I am ignorant about linking things but it’s on the first page about seven topics down and was made 9 hours ago: “Are they continuing to reduce the headcount at Bethel.”
Yes, it’s sickening. One of the posters who answered thinks the org is intending to liquidate the whole thing (which I am inclined to believe).. But, these older bethelites are being let go first. The prevailing opinion is because they are perceived to be a liability because of high health care costs the religion doesn’t want to deal with. But, I suppose if liquidation is the plan then eventually everyone will be let go.
There is even a horror story of a let-go bethelite who supposedly froze to death on a park bench nearby!😮 Don’t know when this happened and they managed to keep this quiet.. So, it seems these older bethelites are being handed their hats. Meanwhile, younger people are being brought in !!