If I seed to 100% can I report that I've placed about 1200 Watchtowers this month?
JoinedPosts by Ténébreux
Want all the Watchtowers from 1897-1950, 3GB free?
by MinisterAmos inwatchtower bible and tract society - jehovah's witnesses watchtower publications - 1879 to 1949 .
check out this link boys and girls..... .
If death is the result of sin, why do animals die?
by Orgull inmy first week of posts here were very serious and all the wonderful, encouraging replies helped me very much.. so now i want to ask something semi-frivolous.
(actually it's one of the many things that don't make sense to me about "the truth").
why do animals die?.
For anyone who thinks animals were never meant to die: How is it that certain flowers mimic the appearance and smell of rotting carrion in order to attract flies for pollination? If God designed the plants and animals, he designed death into the system right from the beginning.
Attention - file host ordered to take down MY picture today !!
by cultswatter inattention!!!!!
geeeeezuz help us all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
someone is trying to railroad my thread entitled "stern magazine -important".
I'm looking at the page right now, and under the heading "Bieving Thastards", I see on the left a scan from the Live Forever book, and on the right the cover of Stern magazine. If the image really has been deleted from fortunecity, perhaps I'm just seeing a copy from my ISP's proxy server.
How do you feel about people who wear their religion on their sleeve?
by loosie innow remember i live in the bible belt.. ok i know i have issues but this annoys me.
we don't have cubicles that separate you from seeing eveyone else.
just really long desks with 12 inch dividers.
If he wants to project an air of superiority and make a public spectacle of himself, that's great. Just take comfort in the fact that nobody else in the office is the least bit impressed by it either.
Do you think the society will abandon 1914?
by B_Deserter init seems to me that they're slowly dismantling the date theology that ties the end times to this period in history.
first, they updated the generation teaching to mean a figurative generation, thus removing the possibility in the near future when all who were alive in 1914 are dead.
then, they abandoned 1935 so the annointed will never die off, and prove their belief that the annointed will see armageddon wrong.
They don't have to drop the date, all they have to do is attach a different significance to it. 1914 could become the year when Christ "symbolically" arrived, the year when his true followers were granted awareness of his coming presence. Backed up by some statements in the vaguest possible terms about how the FDS have always taught 1914 to be a "significant" and "pivotal" date, and how "some" were expecting his actual presence, ha ha weren't they silly, we know better today don't we.
Why is it so hard for a JW to admit when they are wrong about anything?
by A-Team inespecially about the bible??
why would jws rather argue and argue instead of admitting defeat and wrongdoing?
Because virtually every aspect of the religion including doctrines and organizational procedure is supposed to have been handed down by divine inspiration oh all right guidance from God himself. If even the smallest divinely-revealed teaching is found to be wrong, it calls the others into question as well.
Who would still be a Jehovah's Witness if it wasn't for the INTERNET???
by What-A-Coincidence inraises hand.
i thank auldsoul/blodie for helping me out...they stick out in my mind when i first lurked on jwd.
wac - bethelite for 10 years and elder for 1.
[edited] Sorry - duplicate post. What is it with this site? One minute it hangs and refuses to post anything at all, the next minute it posts twice.
Who would still be a Jehovah's Witness if it wasn't for the INTERNET???
by What-A-Coincidence inraises hand.
i thank auldsoul/blodie for helping me out...they stick out in my mind when i first lurked on jwd.
wac - bethelite for 10 years and elder for 1.
I decided to call it quits about a year BEFORE I had ever used the internet. Once I did get online though, reading other people's experiences and learning about the history of the WTS really helped me to move on and stop feeling bad about my decision.
Do zealous dubs think they will be blessed more?
by JH inas a dub, were you under the impression that the more you served the watchtower org., the more god would bless you in the new system?
the more you were involved serving god as a jw, the more blessings you'd receive in the new system, or were you under the impression that everybody would be blessed equally, no matter how much they did, as long as they survived armageddon.. could this explain why some are more zealous than other in the org?
thinking they will blessed more than those who did less.. .
For every year spent pioneering, they get seven years extra everlasting life.
[edit] - Dang, "Open mind" beat me to it.
"The Sound of Music" not theocratic enough?
by Frequent_Fader_Miles inone of the local congregations is having a farewell "concert" for their co who's leaving.
of course, the book study conductor felt obligated to take control by appointing himself screener of all performances before the event (how shocking!
what's wrong with the song as is?
There's a sad sort of clanging
From the clock in the hallYou're not supposed to be paying attention to the clock in the hall, you should be concentrating on the talk.