For a time, yes it did. It took me many years to sort it all out. In some ways, I feel I am still sorting, but I do have a faith in a higher being back again. Just not entirely sure what that is at this point.
JoinedPosts by caligirl
Has being a Jehova's witness totally shattered your faith?
by Silvia Plath injust because the watchtower society is wrong doesn't mean that there is no god, nor does it mean there is a god.
it would interesting to now how former members have adjusted thier cosmology, or whether they are now atheists and why.
i personally see religion as a more personal matter, rather than belonging to an organization.
Nauseating Trip down memory lane.....
by caligirl ini was reading through a journal i kept for my oldest son when he was a baby, and came accross a couple of entries that just make me cringe.
i was writing about my grandparents, the last of which passed away (not witnesses) when he was still less than a year old.
the journal is written like a letter to him for when he is older.
My Grandfather always felt that my Dad became a witness just to spite him. My Grandfather essentially disinherited my Dad over the whole issue. I think my Dad became a witness because they told him he would see his Mom again in 1975 when the big A came. (she had died 7 years before my parents were sucked in)
Nauseating Trip down memory lane.....
by caligirl ini was reading through a journal i kept for my oldest son when he was a baby, and came accross a couple of entries that just make me cringe.
i was writing about my grandparents, the last of which passed away (not witnesses) when he was still less than a year old.
the journal is written like a letter to him for when he is older.
I was reading through a journal I kept for my oldest son when he was a baby, and came accross a couple of entries that just make me cringe. I was writing about my grandparents, the last of which passed away (not witnesses) when he was still less than a year old.
The journal is written like a letter to him for when he is older. In that journal, I told him how sad I felt that he would not be able to know his grandparents, but that he would see them in the "resurrection" It made me feel sick to my stomach, and I am thinking about altering it, or at least adding a PS to it about not believing it, but part of me also thinks I should leave it as I wrote it then.
As I was reading it, I remember feeling uncomfortable writing that down but at the time I somehow felt obligated to refer to it. It was shortly after those journal entries that I made my final decision to stop going to meetings like I had wanted to for years. I regret that I never experienced a family christmas or sent my grandparents a birthday card. I I found out a few years ago that my grandmother had told my cousin that she thought I would leave it. I wish that I could have been in on that discussion or had the chance to tell her myself that she was right.
Limits on paper towel, tp usage at DA's. What next? Have fun w/suggestions
by juni in2 sheets of paper towel for hand drying, controlled use of toilet paper, don't dawdle while in the stall, covered mirrors, what next?.
how about maximum of 2 trips to the bathroom per day otherwise you are written up by brother bathroom monitor.
if more than that you are put on cleaning duty after the day's sessions are done.. .
I remember seeing the taped over mirrors back in 95, and it was "requested" on a sign that we use only 2 paper towels.
As for Mexico, you will find people handing out TP in limited amounts lots of places, not just conventions. When we went to Tiajuana, at the dance clubs, they have people in the bathroom handing out TP, and you are supposed to put it in the trash can when you are done, not the toilet because the plumbing is so bad that even a few squares of paper can clog it all up.
Wow, what an assembly!!!!!!!!
by TooBad TooSad ini attended two days of the dc.
the only three points that i took home with me is that the end is near, higher education is a no no, and that the brothers have a problem with pornography.
i was in amazement at the number of witnesses that take notes as fast as the speaker is talking.
Man, am I glad that I haven't had to sit through one of those DC's since 1994! And my sincerest sympathy to all of you that still have to sit through them- that would be one of my worst nightmares come true to have to do all that again!
I'm surprised that they have not adopted the format of that Weather Channel show "It Could Happen Tomorrow" and made a DVD to provide the scary visual aides needed to jolt the rank & file into greater productivity. (You know, replace those pesky outdated pencil drawings of all the people being swallowed up by the big cracks in the road from the 70's with a fear inspiring special effects bonanza)
To what belief system do you subscribe? Belief-O-Matic!
by daystar intake the old belief-o-matic survey and post your results!.
here are my rather interesting results:.
