I have to chime in with mouthy on this one. I think that his childhood, or lack thereof, has caused him to be emotionally scarred and that he has created this child-like world as a way of coping with whatever memories he has. Is he strange? Yes, but who knows why he has handled the stress of stardom the way he does. The mind is a mysterious thing, and no two people react the same way to situations. I think that he has had some very harsh experiences in his life, and for whatever reason, hi child-like manifestations are his mind's way of dealing with the aftermath of those events. I do not think the kids are necessarily suffering. This is the only way of life they have ever known, so it probably does not seem strange to them. Why would it? And there are much worse environments to grow up in than with a rich, eccentric, child-like parent. Will his children need therapy? More than likely, but then again, at least paying for it won't be an issue! I think that the media should just leave the whole thing alone and let them live their life. That would be those children's best chance at a glimpse of normality.