Prove to me god exists?
ok well I do believe in god, but if you want a debate, (I know you'll all eat me up) I give it my best shot...
and also may I add a good site to debate this is argue with all the people there.
my first point: Science cannot prove that god exists because god is spiritual and not physical.
Science can tell us everything about physical objects but not spiritual.
Second point: If you seek god with all your heart, mind and spirit you will find him, so you must have faith and seek him with your heart.
I seeked god with my heart and I have found him, so thats my personal experiance. Listen to the little voice inside of you, ignore all the clang clang in your head, and all of the distractions, you must stop blocking him, right now you are probebly trying to push god away.
We can see god everywhere once we have discovered him. If you go up to a faithful christian you will not be able to convince them that god doesn't exist with science, for they already discovered god themselves god, jesus and the Holy spirit walks with them as they live out their daily lives. Right now you may think "yeah thats it you can only believe in god by FAITH and FAITH alone" but is that not what the devil is decieving you with? its the devil that is constantly whispering lies in your ears. If you ignore the devil and resubmit your life to god and ask him to enter your life (you don't need to go to an organistation like jehovah's witness for thsi) surely he will come to you when you seek him with all your heart. It may be best to get baptised in a church that baptises you in the name of the father, the son and the holy spirit.
third point: big bang? who caused it?
The way things motion in our world? the rotation of the sun and moon? can this be a coincidence? Surely there must be a divine intelligence behind it all, to organiste the food chain, the position of the planet to design our world, it couldn't of all just happened?
Well that will do for now! here comes the.... SHARK ATTACK!!!!!
please don't eat me, you asked 4 a debate......