Some at bethel ( Ray and others) realized that the great crowd will be standing before the thone just like the 144,000. Meaning that ALL will be in heaven not just 144,000.
i don't have ray franz's book so could somebody tell me about that rumor that got the gb all upset at bethel back in 1980???
Some at bethel ( Ray and others) realized that the great crowd will be standing before the thone just like the 144,000. Meaning that ALL will be in heaven not just 144,000.
family life that pleases god .
what is the husband's position in the family?
3. a father should work hard to care for his family.
Dear Defd,
"what goes around comes around" Yes that child molester from my old congregation that committed suicide. Molested at least a half-dozen kids and now that cong. is finding those children whom he victimized are now doing the same to the next generation. Thank goodness Jehovah really showed him.
Please pull your head out of the sand!!!!
has anyone read this book?
john shelby spong is a retired bishop who is trying to expose what religion has done to scripture by how they interpret them.
in chapter 25 on the bible and certainty he writes " my contention, which i will seek to defend in this section of the book, is that the moment any religious tradition claims certaintly, it turns demonic.
Thanks Classist, I wasn't aware that it is proper to refer to him as Bishop Spong.
I wouldn't say I agree with everything he says, particularly the chapter on Blood and how men treated women because of their fear of blood. However he made some interesting points about child abuse and how whether hitting an adult or hitting a child it is still abuse. That corporeal punishment was a way to keep people in line. I also believe that religion has interrpreted scripture to justify wrong like anti-semitism, anti-gay rites etc. It may seem elementary to some, but it is quite interesting to me--someone who has never been allowed to open their mind to view any of this in a different way.
Thanks for your comments all!
i am hoping a little balance is allowed here, or at least the coin's flip side.
this is my story so far, but i am fairly sure it is going to end up a bit differently than most i have read on your site.
the brothers couldn't help my husband, he didn't want help.
You may want to prepare yourself for how you will be treated when you return to the "flock". You will find they think your brain must have fell out of your head for the whole time you were not a witness. They will think they need to tell you how to dress properly since you have been a worldly person, they may remind you not to partake of the emblems as you may have somehow thought you are one of the 144,000, be prepared for an elder to approach you about proper sex in the bedroom as your evil husband may have corrupted you view on sex, also please prepare your husband for the news that he will no longer have any say in your family life and well-being as you will be under the elders command.
There is so much more that you may not be aware of, but sometimes it is best to just experience it on your own so you can renew your memory of why you left in the first place.
has anyone read this book?
john shelby spong is a retired bishop who is trying to expose what religion has done to scripture by how they interpret them.
in chapter 25 on the bible and certainty he writes " my contention, which i will seek to defend in this section of the book, is that the moment any religious tradition claims certaintly, it turns demonic.
Has anyone read this book? John Shelby Spong is a retired Bishop who is trying to expose what religion has done to scripture by how they interpret them.
In chapter 25 on The bible and certainty he writes " My contention, which I will seek to defend in this section of the book, is that the moment any religious tradition claims certaintly, it turns demonic. It also gives up at that moment the very reason for which it was originally created. Whether such a tradition lives or dies, therefore, becomes of little significance. Above all, I contend that something called "the faith of the church" has never existed; truth, whether it be religious truth or any other kind, is always evolving and changing, and the moment truth is codified, it begins to die. That makes it very difficult to be triumphal and certain. We Christians are pilgrims walking into the mystery of God, not soldiers marching off to war. There is a great difference."
I wish the GB could realize all this!!!!!!
John Shelby Spong also makes an interesting case for why there is so much prejudice against homosexual/lesbian relationships. He proposes that possibly the apostle Paul may have been anti-gay because of his own stuggles with it.(Rom7:23). He writes from his own experience and study of the scripture and much of it is his own opinion.
He discusses religion and child abuse, degredation of women, anti-semitism....makes some good points of where these things started and why.
tonight i meet with the overseer?
and another elder.
plus the older gentlemen who i study with.
I was disfellowshipped for 3 years. In that time I married a man who is not JW. When I got reinstated I felt forced to go door to door even though my husband was opposed. It finally came down to an elder and his wife telling me to "go inspite of my husband and that he will either give in or he will leave". I wasn't even given a choice and my husbands feelings were not even a consideration. I do believe this is what most likely will await you.
Just a warning that your girlfriend will be made to choose. Hopefully she will choose you over this cult, but I wouldn't hold my breath especially if her whole family are JWs. It was a hard decision for me to lose my family once again, but I couldn't justify splitting my marriage up and taking my children from their dad who is a great dad!
My dad was a great dad too, but my mom chose the watchtower society over my dad and thus sentenced us to a broken home and violence and other abuses.
driven by panic, the governing body's current theme continues to dominate their magazines.
and assemblies: the next generation of young witnesses are "leaving the truth" and must be.
The watchtower society can preach its woes all it wants, but until they finally admit they can't continue to control families and manipulate them they will continue to lose these young ones. Kids are smarter now because of the choices available to them. There is so much info with the internet and as well the news offers information on the crimes inflicted on innocent people by the churches.
Its just too bad the society can't get real with themselves. I also think it is too bad that so many JWs still have not learned to use their brains for what it was created for--to learn, make choices, solve real problems and so much more. If the JWs could at least just see how no one should demand certain actions within families. The society is so very out of bounds when it comes to families and how parents should raise children. I firmly believe my mom was capable of being an awesome parent if she had been allowed to.
an article in the professional journal obstetrics & gynecology (sep 2004) indicates that, if need arises, almost 10% of pregnant jws would agree to accept packed red blood cells while another 40% would consent to a variety of donated blood products.
health care proxy was available in her chart.
39.3% agreed to accept a variety of donated blood products,.
I did, since I inherited RH negative blood. To insure the safety of my babies I had no choice but to except Rhogam.
i had a visit with an elderly friend of mine yesturday.
she grew up as a protestant living in england.
when she moved to canada she converted to mormonism.
I had a visit with an elderly friend of mine yesturday. She grew up as a protestant living in England. When she moved to Canada she converted to mormonism. She is a very open-minded person to all religions and has a JW call on her and she asks what they believe and thoroughly enjoys it yet is aware of some of the things like disfellowshipping, blood ban etc. (she does not agree with this)
We were just discussing about life circumstances and religion and the history of religion and that sort of stuff. She gave me a brief history on her conversion to mormonism and then she said that mormonism can be too confining for some people because of some of their rules and beliefs, but she loves it and it "suits her spirit". I just thought that was such a beautiful way to explain your satisfaction in what you have come to believe.
I am drawn to eastern religions and I do find they "suit my spirit"
i was recently talking to a girl in my psychology class who told me that she use to be a jw and was df'd in the mid 1990's.
this girl shocked me because usually ex-jws are so unhappy and miserable and spend most of their time complaining about the "evil" wt society.
she told me that when she was df'd alot of ex-jws swarmed towards her trying to get her to "bash" the wt but she refused.
I believe I am getting on with my life. I may still bash the JW's partly because I lost every relative I have to them and partly because my mother is telling everyone that I am CRAZY. I have also been told by my step-father that I lied about our upbringing and made it all up. I don't know how a JW can think that denial will just make everything go away. I prefer to face problems head on even if I don't agree at the moment. I also have a hard time understanding how they can think that they have the right to hurt others as if a divine command when many haven't done anything wrong other than disagree with them.
Even if they ever get it, it will still be too late to bring the missing time with your family back!!!! Very sad state for JW.