Welcome aboard! Good to "hear your voice". Looking forward to hearing your story.
JoinedPosts by Bridgette
Battered Lambs Webpage (new)
by silentlambs inafter reviewing the society's vapid interest in helping battered women and seeing the many sad stories posted as a result of the article, i have a new addition to the silentlambs website.. a new webpage for battered lambs.. this will be accessed off the victims page with a clickable link.
there you will be able to read the stories of those who have suffered physical abuse at the hands of wt policy.
all stories will be posted anonymously of course and there will also be a second poems and thoughts page dedicated to victims of physical abuse.
Battered Lambs Webpage (new)
by silentlambs inafter reviewing the society's vapid interest in helping battered women and seeing the many sad stories posted as a result of the article, i have a new addition to the silentlambs website.. a new webpage for battered lambs.. this will be accessed off the victims page with a clickable link.
there you will be able to read the stories of those who have suffered physical abuse at the hands of wt policy.
all stories will be posted anonymously of course and there will also be a second poems and thoughts page dedicated to victims of physical abuse.
I have written my story out extensively when my daughter and I were in therapy .......after I dumped the husband and the cult. I realized, after I'd revisited my post on the previous thread, that I still get sooo emotional over this. It's like I go to a darker place in my psyche. It's hard. When I can articulate rationally on this subject, I believe I will post on the website.
I don't want to foam at the mouth.
Love and Hugs,
Bridgette -
Will YOU be the next dead American?
by Nathan Natas ini respectfully request that you take a few moments to read the following article, and i would appreciate hearing your responses.. - - - -.
future widows of america: write your congressman.
by ann coulter.
I'm all for extra precautions. And deporting those here illegally and who hate Americans. But count me out of a witch hunt.
So, where do we go from here? So, what do we do to protect ourselves? I'm as bothered by the right wing nutballs, who hate the American gov't. and want to make everyone believe like they do, as I am by a Muslim fundamentalist.
So, what do we do?
Bridgette -
Republican or Democrat or Indie?
by slipnslidemaster infor all you american's on the board, are you a republican or democrat of independent?.
read for background.. seems like quite a few democrats here.. slipnslidemaster: "those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.
- ben franklin
Highly liberal Indie.
Will YOU be the next dead American?
by Nathan Natas ini respectfully request that you take a few moments to read the following article, and i would appreciate hearing your responses.. - - - -.
future widows of america: write your congressman.
by ann coulter.
Was Ann saying (I don't know who this Ann is) to just deport those of Arabic nationality that are here illegally? We do that to peaceful, hardworking Mexican nationals ALL THE TIME, who just want to come here and pick our crops for us, so they can buy food and clothes for their children. As far as I know, Mexican nationals (and I know MANY) have never declared or even supported a holy war on America. I have never spoken with anyone of them who had militantly ill feelings toward Americans. And have not spoken with one of them who had anything but sympathy and compassion and a feeling of loss themselves at the WTC (not only because there were many Mexican nationals in the WTC bldg), but because they feel connected with the human race and (as far as I know) as a people and religion (mainly Catholic) do not feel the need to convert/kill everyone who does not beleive as they do.
NOW, I am NOT for the rounding up of everyone who's Muslim, Arabic, etc. and riding them out on a rail. People who want to live here peaceably, I WELCOME! But there are people who (as I understand) want to kill all Americans, and have started doing so (not just with WTC)--Am I missing something here? I want to be here tomorrow and the next day, and I want my children and grandchildren here. And I want everyone to be able to live peaceably and according to their conscience but if you're here illegally, why should you get preferential treatment over Mexican nationals? It's the law. If you want to kill me; if you're friends with someone who wants to kill me, if you have delighted and celebrated the death of those close to me, um, can I ask you to move out of my neighborhood, especially if you're not in the house next door legally?
Bridgette -
OK, This is what I have to say
by peacepipe ini need to put my two cents in about this even though i'm reading it a couple days after the last post.. when i think of the death of those i care about i usually have no problem picturing them going to heaven forever: some people just to me seem like there is nowhere else they could be.
those who i've been close to that have died that i'm questionable about them actually going to heaven i feel like in some way as long as there are those of us here to remember them they are still kept alive somehow.
when i really think about my own death i have a panic attack.
