Well if I am worshipping Satan by celebrating Christmas, then Merry Christmas Satan! I LOVE Christmas.
JoinedPosts by love2Bworldly
Christmas is WRONG!
by thesaint inyou all should be ashamed of your egotistical selves.
how can you leave god's organization to celebrate the work of satan the devil?
it just goes to show you how jehovah's christian witnesses are correct about how persons will leave the truth for their own selfish desires.. first off, christmas is a pagan holiday and it proves no spirit with the almighty jehovah and his son, the christ.
Our teenagers first Christmas tree
by truthseekeriam inwe had fun putting together our first artificial tree last week, it came out so pretty!
the lights and cheap ornaments just add to it.. we have been careful to close our blinds at night to avoid our jw neighbors from calling in the elders, that worked for a few days until we decided to go out for an early dinner and yes, i forgot to close the blinds!
as we drove up to the garage door i could see the tree in the front room and started to freak out a little.
LOVE IT! I love Christmas, so I love to see exJDumbs enjoying the season. I love to drive around neighborhoods & look at the decorated houses. My parents were not JWs, so I have great Christmas memories until I joined that evil cult when I was 13.
Every year I used to drag out all the stuff my kids had made at school previous Christmases and cover the walls with them. I haven't done that one in a while. 3 years ago I had a really bad manic episode, so to cheer me up my husband put the Christmas tree up the day after Halloween-- we have kept this tradition, so my tree has been up now since November 1st!
bad manic episode-went to hospital
by love2Bworldly inhi-- for those of you who struggle with bipolar & depression, just wanted to share my experiences.
i had a major manic episode last month and spent a week in a phsyciatric hospital, what an experience that was!
not fun.
I have a new therapist all set up for January in my new health plan.
I have also just completed a 4 week session of 12 hours called "WRAP", forgot what that term stands for. It's a free thing through my local county agency that teaches bipolar people how to track everything in a binder from symptoms to triggers to emergency plans. Then after you fill out the binder, you show it to close family/friends so that they learn how to help if I become sick again. I wrote down every symptom I could think of that starts happening to me and it is SO helpful because this past week has been pretty stressful with my whacky family members due to my stepmoms death.
I am feeling empowered after that class, like I can take better care of myself.
stepmom died 2 weeks ago
by love2Bworldly injust thought i would share with everyone how my jw sister treats our family.
my stepmother passed away 2 weeks ago, and had been in and out of the hospital.
so my brother told my jw sister, and she came running to town (5 hour drive) and they didn't call me but did call my oldest sister who then called me.. the jw sister took what items she wanted and left town.
Thanks undertheradar, sorry you have been treated like that. I'm actually lucky in that my sister is the only JW in my family, but she is best friends with my brother who hates me so those 2 love to keep secrets from me and my oldest sister.
Anyway, I have 3 wonderful kids who are not JWs and a wonderful husband who is always there for me, so the passing of my stepmother is a relief because soon all the ties will be severed from me and my siblings when my dads house is sold and all assets distributed.
Christmas presents
by Hortensia ini like a lot about christmas, lights, music, smells, food.
i like the idea of lots of presents, too, but i totally don't like the idea enforced by advertising that all of us must spend loads of money buying gifts for everyone we know.
and i think that gifts for adults should be consumable, a bottle of wine, candy, that sort of thing, a token of friendship, a little treat, but nothing grand.. so, i've made about four dozen jars of jam from wild grapes i picked in the fall, and i'm going to make lots of cranberry bread and pumpkin bread.
I love giving/receiving home made stuff, those are the best kind that you can't buy in the store. I had a whole case of candles that my husband bought cheap for me months ago, so I spent a small amount of money at a craft store buying gold ribbon and little decorations to hot glue on the candles and gave them out at work at my Xmas party last week, and everyone loved them.
stepmom died 2 weeks ago
by love2Bworldly injust thought i would share with everyone how my jw sister treats our family.
my stepmother passed away 2 weeks ago, and had been in and out of the hospital.
so my brother told my jw sister, and she came running to town (5 hour drive) and they didn't call me but did call my oldest sister who then called me.. the jw sister took what items she wanted and left town.
Thanks for all your responses. I must say there is a lot of love on this website that is sadly missing from the so called "truth" organization that claims to follow Jesus' example.
Help me...!
by OneDayillBeFree inlost my job, just a week before making the final arrangements to move into my very own apartment.. got a speeding ticket on the following sunday for trying to make it to the meeting "on time", (never made it to the hall, just parked in the back of a shopping center for 2 hours in silence).. marked by the elders for quitting pioneering, no more commenting and "failing to adhere to bible counsel".. jw family sees me as a disappointment.
non-jw family is too far away to care.. found out ex-girlfriend got df'ed and is now pregnant.
puts some of the blame on me for how things turned out.. realizing that she's not entirely wrong as i was still an ignorant, kiss-ass, die hard jwdub when we started dating, always putting the "kingdom interests first" never having time for her since "the end was so freaking close" and then warping her up in the mess of me learning ttatt.. dwelling night after night in "what could have been" if i had never been a jw.. alternating between being a theist, atheist and agnostic on a daily basis to the point where i don't care anymore yet getting creeped the f*ck out when facing my own mortality and the thought of me dying alone.. always coming to the same conclusion, when i find myself alone on friday nights and weekends, that i have no actual friends, only two conditional jw "friends" which are both currently out of town for about a month and 0 real, non-jw friends.. haven't been able to sleep well in literally weeks now.
Hi-- it took me a while to feel comfortable socializing outside the Jdumb organization -- it takes time, but it will get better for you. As they say, "time heals all wounds" or at least time makes it easier after a while.
You are having a hard time right now, so be good to yourself, don't blame yourself, and do things or find things that bring you joy-- whether it's your favorite music or watching your favorite comedy to make you laugh. Take time for yourself for your own healing.
I wish you the best. (I suffer from bipolar so I have my bad times believe me.)
Is there an official name for this comedic device?
by Island Man inis there an official name for the comedic device where one replaces one word with another word having a similar pronounciation but a different (usually derisive) meaning?.
for example, some skeptics deride the bible by spelling it "buy-bull".
same or simliar pronounciation but entirely different meaning.
You guys crack me up........ I sometimes use
Jdumbs, also Jehoovers Witlesses
Nervousness While Commenting?
by schlick inwas always shy about public speaking of any kind.
when i commented, my heart would beat as rapid as a moving train.
and oh if it was something i tried to remember then it would be forgotton the second being put on the spot.
I always had the same problem, and sometimes almost fainted while participating in giving talks or going door to door.
It's not as bad now that I am 50, but I did join Toastmasters this year to help me overcome the fear of public speaking. I highly recommend it.
Christmas Songs?
by leaving_quietly inthere are certain songs sung at christmas time that have nothing whatsoever to do with christmas.
i've been reading lyrics lately to make sure, then i make comments to my uber-jw wife, who really, really hates what i'm saying.
for example, the song, "let it snow" has nothing to do with christmas.
I love Christmas music even though I'm not religious/Christian because it reminds me of my non JW childhood.
It was one of the few times my mentally ill parents acted happy, holidays & camping trips were the only time they were happy