hmmm haven't named your cat, now most would argue that that probably makes you a bit of a weirdo yourself! lol though I understand your logic, and fair enough...x
i was given a cat whose name was "piti".
i found it strange, but i kept it.
hmmm haven't named your cat, now most would argue that that probably makes you a bit of a weirdo yourself! lol though I understand your logic, and fair enough...x
click on the picture to enlarge it.
i posted this pic in another thread, but i think that it deserved a thread of it's own.
i just wanted you to see that dude's butt!
I've only got pics in hardcopy, but maybe one day I'll scan them in just for a laugh and a bit of sickening nostalgia ;)
You're twins look like very pretty girls MsMcd, just like their loving ma :)
They're still really young though, so give them some time (re the shunning) and I'll bet they come round. I guess there are disadvantages and advantages to them being twins. They're unlikely to take a split decision on leaving the org, so if one gets it into her head she's likely to pass those same feelings on to the other, but of course the vice versa could happen too for a while. I'll bet though that within a few years at most they'll be back by your side.
You're doing the right thing but by taking the lead :)
frog x
i was given a cat whose name was "piti".
i found it strange, but i kept it.
well this isn't one of mine...but do you remember the episode of the Simpsons where Santa's Little Helper's girlfriend gives birth to 25 pups??...there's a scence at the begining where all the dogs are lined up in the kitchen with their named doggy bowls, and the camera goes across all of them "fido, spot, todo...etc"...until it gets to the last 2...the 24th pup is "Prince", and the 25th one is "The Artist Formerly Known as Prince"...hehe, that cracked me up x
...don't forget your crucifix OFG!! pmsl...that's a great pic, luved it! you should totally do it, why the hell not I say! make sure you sign up to partake of the emblems aforetime, call the cong in advance and tell them you're a member of the "annointed" who'll be in their neighbourhood over the Easer break hehe
...and with your being 33y/o and all, now that's just unkenny! lol x
i always felt unique from everyone else.
being a jw i never quite felt like i was from the same planet as all the other school children.
as a jw i fit in, but still not quite, as i was a bit too indepentdant a thinker.
I was having this very same line of conversation with diamondsblue just the other day! Although perhaps not so much related to the influence being a dub had on us. It's funny how you go through life for the better part thinking I'm the "normal" one. The person who does well enough at adapting for the situation and person, and the like...but I don't possibly how those of us rasied a dub could be without their quirks and eccentricities, I know for a fact I have my share fair!
I think being raised a dub and going through the motions and being spat out the other end all chewed up gives us a bit of a uniquire edge to our personalities! I think going through the process can have its constructive side, if you don't let it fill you with bitterness and synacism...but you could be forgiven for that given the circumstances...Firstly, it makes a person really resiliant, if you're a young dub raised in the org who leaves in their teens or early 20s, then there's unlikely to be any other situation in life where you're that inexperienced and have to cope with that much pain and loss it also gives you a bit of a no fear edge too.
Personally I enjoy my quirks, don't know if others value them as much as I do though! lol.
I think we should call ourselves the 'Quirky Apostate People' or QAP!...& this will be our mascot ->
Froggy of the proud to be QAP class! x
there's alot of jw "bashing" here.. if you have left the org., please inform me on what it was that convinced you to depart?
we have friends that are jws and we want to know how best to deal with them.
some are constantly giving us literature.
But mainly, people just like to bitch, moan and groan and never really help solve the WTB&TS problems. Some people have taken action in a court of law. The rest just give good lip service and vent on a tirade of useless shit! But at least they SEEM to feel better!
Mr Kim, what's shite to you might be like treasure to other people...but I can understand that if you personally don't feel the need to vent your pain to people who know your situation better than anyone else, then it might seem like a useless habbit to get into.
We all know, there is very little that can be done in the way of law suits and the like to make so-called "real" progress with the WT org...most of us just do what we can here, to help eachother out, and make our loads a little lighter.
It's a support group, not a problem solving forum, imo. x
there's alot of jw "bashing" here.. if you have left the org., please inform me on what it was that convinced you to depart?
we have friends that are jws and we want to know how best to deal with them.
some are constantly giving us literature.
Hi Fish,
I think it does you great to justice to take out the time to understand the world of your JW friends better.
You're absolutley right on many fronts, you seem to know a great deal already of the inner workings of the org. What you will find though, is that there are many unwritten rules on codes of behaviour that are implied, but cannot always be so easily backed up in their literature and formal teachinges.
The fact that your friends only allow to befriend you to a pointis absolutley very common in the org. The JW's are taught to exist in the "world" only as much as they have to, but to be no part of the "world" for the most part. It is very unusualy that active JW's have close friends who are outside of the org, and showing no signs of interest to join. JW's are pre-programmed to informally preach at any given opportunity, to not do so leaves a JW with immense guilt. For JW's believe that only other JW's have a chance at being saved at Armageddon, which is supposed to be "just around the corner"...but never actually seems to come!
