birthday.
This is true. However, what the WTS doesn't tell you is that further in the book of Job the same word (for day) is used to mean 'day of birth'. So at best there is no conclusive evidence either way. Did the kids celebrate their birthdays? Did they celebrate the harvest?
The way I see it, the book of job either talks about birthday celebrations or thanksgiving. I win either way.
There are much more detailed threads on this subject.
Can Ministerial Servants Fade?
by ihadnoidea inif you step down, they are going to want to know why?
what do you say?.
The advice you received is excellent. You have to do this in steps. First, it's lose the MS privileges; then it's fade altogether.
Before you tell them you want to stop being an MS you have to miss some assignments, be sorry, very sorry and turn down some privileges. Let some know how stressed or sick or whatever you choose as your problem of choice you are.
Once you ask to step aside you will be sat down and they will discuss why you need to step aside as an MS. Give the reasons you've read here - they work. Don't confess to anything. If they ask direct questions about your situation make sure you convince them that you still want to be an MS but you just can't right now - you will again in the future once your situation changes for the better.
They will most likely keep you on the MS list for several months with lightened or no duties. At that time they will want to reassess with you whether your situation has improved and you can continue on. This is the hardest part. You have to convince them that it's best for you to officially stop being an MS and that you hope to be reappointed sometime in the future.
Once both those parts are done you can slooooooowly ease up on non-MS responsibilities - like offering prayers, public reading (do they read at the new bookstudy?), etc.
Then ease up on meeting attendance - which you've probably already started 'cause that is the easiest thing to do in this whole mess.
With a zealous family they may call you out. Be prepared to stick to your stress, sickness or whatever guns you chose. Don't falter.
And remember, you have friends here who can sympathize, empathize and commiserate.
Successful fading can take a long time.
Jehovah's Witness jailed for grooming and abusing boy
by betterdaze in19 october 2010last updated at 09:16 et.
jehovah's witness jailed for grooming and abusing boy.
gold was put on the sex offenders' register for the rest of his life.
They get so lost in their thoughts about how they are separate from the rest of us and that God will take care of matters in his own due time that they don't do the right thing. That sickens me. It is unbelievable that this man wasn't disfellowshipped and all the children (parents) in the area notified to be cautious of this individual.
Joel P. Engardio's article on JWs (Washington Post)
by behemot injehovah's witnesses: a model for church and state begin blogger thumbs end blogger thumbs by joel p. engardio.
if i'm ever allowed to legally marry, my mother won't attend my wedding.. i'm a gay man and my mom is one of jehovah's witnesses.
to remain true to her faith, she can't in good conscience be part of a same-sex marriage celebration.
I take exception to this sentence: "So while I'm left with a mom who believes being gay is a sin, I also know she isn't doing anything to block gay people from seeking their fundamental right to marry."
I disagree. She is supporting an organization, and most likely preaching herself, that considers being gay is a serious sin and that God will destroy all individuals living that "choice". She doesn't need to block his right to marry now - she believes he and all the other homosexuals will be dead very soon - all by the hand of God.
Times are changin' could the Watchtower change too ?
by wasblind in5. news vendors, street vendors and door-to-door salesmen .
although street vendors are more common in big cities, the times of people trying to sell you things on the sidewalk are passing.
these days, every sales pitch comes with an ad or marketing campaign.
I agree with the previous posters. The d2d work is ineffective. It is a control mechanism.
Another point, imho, that shows this is the pioneer school and textbook. If your main concern is reaching as many people as possible with the most effective message why would you only let the elite go to the special training school and receive the special training manual? How does that help the worldly people?
Also, District Convention releases. The releases at the DCs are touted as the new great thing to bring people into the truth. No one is to know what's being released before their Convention and the Conventions around the world go one for months and months. If the whole point was to reach as many people as possible with the newest and best information the WTS would send the publications out with some information as soon as they were ready.
The above instances aren't designed for the field - they are designed to motivate and emotionally control the members.
A Textual Commentary on the Greek New Testament, by BRUCE M. METZGER
by possible-san ina textual commentary on the greek new testament, by bruce m. metzger.
chm file (e book), 1.25mb.
The Emphatic Diaglott (which is what witnesses used before the KIT came out and could be ordered still in the 90s; it may even be available now, not sure) says this:
John 14:14
"If you ask *anything in my name, this I will do"
"*Ask me anything in my name, this I will do."
"If anything you may ask in the name of me, I will do."
For Those of You who Believe in Heaven...
by dssynergy ini'm a 5th generation jw - and i have to admit a lot of it doesn't make sense to me.. question: if when a person dies, they go to heaven, what is the point?
question: if jesus is a perfect competent ruler, why would he need "assistants"?
I would just add that Witnesses believe that when people die they go to heaven - they just limit the number.
Witnesses also believe that the New Testament was written for the 144,000 which is why it so clearly shows a heavenly hope for its readers.
They also believe that the great crowd can learn from the NT and they should follow it's advice but the promises therein are not for them - that is also why they can state Christ is not the great crowd's mediator - the great crowd aren't in the covenant. The great crowd are participant bystanders (oxymoron).