JoinedTopics Started by zealofjehu
Fear of the big "A"
by Chia ini went to a friend's house last night.
i was talking with him about religious issues.
i told him i no longer feel that the witnesses have the truth.
"I can't stop thinking about Jehovah's Witnesses!"
by logansrun ini've heard this said by a few ex-witnesses in my three years away from the organization, and have sometimes said it myself.
sometimes it is said in the context of, "i'd like to move on, but i just can't stop thinking about them.
could it not be that one of the reasons ex-jws "can't stop thinking about" the organization -- and their past involvement with it -- is that they daily log onto this site, read about the society and talk about them?
Neo-Babylonian Chronology and the Egibi Business House
by VM44 ini am somewhat shocked right now, although i know i probably should not be, i will explain in this post later.. .
all this information is contained in carl olof jonsson's excellent book, the gentile times reconsidered, 4th edition, pages 122-125.. .
it turns out that throughout the neo-babylonian time frame, a business firm named the sons of egibi conducted business, and left some three or four thousand record tables contained in earthen jars covered with bitumen.. .
But some are nice - come on admit it.
by eyeslice inbut you have to admit that some are nice caring people.
my wife missed the meeting to night due to flu and a sister who has far more health problems than us phoned to ask after her.
she even asked after me, brother 'long time no see'!
2004 Numbers are on WT web site it looks like.
by garybuss inhttp://www.watchtower.org/statistics/worldwide_report.htm.
can anyone confirm this is what it looks like?
i may be delivering old news.
by integ ina prominent elder in a local congregation came home to his wife and told her "i love you, but i'm not in love with you".
then wrote a letter to the congregation elders asking to be disfellowshipped.
it is t. b#ffa.
by vitty inweve been fading now for 9 months.. can anybody tell me what book jws are studing 1 and 2nd week of march????.
this is going to take some monovering but, weve got visitors and they want to go to a meeting mid week.
sso we are going to take them to a cong outside our territory, and we need to visit it for a couple of weeks so they think its ours.
TGIF -- Thank Goodness I'm Free
by MerryMagdalene inwhat freedom are you thankful for tonight and what are you doing with it?.
i remember a whole lotta friday nights spent at the hall having the "same old same old" drilled into my skull, listening for something they could never say, waiting for something that would never come, wondering where the spirit of life and light and love was that i so longed to tap into... or sometimes just wishing i could be out walking under the stars or be home watching a crappy tv show.
so tonight i am thankful i am free to do with my friday nights (and all my days and nights) what i will, free of guilt and anxiety and spiritual starvation, and i am here enjoying good company while sporadically playing hide and seek with my young daughter who would be thankful that she is not required to sit down and shut up for long, meaningless blocks of time if she had ever been exposed to it, and i'm thankful she hasn't.. what about you?
Sad Today
by whyamihere init's has been a hard few months for me.
i am just so sad i don't know where to begin.
i feel so lost in this world and i have lost all my friends and i feel so alone.
Forbidden Pleasures
by mtbatoon in.
after leaving, what (excluding the obvious bit of slap and tickle) is your favourite forbidden pleasure.
for me black pudding, full of bloody goodness