Back in the 80's I had a conversation with a woman who said her sister had 11 abortions. The woman wasn't even 30 years old by that time. Can you imagine? 11! I asked if that was her method of birth control? and why didn't she consider birth control to begin with? The woman I was talking with didn't seem to see it as a problem. I did.
Posts by carla
Roe vs Wade Overturned by US Supreme Court!
by Simon ini know there was a leak a few weeks back, but this really does seem to have come out of the blue.. the anomaly was the original decision.
it clearly had no basis in law or the constitution, and was a flimsy, ridiculous ruling.
plus the whole thing was based on a fraudulent case in the first place..
JW Pets and Blood
by Vanderhoven7 inas a jw would you have allowed your pet to have a blood transfusion to save it's life?
what is the society's stand on this today?.
"Using fertilizer with blood in it was a violation too." -yep, my jw insisted on throwing out a bag he found in a shed which I couldn't understand myself as the 'blood' was in fact being 'poured' out onto the ground wasn't it? if their reasoning of no blood is in part because of Deuteronomy 12:24 NIV- New International Version
You must not eat the blood; pour it out on the ground like water.crazy jw's
Why are Jehovah's Witnesses determined to be WRONG (about saying JUH-HO-VUH and JEE-Suss)?
by Terry inall throughout history in greek, hebrew, and latin languages - there was no j sound!
no jay sound.. .
why did christians start using a non-hebrew name for the son of god?
I asked my jw the same thing (well not exactly like your explanation) and he said they say it that way because of 'tradition'. Then I brought up some jw quote about how they don't do things just because of 'tradition(s)'. So naturally I had to start mispronouncing his name to see if he liked that I decided to start using a different pronunciation because in some countries they say his name that way, it is a tradition as well as language difference. He didn't like it all. I asked how he thought God would like everybody mispronouncing His name AND telling everybody else they must also mispronounce His name or be damned, err, zapped out of existence per dubland theology?
One could also replace the vowels with any of choice, jeehevee, jahovoe, etc....
You can imagine how this conversation went. Ridiculous in the extreme. In the end he decided that his fearless leaders in NY must know more than the both of us and will stick with their tradition.
Still here.
by Lee Marsh inthe last 2 1/2 years have been extremely stressful.
while the rest of the world was dealing with covid, i was also dealing with cancer.
in fact it seems none of my doctors knew about it.
Glad to hear some good news today! Cheers to many healthy years ahead
Michael's story, shunning suicide funeral this past weekend
by nibbled inwow.
this story is so stunningly sad.
the good guy finishes last, as he has a crisis of conscience and ends up leaving behind four kids.
Thank you for sharing this.
Ex JWs who use the catch phrase "Friends"
by jojorabbit inits a personal pet peeve to me but i hate it when ex jws use the catch phrase friends.
this was used at every convention and many meetings i went to.
the friends, mother and others.
As a non jw, you do understand how very cultish this all sounds? so the next time someone starts a thread like, 'do you think jw's are a cult?' this thread should be remembered if you are quick to say no it isn't. Sounds like a duck.....
14 kids dead and one teacher at Texas school shooting.
by jojorabbit inanother shooting, this time 14 kids dead more wounded and a teacher dead.
i am all for the second amendment and this does not change my mind.
but i do hate this kind of thing, makes my stomach turn.
It's amazing how many mass shooters were actually on pharma meds -
UFO's or Unidentified Aerial Fenomena....
by mikeflood inwhat do you guys think....the topic seems to being on fashion lately.
some in the borg told me one time "of course, they are for real, they could be angels, demons".. .
The way I see it is if you are an atheist and believe earth has life as only possibility of chance then why wouldn't there be life elsewhere in the universe? if you are a believer in God and we are made in His image and when we create things (think artist, etc...) then why would God only create one planet in the entire vast universe with life? we generally don't create one great work of art, music, science, etc.... Why would God create only one planet with life? Simply because it is not discussed in the Bible is no reason, the Bible does not discuss dinosaurs either yet they clearly were a real animal.
I believe I have read that there it is a mathematically impossibility for there to be life on only one planet in the entire universe. What about the freedom of information act that has netted some interesting cases such as the tic tac videos of recent news casts. Also there are some pretty old art paintings that depict UFO's. If one keeps an open mind and researches there are many cultures that talk about visitors, watchers, etc....
There are astronauts that claim to have seen UFO's or UAP's if you prefer. It is becoming more mainstream to be able to admit to believing such things to exist and probably have been visiting earth for quite some time. It is usually the hyper religious who see such things as demonic rather than a curiosity that should be studied.
Why wouldn't another culture study us just as we study animals in the deep sea or on the land? Why would they bother to land on the White House lawn when they can clearly see we can't even get along with people who have different skin color much less say something much more fanciful in our minds? Our little minds preclude us from taking part in a larger community perhaps? Time will tell.
Verifying The Claim The IBSA ,not JW ,were approved by Jehovah God / Christ Jesus as God`s Chosen People in 1919 ??
by smiddy3 inhow do they verify this claim,if they can and how easy do we debunk this claim if we can ?.
what is needed to verify a claim made by anyone or an organization ?.
i`m interested in what you have to say about this ..
If the International Bible Students still exist in some form or another then the jw's can't claim God inspected them at all can they? (not that I think they could anyway) how would a jw see this if they looked at the history?
This site says jw's are not International Bible Students. I have not looked at this site in full just a quick google-
New JW.Watch Website - Plans, Ideas & Submissions
by Simon ini want to create a new site to help people leaving the wts.. the idea is that it will be curated content of articles and videos on specific subjects such as how to fade, how to handle family, personal experiences of leaving, mistakes to avoid, plus practical life matters impacted by the wts such as how to create or rebuild a career, planning for retirement, getting counselling, making friends etc.... the idea is that it should be lots of voices to share the love and promote lots of people's channels so it becomes a more effective resource (hopefully there will always be something informative and appealing to the people visiting).. if you have a youtube channel that you would like featured, or maybe have some specific video or series that would suit, i'd be happy to include them.. likewise, if you have a subject you'd like to write about and can share some practical knowledge and guidance on, or have a life-story you'd like to share because your experience could benefit others, please let me know.. i bought a domain and setup some placeholder content:.
please message me or post here if you have any questions or ideas..
Just to clarify, my anti jw literature was aimed at unsuspecting householders not jw's. It was quite a long time ago now. My jw was one of the rare ones that was caught up by someone knocking on the door and you know the rest of the story....
Kind of funny now that I did that because it is not my nature at all. I would chuckle a bit that my jw was out knocking on doors in his car group for what? 4 hours or something? and I would hit about 150 paperboxes in about 20 minutes or less. (it is illegal to put stuff in peoples mailboxes where I live, you could use the paperbox though, now hardly anybody gets a newspaper anymore so most people don't even have a paperbox)