1. unitarian universalism (100%) 2. mainline to liberal christian protestants (83%) 3. liberal quakers (82%) 4. neo-pagan (81%) 5. christian science (church of christ, scientist) (80%) 6. secular humanism (78%) 7. new age (67%) 8. baha'i faith (61%) 9. nontheist (60%) 10. church of jesus christ of latter-day saints (mormons) (57%) 11. new thought (55%) 12. hinduism (52%) 13. scientology (50%) 14. jehovah's witness (48%) 15. taoism (48%) 16. theravada buddhism (45%) 17. mainline to conservative christian/protestant (36%) 18. sikhism (32%) 19. mahayana buddhism (31%) 20. jainism (23%) 21. orthodox quaker (21%) 22. eastern orthodox (20%) 23. orthodox judaism (20%) 24. roman catholic (20%) 25. reform judaism (18%) 26. seventh day adventist (17%) 27. islam (5%)
2. Unitarian Universalism (97%) 3. Liberal Quakers (89%) 4. Orthodox Quaker (76%) 5. Neo-Pagan (76%) 6. Theravada Buddhism (73%) 7. Secular Humanism (70%) 8. New Age (69%) 9. Mahayana Buddhism (64%) 10. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (64%) 11. Reform Judaism (64%) 12. Bahá'í Faith (62%) 13. Eastern Orthodox (60%) 14. Roman Catholic (60%) 15. Sikhism (55%) 16. Taoism (54%) 17. New Thought (52%) 18. Hinduism (52%) 19. Nontheist (52%) 20. Seventh Day Adventist (51%) 21. Jainism (49%) 22. Scientology (48%) 23. Orthodox Judaism (44%) 24. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (42%) 25. Islam (36%) 26. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (32%) 27. Jehovah's Witness (10%)1. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (100%) -
do you?
by purplebunnyfoofoo in.
believe that gods name is jehovah?
do you still use it as his name?
No and No.
I would not disrespect my own father by calling him by his familiar name, why would I presume that God was ok with all of us doing it? Never made any sense to me.
Secondly, no one is even sure that is the correct spelling/pronunciation- it is the "best guess" pronunciation. Can you imaging being God and having prayer fanatics like witnesses-who are not supposed to even eat a morsel of food without praying- mispronouncing your first name a gajillion times a day? Talk about annoying!! Hell, after 100 years of that, I'd be like " No, I'm not answering your damn prayer because I am &^%$^%*&*%^% sick and tired of you butchering my name!"
Insensitive talk assignments
by Steve Lowry ini once was assigned a talk on masturbation when i was about fifteen or so.
the theme of the talk was to discourage masturbating (actually to forbid the practice), as it was considered by the society a no no.
looking back on it, it offends me to this day that they would give a kid such a sensitive and embarrassing talk assignment like that.
My step son, at the ripe old age of 14 was assigned a talk about marriage while his mother was working her way towards her second divorce. I know that my father uses some kind of software program that someone invented that (I think) randomly assigns talks to anyone in the database, which might account for some inappropriate assignements if that program is being used.
when and where
by purplebunnyfoofoo in.
when and where were you baptized.
1974 in evansville indiana, roberts muncipal stadium
1987 in Montpelier, VT
YOUR LAST MEETING.........................
by vitty my last meeting, the elder was talking about 1975 and said "it never happened, it is appostates using a time when (some) brothers took the info in the wt wrong"...................i just blinked and finally woke up.. i had been on this site lurking for a couple of weeks, and realized thing werent right, but to have some creep say on the platform " it didnt happen"............when this ruined my and my siblings childhood, just made me snap.
on the way home, i told my hubby "that was the last meeting im going to"................boy was he pleased.. .
so if you didnt get df ......................what happened at your last meeting.?.
I don't even remeber it. I was such a sporadic attendee for so long, it really didn't make much of an impression. It was some time in late 1996 just after my oldest was born, and the next meeting somehow just never happened. Nothing memorable, no one ever really hassled me at all, and still haven't. It was a real non-event.