JoinedPosts by SeymourButts
compilation of biblical inconsistinceys
by candidlynuts inlink
example of some that are listed.... mt 5:16 good works should be seen.. mt 6:1-4 they should be kept secret.. mt 5:17-19, lk 16:17 jesus underscores the permanence of the law.. le 10:8 - 11:47, dt 14:3-21 the law distinguishes between clean and unclean foods.. mk 7:14-15, mk 7:18-19 jesus says that there is no such distinction.. 1ti 4:1-4 all foods are clean according to paul.. mt 5:17-19, lk 16:17 jesus did not come to abolish the law.. ep 2:13-15, he 7:18-19 jesus did abolish the law.. mt 5:39, mt 5:44 do not resist evil.
love your enemies.. 2jn 1:9-11 shun anyone who does not hold the proper doctrine.. mt 5:43-44, mt 22:39 love your enemies.
Jesus is Jehovah!!!!
by hibiscusfire in.
and the word was god or "a god" (kai theos en ho logos).
It has often been wondered why the biblical God of the Hebrews led them through trials and tribulations, floods and disaster when, from time to time, he appears to have performed with a quite contrary and merciful personality. The answer is that, although now seemingly embraced as the One God by the Jewish and Christian faiths, there was originally a distinct difference between the figures of Jehovah and the Lord. They were, in fact, quite separate deities. The god referred to as Jehovah was traditionally a storm god - a god of wrath and vengeance - whereas the god referred to as the Lord, was a god of fertility and wisdom
from a lecture by Laurence Gardner.
I have been reading his stuff lately and some of it is pretty interesting
Wal-Mart to open store with special parking spaces for Amish buggies
by rebel8 in
wierd story.. someone come up with a jw joke about this story.
i'm drawing a blank at the moment.
Parking spaces for Amish buggies are nothing new. It is a common thing around here. Most of the bigger stores and some of the smaller ones all have special parking for them.
They usually include a hitching rail and the ground is gravel rather than pavement.
And, yes....there are family buggies. There are even small 2-wheeled sport models. I saw a buggy race against a VW van once.....buggy had him at the start, but the van eventually overtook
Almost 3 Decades of Same UN Criteria!
by Voyager inalso, under the heading at the bottom of the page: current legislation: we read, "such arrangements may be made with international organizations and, where appropriate, with national organizations (after consultation) with the member of the united nations concerned.".
1.3 current legislation .
the article states that the ecosoc may make arrangements for both national and international ngos: .
By their own admission of becoming an NGO they have, according to their own rules, become guilty of apsotacy. There is no way to spin it. Even if it was only for a library card, they still are apostate. Their words, not mine.
January 1,1979 questions from readers:
In joining the YMCA as a member a person accepts or endorses the general objectives and principles of the organization. He is not simply paying for something he receives, such as when buying things being sold to the public at a store. (Compare 1 Corinthians 8:10; 10:25.) Nor is his membership merely an entry pass, as when a person buys a theater ticket. Membership means that one has become an integral part of this organization founded with definite religious objectives, including the promotion of interfaith. Hence, for one of Jehovah?s Witnesses to become a member of such a so-called "Christian" association would amount to apostasy.
Some individuals have on occasion not become members but have paid a onetime admission fee, viewing this as simply paying for a commercial service available. Even in this regard it is wise to consider whether this course will adversely affect the consciences of others.?1 Cor. 8:11-13.
Witnessed to by mail and the dogs attack the tract
by SeymourButts ina friend, kevin, called me this morning and says to swing by sometime today.....he's got something to show me.
i get my butt in gear and head to his house.
he hands me a letter he got in the mail on saturday.
A friend, Kevin, called me this morning and says to swing by sometime today.....he's got something to show me. I get my butt in gear and head to his house.
He hands me a letter he got in the mail on saturday. "I think it's from the Jehovahs Witnesses.....why would they mail me a letter?" It was a letter stating that the writer hadn't been able to speak to Kevin in person, but was just sharing a message with the friends in his area. You know, the typical field service approach. It went on how they were sharing Gods kingdom and spreading the message of of good news in 200 lands now. blah blah get the picture... No mention of who they were in the letter.
