Topics Started by cain
Comments You Will Not Hear at the 8-22-04 WT Study (Abbreviated) Apostates
by blondie incomments you will not hear at the 8-22-04 wt study (july 15, 2004 issue) abbreviated
review comments
will be in black and parentheses ().
Comments You Will Not Hear at the 8-15-04 WT Study (Abbreviated)
by blondie in"go therefore and make disciples?teaching them to observe all the things i have commanded you.
by new light ini just saw on the local news that a jw i have personally met and whose family i know was arrested for child pornography.
he is only about 30 years old.
this is the second case in 2 months involving an arrest for a child sex crime within the same congregation (the man on the news actually moved away a few years ago).
The history of Islam
by Elsewhere in
according to a pro-islam website... islam?s history is filled with conquest and violence.
i was intrigued by another posters post about how the crusades were in response to the muslims invading the western world... so i had to do my own research to see if this was actually true.. as it turns out, the muslims have a habit of trying to take over the world.
Numbers both literal and symbolic (April 1st Watchtower)
by ozziepost ini wonder how many readers of the watchtower have noticed the seeming inconsistency of the 144,000 teaching in the april 1st issue?.
after discussing the symbolic nature of the numbers 666 on the wild beast comes this statement:.
"immediately after disclosing the number 666, revelation mentions 144,000 followers of the lamb, jesus christ, who have his name and the name of his father, jehovah, written on their foreheads.".
What happened to Harmony?
by gilwarrior indoes anyone know what happened to harmony, who post as peaceloveharmony?
i know that she moved to new york from minnesota.
however, i e-mailed her and she told me that she was considering moving back to minnesota.
Tonites bookstudy
by Leander init took everything i had to stay seated thru the bookstudy tonite, i felt like getting up and leaving.
the fact that i'm the designated reader did'nt make matters any better either.
i'm not sure how many people on the forum have the isaiah's prophecy book but if you do have a copy check out chapter 21.. chapter 21 in paragraphs 3 talks about how enemies of the israelites (pharoah, nebuchadnezzar)were compelled to acknowledge that jehovah was with his people.
Are Jehovah's Witnesses evil?
by SexyTeen ini am shocked at the many accusations against jehovah's witnesses in this forum.. i know that i am young, but most of my family are jws and they are good people and i love them.
even my worldly family is very nice and i do not shun them.
the friends in the hall are very nice also.
Vincent's Underground II
by Seven inhey {{{crew}}} lol a little rocky horror for the drive home.
it's snowing here!
let's do the time warp again!.
Just saying Hi
by Ozzygal ini've been lurking for a while, and feeling a little guilty about being here.
you know, the ol' internet is evil thing.
it's been a big topic down our way recently.