I didn't strike up a conversation with anybody but I didn't feel my usual panic when surrounded by 'worldy' people.
Hi Orgull,
I guess I would be one of those "worldly" people you mentioned. I've never been a JW, nor has any of my family; but our son is married to a Witness gal and she's been slowly dragging him into the organization.
It's so sad the way the WTS installs such a FEAR in their members about anyone who is different from THEM. What a shame. There are so many wonderful, caring, loving people out there. But, the WTS tells you they are "under satan's influence".
As you break the stranglehold that the WTS has over you, you will find the world isn't such a horrid place, as the organization teaches. I'm so happy that you are seeing the real truth about the WTS. God bless you!