I can not possibly express just how much pain & trauma that many people on this forum have been though as a result of being brave enough to challenge the Watchtower polices and being outcast as a result. JW's are not trained to think for themselves, rather to put all their trust in the so called "faithful and discreet slave" (a board of men who consider themselves to have a heavenly calling, and live off the dontations of the lay people at the headquaters in New York) to meter out "spiritual food at the proper time". It is not possible to change your mind out being a JW without repeating very harsh consequences. I for instance (and my story is not unique, many have suffered worse) haven't seen my mother or 2 older sisters for 4 years now due to my choosing to leave the WT org. My mother has been threatened with "judicial action" if she does associate with me, which could see her end up with the very same fate as me. Many of the current JW's around the world are like me, raised in the WT org. For those of us who were, we knew nothing else but the very close minded one dimensional view of the WT organisation, and nothing else. They allowed us to be baptised young, for me it was 16y/o, and after that there's no going back. When you are disfellowshipped you are also shunned, loosing all your previous friends, and in most cases your family too. People may try to tell you that the WT does not instruct its followers to shun family members, but I can tell you now that that is a crock of crap. There are a few things that are left up to "conscience matters", but it is always implied that you will take the extreme view, or otherwise be socially ostracised, or lose your congregational privileges.
I think the comments made above about your showing extra kindness to your JW friends is a brilliant one. The JWs are taught the the love of the greater number will "cool off" in the time of the end, and that there is generally no real love outside "jehovah's loving organisation". This is in most cases the complete opposite of the real situation in my congregations. If you express great love and kindess to your JW friends, it will really get them thinking.
Extreme efforts to pluck JW's from cult mind control generally don't work. Because they're so heavily indoctrinated/brainwashed they just go into auto defense mode, and it make them grip on even more tightly to their beliefs, which many at heart no are wrong. The best way is always subtleties, and they will gradually allow little bits in, until the scales become unbalanced, and they're forced to deal with their cognitive dissonance.
All the best to you babe. But don't take it on board yourself to make these people see sense, if it's too draining on you. Your first priority is to you and your family. It is always good though to search around for alternative points of view to get a good grip on the situation :).
frog x
like most of you we never did the birthday or christmas thing and so over the years anniversary celebrations were grabbed as a real chance to wrap presents, get festive and party.
this habit has carried on and there's a small mountain of shiny gifts all waiting to be torn open on april 5th.
okay, the kids are bit older now (18, 16 & 12) but we all still make a fuss of this one day.. we'll be going out for a slap up meal tomorrow night, just the 5 of us at our favourite curry house.
oh nic matey, your words to your wife are just so sweet & precious...i'm sure you must make for an absolutley perfect husband (if there is such a thing!).
congrats on your upcoming wedding anniversary matey, what a milestone (of is that milstone?? hehe j/k) it is for you both! Full credit to you both for riding out some of the toughest times no doubt any marriage could possibly go through.
hava great celebration together, make it special, a night to remember! frog x
my boyfriend and i are gettin pretty serious.
before we met he was never in a committed relationship and believed marriage was just a piece of paper that helped during tax season.
then he meets me and suddenly i catch him online looking at rings.
hi stilla babe,
i think it's swell that you've found someone that you care about so much, and equally cares about you. but statistically speaking couples who dive in too soon to long term committments have a greater chance of fizzing fast. If your guy was in a longterm relationship before you came along, and struggled when it ended badly, then it sounds to me like his self-worth might've taken a beating, and now that's perhaps why he's rushing into things with you.
You don't need anything but your love & affection to show eachother that you're committed at this stage. There will always be a time down the track when you just know that marriage is right, a time when you don't have burning doubts in your mind.
However, marriage isn't the end of the world from what I hear, so if you needed to go through with that to get the org off your back, than so be it. It doesn't necessarily have to shackle you down till death do us part if you can't make it work. Depends on your idea of what marriage should mean I guess...
Make sure you finish your studies though babe, and allow yourself a chance to taste real independence where you can support yourself and not rely on your family or partner to do that for you. It's the most liberating feeling in the world!
btw, it sounds like it's time that you considered standing up for yourself around your family and the org. You'll feel allot better after you've taken control of the reigns of your own life, come what may.
much love, frog x
shake things up a bit in your friendly local congregation of jehovah's witnesses by partaking of their memorial emblems this april 12!
when drinking the wine (i don't think you'd get to eating the bread if you carry this first part out), make sensual, sinful sounds of ecstasy!
better yet, noisily gulp down the whole glass of wine and top it with a little burp!
I had a sup and run all organised a few years ago but my camera operator backed out (this stuff takes a lot of guts).
yeah unc, but what've you got to lose by a sup & run of the Kalgoorlie Chateau?? (apart from a bad taste in your moutht that is)...worried perhaps they'll take away your dignity, friends, brotherly status??!... I'll paypal you a weeks wages if you go through with it this time round??! (er, well, maybe Centrelinks idea of a weeks wages hehe)...I would've been perfectly placed for such shananigans this year especially since Frog knows no dubs in this new pond of hers, but alas I've no cousin to drive the getaway mobile ...and cause pa will be visiting over Easter break & feels the need to drag his sorry inactive arse to the annual clambake...x