JoinedPosts by calico
Anyone want to go for a swim?
by Scully inan elderly man in florida had owned a large farm for several years.
he had a large pond in the back, fixed up nice; picnic tables, horseshoe courts, and some apple and peach trees.
the pond was properly shaped and fixed up for swimming when it was built.
Lookin for a JW boy?
by TashaWebber inhiya im natasha, ive had a study b4 with the jws but im not a baptized jw!
i would like 2 start back up with a study and im lookin for a friendship/relationship with a jw boy to help me through it!
I hope this doesn't sound cruel--but you do not need a man like that in your life! Regardless of religion! He sounds like a cold person--it won't work--take it from someone who knows!
Grandpa turned in to police by JW elders
by InquiryMan inin norway, a 71 year old grandpa has been sentenced to 11 months jail and a fee og several thousands dollars for having molested his 8 and 10 year old grand-daughters.
he wanted to have his sentence reduced because of having been disfellowshipped from the jws.
the court did not find that to be a reason to reduce his sentence.
He stated that he had been punished enough being deprived of his congregation benefits and friends.
Selfish SOB! What about his grandaughters? Their pain will never go away and the rest of their lives are deeply affected and he is worried about congregation privleges?
How often do you bathe?
by BlessedStar ini heard something and i would like to know the truth so i'll ask this question..... how often do you bathe and change your underwear?.
i heard that people from certain places don't bathe for days and only change their underwear when it gets really deteriorated.. .
blessed star
Look what I found when I did that ear thing!
Watchtower Society Losing the Information War. What Will Sink the Last Nail
by Rig Boy inwith the proliferation of blogs and forums like this one, ex-jws writing books and protesting, lawsuits, exposure of abuse, pedophilia, and mind control, what more needs to be done to sink this cult and kill it?
do the ex-jehovah's witness have enough momentum to destroy any remaining credibility the watchtower society has, or perhaps, bankrupt it?
I'd be interested to know how big a threat people on the "inside" feel the internet is. Are the elders and on up the hierarchy worried? With all the warnings, I'd think they were worried. Do regular pub's feel the threat?
I know of a sister who acts like she is more spiritual than everyone else because she will not have a COMPUTER in her home!
I remember when certain ones acted this way about having a TV--if you got rid of your TV you were so much stronger than everyone else!
It's not what they believe that we despise, it's how they behave!
by Check_Your_Premises inwell my wife totally got on my nerves last night.
i was trying to work out some compromises on the holidays with her.
i spent a ton of time thinking about it, studying about it, and writing things down.
Sometimes witnesses forget they are supposed to be christians and acting as Jesus would.
How true--some of the most cutting remarks and bad behavior that I have ever had directed at me came from my so-called 'sisters'! I'm not so sure that they always forget how to act--some of it had to be on purpose. What is really odd is when others are within earshot and don't defend you!
If you were newly inactive, did you feel pressure to attend the Memorial?
by truthseeker in.
i'd be interested in hearing your experiences, if you were newly inactive and felt pressured to go to the memorial.
did the jw's pressure you to go or did you feel guilty for missing the lord's evening meal (well, we all miss it anyway when we pass it round)
I guess I'll find out soon! My husband has asked me if I am going this year. I wonder if I will hear from anyone at the hall? I'm not sure how to feel about it!
What Went Thru Your Mind While Sitting at The Meetings?
by minimus ini used to listen but not really.
i'd look at the platform/speaker stand, look like i was paying attention, get antsy, and find another elder to "discuss" something ith.
i just got to the meeting----right before it was to start and if the talkative po decided that his last part was going to go overtime, i'd put on my coat and look at the big clock on my way out in front of everyone and leave for the local bar.
Imagining that everyone was wearing overalls
Ok, so how big of a deal is it when a jw tells you this:
by Check_Your_Premises in"i just don't feel like being a witness anymore".
naturally i was intrigued.. she assured me she still believes it is the truth.
she just isn't happy.
The reality is my wife's problem is not that she is a jw. Her problem is that she is psychologically unbalanced... she has unresolved issues and experiences. She has experiences that she has not put in proper perspective. She has experiences that she has not rationalized. She has behavior resulting from those experiences that she has not recognized and understood, and therefore cannot control.
Excellent statement--sounds just like members of my family.
I have to renew my driver's license--I am going to sign up to be an organ doner, too. I figure my organs are in pretty good shape--I've lead a boring life! It's nice to think that I could save someone's child or grandma or mom, etc. I knew of someone who died waiting for a liver.