You are so right about that! No elders visit to attend the Memorial only one sister with an invitation.
Peace & Love,
i have pondered this question on many occasions.
when i began to have 'doubts' and began to 'question' some doctrine, and particularly the lack of christian love, very little effort was made to 'snatch me out of the fire' as elders are admonished to do.
i have always wondered why we as jw's would spend countless hours trying to start bible studies with 'wordly' people, while at the same time ignoring those who are moving away from dead center of the organization.
You are so right about that! No elders visit to attend the Memorial only one sister with an invitation.
Peace & Love,
how can the wts claim true christianity was reestablished with pastor russell when all his teachings have been proven to be all false?
and why have they changed their teachings on the memorial partakers and when the 144,000 were filled?.
Rules and Regulations, please reference which WT your Questions from Readers is from.
Don't want to be like the WT and post incorrect information "by accident" therefore not a lie.
has the new watchtower arrangement been announced in the united kingdom yet?.
just wondering if my family are up with the 'new light' yet!.
Honestly, I bet many are relieved that they dont have to hide their piles of old WT Magazines that they never placed in the first place, now they are down to 2 each month, how wonderful and such footstep followers to boot.
Peace & Love,
so here are the answers for this weeks bookstudy - should be mind numbing expanding .
book study for week of january 8th 1revelationitshappyclimax!.
Thanks so much,
Love & Peace,
this statement was made to me and i want to refute it with verifiable information on other denominations.
anyone with ideas?.
I was back home visiting family I found in an old book an article from 1937 newspaper that had been ripped out about something unrelated to your post, but what was interesting is that on the same page was article about a bishop in the catholic church that was writing about the wrong of the Nazi regime and Hitler did not like this. I remember thinking here is real proof that not just JWs were speaking out and not all catholic bishops remained quiet. Next time I am back home I will make a copy of it if I can remember which book it was in.
Love & Peace,
just wanted to let you all know about my phone call to my mom.
she was telling me how upset she is that all three of her kids no longer are active jw's.
i could no longer keep quite and i told her how upset am that she still is an active jw.
When I told my mother in law my doubts she also admitted doubts and then got to feeling guilty and almost retracted everything but over the past year or more we have had so good conversations and when I visit I make a point when the subject comes up to show her something from the publications that is manipulation of the truth.
Such as the back page of the Jan 2006 WT (Angeles on the cover) the back page is about discovery of artifacts with Gods name on them, but it states fall of Jerusalem in 607BCE, as if the article being discussed stated this. I went on line did search on the artifacts name, found article and NY Times article and clearly stated 586 BCE was dated quoted. I just said what would have been wrong with leaving the date out if they did not agree but to input a date that is clearly not in the articles amounts to lying to me and God does not lie.
Same with an article in first part of a WT last year all about Russell being so intent of examining the scriptures and mentioned Henry Grews Six Sermons and the article made it sound as if he did not support immortality of the soul in agreement with Russell but when you look up the Six Sermons he was stating when one dies he does not go to hell and be tormented but since the sinner does not confess Christ he is just dead and nothing more, all other believers go to heaven. I printed out the portion of the Six Sermons and showed her along with the WT, (which I wish I would have kept as I cant remember which one it was), again it showed her the twisting of truth.
She has gone from remaining quite and using age and health reason for not attending meetings anymore, to now wanting to DA herself as she feels like a hypocrite, which really surprised me. She also has had issues with the sexual preditors and blood issue always changing.
I asked her if any one delivered the Sept KM with the important "save this" Blood insert and she said No and just shook her head as it all seems such a farce. She is in her 80's now and admited this visit she had questions many years ago but felt all in all JWs were still better than most religions, however our discussion on everyone but JW's dying at the big A was just not right and she feels disfellowshipping is wrong and not loving. Now that she has not been at meeting for sometime she can separate God from the WTS and knows she can have a personal relationship with her God outside of the four walls of the Kingdom Hall.
So never give up hope and share the untruths in the publications, (fight fire with fire). I told her once I would go to a meeting if I could pick up a WT and not find a twisting of the truth from sources that they quote. Try it you will be amazed there will always be some article study or misc. article that they will manipulate the real truth.
Love & Peace,
so here are the answers for this weeks bookstudy - should be mind numbing expanding .
book study for week of january 8th 1revelationitshappyclimax!.
Does anyone have a scan of the May 2005 wherein they quote Naos & Heiron wrong? How convenient to do this.
oh.... how the saga goes on!!
i swear we could write a novel about our life exiting the watchtower!!
ok..many of you read what happened..our house was egged and so was my sisters car that was parked here, and "frosty" was attacked!!
I would press charges.
This made me think of who may have egged my car a couple times this last year. Not my husbands or sons trucks but just mine.
Thought it was random the first time and then the second time just seemed strange again. Also, had someone leave Awake and WT on my car windshield! I guess too busy to come to my door.
Peace & Love,
our friend hambeak just got the most dreaded phone call from his jw child.
the news was passed on as he was asked for by name and not as"dad" and let known that "they" just called to let him know that his other son, brian, age 26, is dead.
he was in a car accident.
I am so very for the lost of your son, please take all these posts and let us help you heal, as love conquers all, it really does.
Peace & Love,
ok, i'm writing this thru tears as i just found out in the last 5 minutes.
my dad died in august, and they had been together just 1 or 2 weeks over 70 years married!
i didn't expect her to last without him, and visa versa.. i just tried to call my sister, and no answer there.
Just logged on and so sorry to read of your Mom. I lost my Mom this May and just can't image having to find out as you did. My heart goes out to you and just remember as you are free they truly are free now. Again, I am so sorry.
Peace & Love,