Okay, the following is written entirely tongue in cheek, I am no proponent of Molech, but you may recognize a familiar line of reasoning.
Actually, Molech is a very loving benevolent diety. We know he exacted some seemingly atrocious things from his adherants at that time. But he's turned real nice now--I mean, he's always been nice, but... HE HAD to do those things (the killing babies, and mothers, and such) because the people AROUND them were so bad--oye! you shoulda seen those dirty Hittites, and THEIR depraved dieties!! Molech knew that these babies would be born of evil, evil women. These women actually killed their other offspring and offered them to Hittite dieties. Certain unnamed unspecified scholars wrote in books, that I won't quote from now, that these women were evil, so we know it's true. Molech was sparing these innocent little lambs, and taking them to his loving breast, which is symbolized by the fiery hell of his love. We know that they did not feel pain, and they are with him now in Bakhat-Kallah--a beautiful place in the skies, where Molech is, and where no one feels any pain, or is ever sad, or anything. We know Molech is the one true god, because he had some of his followers write on tablets that he was. We know these tablets are inspired of Molech, because it says so, RIGHT IN THE TABLETS!! it's true (see tablets, book of Prakdem ch 8:3) Also, unspecified archeological digs support what these tablets say (that he was loving, and he created everything--written on pottery shards) I think the world would be a much better place, if we would all turn back to worshipping Molech. The reason we see so much suffering, is because we have angered the great Molech by turning from Him and worshiping this Hebrew sky-diety. We will all suffer untold amounts of wrath (which is actually, a reflection of his great love--See tablets--Slik-btzfa ch 9:7--it's very clear) if we do not once again embrace the Great Molech and do exactly as he says. We know he will not call for these atrocities again, because he's changed, I mean he really never changes, but he's nicer now, I mean, he's always been nice, but we do not live in THAT depraved of a society now, well, we DO live in the worst times, EVER in history, ever ever, so we don't know what he has in store. But I do not want to question the Great Molech, do you? Whatever he does, or asks of me is fine!
Bridgette -
Nov. 8 Awake - Wife Beaters-Sick
by MrMoe ini will let you all hang who ever the heck wrote this crap.
november 8, 2001 awake page 9: some battered women may need to seek assistance from the authorities.
at times, a point of crisis-such as intervention of the police-can cause an abusive man to see the seriousness of the action.. page 12: should the battered wife leave her husband?
<<One thing that hasn't been mentioned, and I don't know if I'm the only one who experienced this, is spousal rape.>>
Wow, yes, April--it was so commonplace, that to this day, it doesn't seem all that abnormal. The only time I've thought of it recently, was when I was sleeping peacefully, and my NEW husband slipped into bed, and I thought, he never forces himself on me--like that's a treat! I guess brainwashing dies hard......Pathetic.
Well, at least my new husband "allows me to choose what kind of music I listen too"--VOMITOUS! It's called a backbone, once I grew one, it was ALL OVER!
I am so proud of my daughter. I am so glad, she will not face the dismal choices we all did.
Hey, I like the idea of alerting women's shelter about these sicko's "enlightened" views of women. '
Bridgette -
Nov. 8 Awake - Wife Beaters-Sick
by MrMoe ini will let you all hang who ever the heck wrote this crap.
november 8, 2001 awake page 9: some battered women may need to seek assistance from the authorities.
at times, a point of crisis-such as intervention of the police-can cause an abusive man to see the seriousness of the action.. page 12: should the battered wife leave her husband?
It is exactly this rhetoric that kept me in my abusive relationship for 7 LONG years. First of all, this has softened to be more politically correct from the time when I was a little girl, when women were beaten and martyred regularly (she was posthumously glorified if she allowed herself to be beaten to death by an abusive spouse not in the "truth"--it was THE ONLY TIME I HEARD WOMEN BEING GLORIFIED OR PRAISED!! AND IT USED TO SCARE ME TO DEATH AS A LITTLE GIRL!--I knew whatever happened, I'd better scream and fight if someone tried to rape me, and I'd better shut up and put up, if my husband was beating me even to death.