The lady that sent the letter signed her name, but the address enclosed was that of the kingdom hall....not hers. She made it look like it was her address...a little misleading. Kevin then tells me that there was a tract enclosed with wtbts on the back....thats how he knew it was the jws.
Kevin bent over to the coffee table and took the tract out of the envelope. Just as he pulled it from the envelope, one of the dogs (jack russels) came running by and jumped up and grabbed the tract right out of his hand. The other dog then joined in and they ripped it to shreds. It was hilarious!!! We all laughed like crazy, knowing for sure that this had to be a sign.
I did get to see a few pieces parts of the tract and it was for sure jws. They want to hear from Kevin if he is interested in discussing the bible.
I am assuming that they mail witnessed to him because he lives 1/2 mile off the road and has no trespassing signs up.
I have never seen anything like mail witnessing least not from jws. Is this common? It even had a real stamp on bulk mail. This would be a great way to get service time in without getting a door slammed in your face. I'm sure you could claim 15minutes for each letter you sent out. The time would really rack up and you wouldn't have to leave the couch unless someone showed interest.
Now,....what to do, what to do?
Kevin says that I am more than welcome to pretend to be him. Ohhhhh the thoughts running through my head. I'm thinking that since they had the nerve to witness this way, it makes them fair game for apostate fun. With them giving me time to prepare like this, it could be very interesting.
should I, shouldn't I, should I, shouldn't I........
Did U ever wonder - if the end was so close - why were we building Kh's?
by AK - Jeff ini always wondered why we were not spending the money to build halls in remote and poor areas that needed them - but instead we would build new halls and sell old ones in places where we were seeing little growth.. every congregation in this area has built a new hall in the past 20 or so years.
yet the congs are the same basic size they were before.
most have had a least one major remodel since building new.
Always wondered why the watchtower bought land from Bob Hope in 1974. If Armageddon was coming in 75, why BUY real estate in 74? Why not just wait a few months and then take all you want?
Super Soakers, Rock Em Sock Em Robots, And Other Innocent Childrens Toys
by ColdRedRain intoday, i was looking for a super soaker on ebay.
my ex girlfriend stole the other one, and i was looking to replace it.
it made me think about the time i was a kid.
I really really really wanted a GI Joe with kung-foo grip.
No GI Joe and no little plastic army men.
Where is it??
by MrsElmo253 inuugh!!!
i am sooo lost.
not more than a couple of days ago, i ran into a great post about how the figures from the bible were.. erm.. less than "christian".. (one reference was made to jacob being in love with another guy).. now, i can't find the article!!
I think you might be talking about the "David had a dick fetish" post
Has your relationship with Jesus changed?
by Honesty insince you either left the organisation or started to objectively examine wts doctrine.
After leaving dubbie land I went on a quest to find christ and prove to myself what was true and what wasn't. Then, I actually started reading the Bible...ALL of it. From then on it was all down hill. The more I studied, the more I realized that the Bible was nothing but a story book based on fantasy and myth. No matter how I tried to prove otherwise I always came to the same conclusion.
Anyone here into Fêng Shui?
by nicolaou inpersonally i think it's about as useful as a bag full of farts.
what do you think?
g01 12/8 22-23 Significantly, most libraries catalog books on fêng shui with writings on astrology and fortune-telling. In fact, Webster?s Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary describes geomancy as ?divination by means of figures or lines or geographic features.? (Italics ours.) Thus, it is widely accepted that fêng shui and other types of geomancy are forms of fortune-telling. They involve divination and spiritistic practices, which are nothing new to mankind. Some popular styles of decorating and landscaping, Oriental or Occidental, may have originally been influenced by false religious practices like fêng shui. Oftentimes, though, such styles have entirely lost their religious significance. Still, it would be a clear violation of God?s law to use fêng shui to divine the future or to bring good luck or good health. To do so would be to violate the Bible?s clear-cut command to avoid touching anything ?unclean.??2 Corinthians 6:14-18 Jehover just doesn't like ANYTHING does he.