I'm so glad your story is a happy one. I hope you are very successful in school. For the last few years I've been thinking about going back to school for French (I'm currently a nurse. But that's another story). I'm looking forward to reading more of your posts.
JoinedPosts by bonnie38
My Story******Short Version!
by think41self ini was raised a poor white child in the deep south...ok, florida, where i still am.
i was the typical slightly self righteous witness, miss goody goody, left school at 16 to pioneer, which i did for 4 years, met a guy and married him.
he had 2 kids from a previous marriage and we had 2 kids of our own.
by Kathy ini hope you'll indulge me for a few minutes here.
i've been reading this board with great enthusiasm for a few weeks now.
i must say i am so impressed by the depth and breadth of experiences all of you are sharing.
I would give up trying to prove the trinity. There is just not any support for it in the Bible. Is there any chance that this girl you are trying to help would come on this site? I would strongly recommend the book, Crisis of Conscience, by Raymond Franz. She may not read it herself because it is considered "apostate" literature by JWs. But if you have not yet read it, you will find a wealth of information that could poosibly help you.
Michelle -
I'd like to tell you all my unique story...
by AngelofMuZiC inmy name is joanne, and i'm 19. my earliest memory is of the kingdom hall.
it all started when my mother, who is now 62, was walking down the street and some witnesses stopped her while they were street witnessing.
my mom had a really tough life, and was looking for answers and a solution to her problems.
Thank you for sharing your story. I hope you stick around this site and visit often. You will find much support from many caring people here.
Michelle -
My Story******Short Version!
by think41self ini was raised a poor white child in the deep south...ok, florida, where i still am.
i was the typical slightly self righteous witness, miss goody goody, left school at 16 to pioneer, which i did for 4 years, met a guy and married him.
he had 2 kids from a previous marriage and we had 2 kids of our own.
Thank you for sharing. When I was a JW, I also felt that God did not accept anything I did as good enough. For years I felt that I was a bad person (feelings that I sometimes still have), and that I could never measure up. Now that I'm out, I am much happier.
I'm glad that you have found such happiness.
Bonnie, aka Michelle -
Reducing Stress
by larc inon the lighter side of mental health issues, i was curious as to some good ideas you all had regarding the methods you use to reduce stress.
i will give two of my favorites and hope that several of you would provide one or two others and then come back in a day or two if others miss a favorite of yours.. .
two of my favorites are humor and music.
I try to do something enjoyable everyday, even if it's just for a little while. Two things that are easy for me are reading and playing with my dog (Easy to do and inexpensive)
Bonnie -
by heff ini have been lurking around here for quite some time now, posted a few short replies, and engaged in a little chat from time to time.
its almost hard to remember, just a few months back, feeling like i was the only one to live through a jw experience and not be sorry that i am no longer a part of it.
i am very happy to have found this site.. i would like to better introduce myself as i have seen several others do.. i was born in '78 to a fanatical jw mother and an unbelieving alcholic father.
Bonnie -
I ate meat on Friday
by chester ini was raised as a catholic.
it used to be considered a sin to eat meat on friday.
even for a little boy who was at the age of reason.. i remember very well the time when i was in the second grade about the age of 7 that i did eat a hot dog on a friday.. i knew that it was a sin but i ate it anyway.
Welcome Chester.
I enjoyed your thoughts. I've been out of the organization for four years, and I never realized what was really going on until I found this forum last month. I just ordered Crisis of Conscience by Raymond Franz from a book store. I was very sheltered also.
Bonnie -
Done out of love...
by Introspection ini wanted to say a few words about the whole theist vs. atheist kind of arguments here, and suggest another way of looking at it which may put things into perspective.. i think as ex-jws none of us want to see others fall into that same trap again, and depending on our perspective we'd want others to have the benefit of our experience.
honestly, i don't know if i fit under either category, but i do believe in "something beyond.
" all the same, i think often my atheist brothers (which is not to exclude those who are theists) and sisters say the things they do out of love.
I agree with safe4kids. I try to be very open-minded. Sometimes the discussions on this forum get heated, but I really enjoy reading and am learning alot from everyone's opinions.
Bonnie -
Farewell to a friend.
by dshields1 indear friends,.
i wanted to take a moment to remember a friend.
he was a jehovah's witness and was raised in the same insane environment that i was.
I am so sorry. You are right. Many exJWs need support. Sometimes it takes a long time to see that there is life outside that organization. I hope it helps to know that many are thinking of you and your friend.
Bonnie -
My Lonnng Story...
by poohbear1962 inseveral folks asked to hear my story, so here goes - i hope you don't fall asleep!!
it's a story that's been told many, many times - i was pretty much raised as a jehovahs witness (my mom was baptized when i was 6 years old), and i simply followed along and accepted for years what i was being told.
going through school, i just learned to be different (which, in some ways, is a good thing... im hoping that will make it easier to break free).
Thank you for sharing. Things will get better. I am a single parent, and it is a hard job sometimes. But it sounds like you and your children will be happier without your wife. I'll be thinking about you.