My studies of the Kaballah are admittedly limited. I would love to understand more about it--but many maintain that one must be completely learned in the Torah first (who's got that kind of time!). From what I've read, it contains the same universal truths you will find in most of the mystical, hermatic studies: the world as we know it is illusion, all is energy, we are components of godhead, and have forgotten who and what we are, etc. Whatever you know and can share, would be appreciated.
My quest to study how people worship in all different ways has taken me to a surface study of Judaism. While I could never convert, I find it fascinating that Torah is SO different from the study of the Hebrew scriptures that we were forced to learn. A judaic perspective gives the bible a whole new meaning (go figure, it's their book, their history, their god). Anyway, another thing that the witnesses and many christians have all wrong (but ESPECIALLY the witnesses) is that worshippers of this hebrew god were and ARE expected to question everything. There is no central dogma, other than monotheism, there is no "headquarters", you can say anything you want to a rabbi, and you will at least be heard. Look at Jesus and his apostles--they spread christianity first IN THE SYNAGOGUES, because they were allowed to get up and speak, question, and argue---you'd never find that in a Kingdom Hall--you'd be shut down right away for going against dogma.
Anyway, I'm almost through with studying Judaism, but it's been good for me to take a second, alternative look at good ole' bible god. He's still kind of a meanie, imo, but not exactly the blood thirsty brute the WTBTS made him out to be. He was manufactured for a people who'd been slaves all thier lives to rebuild a great, intellectual, evolved (for their time) nation.