Dad became a witness after coming home from Vietnam, and mom is not a witness. As a child I had to go with him, but then stopped as I got older. He always made me feel guilty for not going, and it did bother me that I was not active. After my college football days were cut short, I thought it was for the best to really look into the religion. Got involved with a "good witness girl" and just got trapped in the pressure.
JoinedPosts by TheOneBuck
I need Help on a Research Project
by JustMeNonJDub ini am currently writing a research paper on why people become jws.
i would greatly appreciate it if many of you fine people could tell me the reason(s) why you joined the jws.
those of you born to jw parents, please chime in also.
Where is the link between marriage and being single???? Apply yourself more to making love then masterbating then things would be better is all I was saying...
I'm the maturbating champion ................... LOL also good with making love to women , still single ladies .....................
Hmmm where do I begin...... Ok if you are a masterbating champion, how is that you became good at making love to a woman. From that stand point you are just worried of pleasing yourself Still single... see comments above..
Just teasing ya little, but that is kind of an OXY-MORON.
time travel
by tijkmo in.
if you could go back intime and change just one thing...what would it be...can be something in your life or in history that would have changed your life but something more original than being contacted by jw.
mine is i wouldnt have kissed her
Would never got involved with a JW girl. I can not imagine my life without my son, but man what a total psycho she was. I would have never been baptized or any of this junk if not for her, but so it goes you know..... Thankfully, it was not until I finished getting my first degree that I hooked up with her, or my life would be totally different I am sure.... Ughh... even at the time I knew she was bad news, but the way JW religion push youngesters to get married is just sick. I am sure a lot can relate, we had no business getting married, but I felt like I was doing something against Jehovah because I didn't want too... Sad huh... ohh well life is great now, so no sense in looking back
Hahahaha Change is good Brooke
. Besides, I am trying to help your marriage. Absenience makes the heart grow fonder, right? Well I am just trying to help strengthen the relationship..... ....
Lucky Bastard your husband
"I can put my whole fist in my Mouth! What was the question?"
Will you marry me!!!!!!!
What's Your Fantasy Job ?
by Taylor S. ini was in nassau sitting on the beach, sipping a 151 pina colada, watching the jet-ski guy, all toned and tanned.
i remember thinking, he's got the coolest job in the world ... sittting on the beach all day, renting & teaching drunk & horny tourists how to ride them.
that's my fantasy .... i wanna be the jet-ski guy.
Ohh dear lord please tell me this is a joke..."Bob Saget's personal assistant" My heart just sank, I think this is the same lady who had such good taste in beer MGD.......
ALL 5'9" of you.... It is not the size of the dog in a fight but the fight in the dog And if I had time from real job I would work the concert venue again this summer because it was a blast.
Body Hair - Lowering the tone once again
by Qcmbr inhi all, having just had a long shower while contemplating my navel (no further details will be revealed) i got to thinking about body hair.
since i'm at that awkward stage in life when hair on my head is reallocating itself to my nose and ears - i just wondered whether your hair recedes on any other parts of your body as you get older!
Wow I was going into this thread thinking ohh boy he is going to talk all the places he shaves and what not... Hahahaha but it was good for a laugh,
What's Your Fantasy Job ?
by Taylor S. ini was in nassau sitting on the beach, sipping a 151 pina colada, watching the jet-ski guy, all toned and tanned.
i remember thinking, he's got the coolest job in the world ... sittting on the beach all day, renting & teaching drunk & horny tourists how to ride them.
that's my fantasy .... i wanna be the jet-ski guy.
"a bouncer... I have no idea why.... just a cool job for a big guy.... or maybe a mafia hit man..." I was a bouncer at a strip club while I was in college and I would recommend it to anyone
. The bonus is when you get a couple of drunks who think they are hard-asses then you can legally beat the junk out of them then call the cops on them.... It was awsome. I was also a back stage bouncer at a concert venue for a couple of summers and seen some pretty awsome stuff. All I have to say is Kid Rock is the man. He lives the life style to the fullest if you know what I mean.
What's Your Fantasy Job ?
by Taylor S. ini was in nassau sitting on the beach, sipping a 151 pina colada, watching the jet-ski guy, all toned and tanned.
i remember thinking, he's got the coolest job in the world ... sittting on the beach all day, renting & teaching drunk & horny tourists how to ride them.
that's my fantasy .... i wanna be the jet-ski guy.
Having a jon that requires me to jump around all over the place I would advise that you seriously think about that
My favorite job would to be a college football recruiter for my favorite school. I think it would be awsome to run the camps, travel the coutry to watch football, etc.