I haven't read everyone's comments yet but personally I did feel like I betrayed my wife in a sense. She married me partly based on the fact that we believed the same things and could spiritually support each other. I felt like I had to be quiet and not rock the boat and that I had to apologize all the time for changing my beliefs. Someone close told me that marriage mates should be able to grow and change but still keep their relationship strong because a marriage is built upon many items. That same person told me that I needed to stop feeling apologetic and be loving, considerate, caring and supportive. I think that is how we ended up with our current situation of not discussing the elephant in the room and remaining mostly happily married. Of course, all of this will be put to the test as the kids get older and act like regular "worldly" kids and not witnesses. If anything bad happens I will be the first and only scapegoat for all issues. Because, you know that nothing bad ever happens to witness kids (lie lie lie).