Are Jehovah's Witnesses evil?

by SexyTeen 66 Replies latest jw friends

  • plmkrzy

    P.S welcome, i'm a newbie to. or too. well I know its not two.

  • sadiejive
  • DCs Ghost
    DCs Ghost

    "Every exit is an entry somewhere."

    anal is still illegal in some states

    "we do not see the world as it is,
    we see the world as we are. . ." Anais Nin

  • Will Power
    Will Power

    We write to taste life twice...Anais Nin

    favourite quote of a friend of mine.

  • cain

    ghost - you are pre-verted!!

    "ambition is just an excuse for not having the guts to be lazy" - The Wogboy

  • gotcha

    hey there sexyteen -- just wanted to ask..if ever armageddon comes do u think that mostly jws will survive and those who survive who are not jws are just exceptions? if u say it depends, if there's a good-hearted jw and a good-hearted catholic and both of em follow the rules and does good things sincerely who do u think has more chances of surviving?

  • bigfloppydog

    you are young and still learning, yes there are many JW's who were genuinely nice, but there are also ones who gossip, have double-standards, and ones who can be very mean, and when one gets hurt by those unloving or uncaring mean ones, there isn't many nice things to say about them. I have seen people treated badly by some JW, maybe because they were not well-off so to speak. JW's have their clique's and if you are not part of that you are out. I've seen respected one's in org. do not so nice things and get away with it, it seems to all be swept under the rug, or hidden. I was young and naive and was quite shocked that JW's were capable of such behaviour. I was blind and stupid and way to gullable. I thought JW's were different from the people who were not JW's I was wrong. I now realize they are just as capable of hurting others and anyone else. There excuse has always been and what I have always been told well "We are only human and we make Mistakes." I'm just glad I do not have to deal with all of that anymore.

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