Well they would ALL be resurected! And the ones who did not attend that day would most certainly die at Arma-gonna-get-you!!!
"My body is a Temple NOT an Amusement Park"
if u r a dub dont go 2 anymore assemblies!
it is possible that you will die.
really.. this is not a nice friendly post to any active jehovah's witness but is something they should read anyway.
Well they would ALL be resurected! And the ones who did not attend that day would most certainly die at Arma-gonna-get-you!!!
"My body is a Temple NOT an Amusement Park"
i actually wrote this post in response to a poster recently dealing with the 'defeating' of the wts.. i have started a new topic with the post as i would like to hear opinions of what xjw's and others view as a 'defeated' watchtower.. "i am not quite sure what we all want from the wts.
what does a person mean by 'defeating' the watchtower?.
destroying it, selling its buildings, giving the cash back to the people who bought them?
Defeat for me would simply mean the outing of the WTS for what it is. The hipocritical nature of the beast. Too many lives have been damaged by shunning (mine one in hundreds of thousands), the blood issue etc etc
I want to see an end to all that shit. Burning, lynching, repayment for lost income and donations? Nah... simply allow others to learn from my mistake of being a JW... even if I had no choice in the matter! Besides, I have too much fun with them at my door and GOD FORBID in their own KH's! LOL
"My body is a Temple NOT an Amusement Park"
as an active jw, did you really ever believe that you would survive armageddon?
with me, i served as an elder, regular pioneer, was over the book room at district conventions, but i always felt it was not enough, i was never real sure i would survive the big day of god almighty!!
the reason i ask y'all is, i don't think you can feel real sure in a organization that is legalistic and work orientated .
I was convinced I was going to die due to the "wicked" thoughts I had and this was one of the reasons I left. I felt that seeing as though I was commiting adultry in my heart... I also decided I wanted to travel and do things BEFORE the big A arrived. For the first few years after leaving I would shit myself over things on the news. The funny thing is that a few days ago I thought, thank god there is a war in Afganistan as when all wars cease and the cry for peace and security happens then WHAM!! So even all these years later I still get shakey at times... guess that is what deep rooted cultish mind control does to you.
Britty xx
"My body is a Temple NOT an Amusement Park"
i was just reading a post here that some one said they were dfed and there was a coulple of daed persons attending the co visit.. i can not think of any senerio that would place me in that position.. please clue me in why would one go to a kh if one has daed oneself?.
this sounds as if one is suffering from sadism.. that is the last place i will ever go since i am daed.. hell is truth seen too late.
Please tell me shit-eatin' is a phrase in the States... or does eatin' shit make you smile? LOL ;)
"My body is a Temple NOT an Amusement Park"
remember when you were a dub and hated to go out in service.
well i'm a df'd dub and i got my own message that i've printed up and i've been going to all the kingdumb hall i know and working the territory that surrounds the kingdumb hall with this tract, and the response is totally great, here is the tract i use:.
jehovahs witnesses keep coming to your door because they dont want you to be destroyed at armagedon.. all members believe they belong to the only true religion and every religion except theirs is from the devil, and that god will destroy you for not being a jehovahs witness at armagedon.. you must serve the watchtower and let the watchtower control your life or die eternally that is what the jehovahs witness believe.. .
Mmmm I like this! Perhaps I should do something similar for my neighbors...I am waiting for the dubs to knock on my door... so far they only seem to come when Matt is here... he is too shy to say anything other than accept their rags, oops I mean mags.
Britty xx
UADNAUK (Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America and the United Kingdom)
"My body is a Temple NOT an Amusement Park"
yay it's almost april!!
why am i so excited by this?
i hear some of you ask!
Yay it's almost April!! Why am I so excited by this? I hear some of you ask! Well let me tell you!
First up.
April 6th it will be my first birthday of having joined this site!
April 8th is my birthday! YAYAYAYAY
April 27th I get to become a full fledged British Citizen! Up until now, despite the fact that my Parents are British, my mother is the only one to retain her citizenship... so British law being as sexist as it is (do not recognize maternal line) I have had to wait 5 freaking years to naturalize as a British citizen (was born in Rhodesia [Zimbabwe]).
So as of the end of April I shall be an old, one year old apostate who has finally become a (passport holding) Brit!!
Britty xxx
"My body is a Temple NOT an Amusement Park"
i went to the meeting today to hear the public talk given by the visiting co. the talk dealt with jehovah's secret dwelling place and how we can all be taking advantage of "fleeing to safety" as it were, especially as the days are getting wicked as he mentioned.
he brought out the dangers of listening to apostates (there were 2 people in the congregation who disassociated themselves recently, which automatically meant that they were apostates according to the co's comments).
then he further elaborated on the fact that there were about 14,000 witnesses disfellowshipped in the usa each year and in canada 1400, about the size of a circuit assembly - also he said how terribly dishonorable it would be to be df'd and be as a dead person as it were (i felt so embarrassed as i am df'd) - during the talk he brought out two points which were extremely misleading if not outright lies: he said that just after the disaster of sept 11th, thousands of people "wanted to flee to security to the watchtower building and that they felt that they needed this security".
And to think I used to swallow this crap! I remember a brother telling me once that he would never leave Bethel as there is no where else on the planet he would want to be when Arma-gonna-get-you comes! How pathetic! As if it is holy ground... that no one there would get killed!
"My body is a Temple NOT an Amusement Park"
under what (if any) circumstances would a jw go to a church?
is it the building itself or is it church services they have an aversion to?
can they go under circumstances that are not neccessarily considered "worship"?
I always had a problem with the "Not allowed in Churches" policy. When I was in school I invited friends on several occasions to meetings at the KH and was in turn invited to their sermons... I always felt hypocritical and embarresed when I had to decline... Saying, we want you to see what we are all about, but do not want to see what you are all about. How rude!
"My body is a Temple NOT an Amusement Park"
tonight on koin news a portland or station there will be a segment on the jw families that have been murdered recently.
dad was called for an interview this afternoon, but since we're in fl now they had to do it on the phone.
others were also interviewed.
I want to hear this!! Damn! We need this in England!
Britty xx
"My body is a Temple NOT an Amusement Park"
hey folks its my birthday, so y'all have a shot of wild turkey for me today.
Wooooooo Hooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!
*sipping a Jacky Dee as we speak*
Britty xxx
(mine on April 8th)
"My body is a Temple NOT an Amusement Park"