You see that little catch, they always slip in, about "life threatening", hazardous to health...blah blah blah. Well, you see, when you are being hit at home, it goes round and round in your head. At first, it's not life threatening, you see (and you LOOOOVE him sooooo much, and you want to be oh so loyal to Jehovah, who hates bad little disobedient wifies!!), and it's "well, he leaves marks not bruises. And then, one day, ooops! there's a bruise, but you're already in that mental loop. Then it's well, as long as he doesn't hurt my child(ren) and then one day, you come home from the grocery store (you hardly ever dare leave the kids alone with him, but you do this ONE TIME), and they've got a swollen face. And you call the elder, see, and because they're "just innocent lil' ole' untrained volunteers" who've been fed the same rhetoric--DON'T DARE WANT TO HAVE ANOTHER DIVORCEE--WIDOW AND ORPHAN(S) TO TAKE CARE OF--they say things like "well, he shouldn't hit her on the face". And all the time, it's never what you'd call "life threatening"--those words are ALWAYS running round and round and round in your head, and you want to please jehovah SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO bad. And finally you look in the mirror one day, and you don't even know who you are anymore. And finally you're so burnt out, you would welcome death instead of this living death. So, you get up the gumption to leave. You say, he might kill me, but it's worth it.
I am pissed! I am disgusted. Women for the most part are viewed as subhuman in the organization. And all their attempts at being p.c., and their crappy little Awakes giving PURE LIP SERVICE to a woman's exalted place--won't erase their deplorable history on women's and childrens' rights! -
Will YOU be the next dead American?
by Nathan Natas ini respectfully request that you take a few moments to read the following article, and i would appreciate hearing your responses.. - - - -.
future widows of america: write your congressman.
by ann coulter.
Well as smattered as it was with seemingly Republican rhetoric, I have to agree somewhat, with what she's saying, IF I understand what she's saying correctly (mouthful). And what I thought she was saying was, simply implement the CURRENT Immigration laws??? to deport those not here legally, with the door open for them to return? In order to investigate whether or not they are terrorists? I could get on board with that, as long as it didn't become an emotion based, crazed witch hunt. I also want American-based hate groups propogated on the web who wrap themselves in the banner of white, christian America under the microscope. I also like LD's getting to know our neighbors--like a huge neighborhood watch. But I don't want McCarthyism, either. What I'd like to see come out of that, is more love and understanding developing on the individual level. I'd love to make friends with some of their women--teach them how to be a good, strong American woman who knows and stands up for her rights! Now, that would undermine. In fact, feminist groups have been active with the women living under Taliban rule for a while.
Anyway, I want to live in a world, where people don't care what my last name is, what I do or DON'T do for worship (as long as I harm none), what I believe, what color my skin is, what I have for genetalia. I also desperately I want to live in a world where people are not trying to kill me and my children and my neighbors. Somebody across the world declared a holy war on this country. Didn't he declare that some time ago? AND this has not been the first attack--just the first on American soil, with the promise of more? Didn't he warn in Britain that this was coming? Aren't the precepts of his beliefs that everyone should worship like he does? Doesn't he feel free (even religiously obligated) to enforce with DEATH if necessary these beliefs? Aren't there a lot of others like him? Correct me if I'm wrong on any count, because I'm BY NO MEANS an expert on arabic-american relations. I'm trying to sort all of this crap out. And also let me add, that my FIRST thought was that this was some right wing maniac ala-Timothy McVeigh when this first happened. I was actually a little surprised that it appears to be Osama at the root of it. And actually, beyond him, religious fundamentalism.
I want peace. But even Amnesty International (I just joined--highly recommend it!) investigates prisoners thoroughly and won't sponsor ANYONE who promotes or propagates violence. Can America do the same? I see the danger of people letting their emotions get in the way, old ugly prejudices get in the way of rationale and true justice. We stand at a crossroads. It takes a far more intelligent, and informed person than myself to figure it all out. But one thing I DO KNOW, I want to be alive tomorrow with the breath and brain power to educate myself on these matters and brainstorm about how to solve these problems, and not vaporized like some of those in the WTC, or have my organs liquifying from Anthrax, or my lungs shriveling from nerve gas.
Bridgette -
THIS got WT Leaders thrown in Jail
by Tallyman inhow many of you were aware that watchtower leaders were .
charged with, tried and convicted of sedition.
during world war i ?.
Thanks. going to search engine to learn more.
p.s. everything waxes and wanes. You will again feel the need for the tranquility of meditation. It's hard to still the mind when things are like they have been.