GBL -Before today they probably thought you were just evil. Now they probably think you are evil and unstable. Wish I could have seen their scared little faces.
i just saw a few of my old jw buddies as i was driving home from the gym.
i started honking my horn manically and swerved towards them.. they all kinda jumped.
then i waved and gave em a big smile as i zoomed past.
GBL -Before today they probably thought you were just evil. Now they probably think you are evil and unstable. Wish I could have seen their scared little faces.
isn't being disfellowshipped or disassociated a voluntary thing, in one sense?
i mean, when a person is deemed by the judicial committee as truly repentant, there are less harsher disciplinary steps.
in cases where there is no remorse, yes, the committee has no choice.
I don't believe it is always voluntary. One elder told me that if someone sins and it is serious enough or quite a few people know about it then you will be disfellowshipped. His reasoning is that they don't want the congregation to think they got a way with it or the elders aren't keeping the cong, clean.
there is a quickbuild going on in our area this weekend.
i drove past today & it made me sad - they were the best part of being a dub.
i used to go with friends, & it was cruzey - checking out guys & socialising & working hard.
The brothers used to complain about sisters picking at one another. I remember the almost all out brawls over how one brother might hammer the shingles.
i will be, i just cant decide where.
im trying to tie it all into my vacation, but i might just have to drive a ways for a 1 day picket within my region.
some locations i have considered are amarillo tx, cleveland oh, duluth ga, biloxi ms, columbia sc, huntsville al, little rock ar, and possibly johnson city tn, but kinda doubtful there.
this thread is for jehovah's witness lurkers and posters here.. acts 13 shows paul and his traveling companions entering a synagogue, speaking before false worshippers in a group setting.
other examples of this particular kind of preaching to unbelievers are:.
acts 2:43-47. acts 5:17-21. acts 5:41, 42 (also house to house).
I believe that the main reason the FDS preaches that you must go door to door is because they are a publishing company. In sales you are taught how to make cold calls to increase your sales. For anyone who has been in sales meetings for places like Combined Insurance they will tell you the best way to increase sales is going door to door.
The FDS knows this and are just using the scriptures to make it look legite.
Hi Loubelle,
After I left the JWs I didn't go to any church for about a year. I did start attending the First Baptist Church in my area about 9 months ago. I did it part because of my kids and wanting them to be educated about God . I want to be able to educate them on cults. The other part for going was because if JWs aren't right, then maybe these other religions might have something and I just didn't know it.
What I have found out is that religion is just religion. All need people in order to survive. Some seem to be better at controlling or guilting people into to coming. Mine at this time is not controlling me yet, but I have heard stories about how some have been treated.
I got the same feeling you did. What I have come to the conclusion though, is that it isn't from going to a certain church, but more about realizing we weren't even close to living the life that Jesus wants us to. I found relief in just accepting the simple message of accepting Jesus as our Savior. That is a far cry from --go door to door every Sat, 5 meetings a week, only associate with certain ones etc.... and PROBABLY we will be saved. You just couldn't do enough and so you stayed in a constant state of guilt. Don't forget about all your faults and everything you need to work on unless you are an elder or Co.
I hope you find happiness if you choose to stay with that religion. Just remember that religion is just religion. If things start to not feel right....GET OUT! Religion is manmade and Jesus can work outside of religion.
my name is minister rat, and i just happened to be in your neighbourhood.
have a look at this cool babe on the front page of this june awake.
Here is a conversation starter we were warned not to use in service:
"Good Morning, we are here with a message from outer space....."
It's ironic that it is probably true!
just wanted to share some exciting info on a recent experience of a witness couple.
their young baby very unfortunatly was struck with leukiemia and requiered a blood transfusion to save its life.
fortunatly the parents had enough sence and logical reasoning to save their babys life by listening to the medical staff and proceeded with the transfusions.
It's so good to hear of some "real" people in the organization. I hope the baby grows up healthy and strong!!! The parents made a very concious decision on a life being sacred instead of a rule made by an organization. Sending love their way.
how's the transition going in your life from faithful jw to ex?
for me, it's pretty good.
no one has called me and that's good.
My recovery is great! The only problem is I really don't know what to believe about God.
I'm still searching and searching and searching and although at least I don't have to put up with being told what to believe, I still can't find anything concrete.
At least I don't have the guilt anymore.
The first time, I was disfellowshipped for partying and fornication. I was 20.
I went back 3 yrs later and stayed for about 8 yrs and then DA'd myself because I didn't want to ruin my marriage over the "requirement" of Service.
I also came to the conclusion that it was unfair to raise my kids in that religion when they would probably at some point in life decide that it sucks and want out. I wasn't prepared to disown them under any circumstance, no matter what they do. I figure that even if my family never talks to me again I will live.