I can't even begin to tell you how different Christians see Easter vs how jw's 'celebrate' the reject Jesus memorial. It's like different planets.
Posts by carla
This is worth pondering
by Truth-and-Justice into my friends on the board,.
i had troubles trying to find my password to log in, and because of that i had to come up with a new password.
i use to be truth and justice, so now its the same with the hyphens between the words.. i had read of certain ones here, getting an invite to the memorial.
Are You Concerned About Inflation?
by Simon ini saw a statistic the other day that something like 25% of all the debt that the us has incurred since 1776 was created in the last 12 months.
that's because they have printed so much currency and instead of letting that stop them, they are going to continue printing more to go on a spending spree on crazy green-new-deal schemes and union handouts.. does anyone think that this can be anything other than inflationary?
they are effectively stealing the wealth of everyone to then hand money out to people.
I have seen some items going up by say, about 3.00 in a week! not to mention meat and dairy prices. One item literally went up 3.00 in one week, kicked myself for not getting it earlier.
That being said, time to get the garden going! spring has finally sprung, won't be long now.
Apparently they took out 'whosever' or 'whoever' or 'all'? John 3:16, 1 Timothy 2;6
The Watchtower—Study Edition | February 2022 Trust in Jehovah ...We really meant ''the Governing Body''
by RULES & REGULATIONS inthe watchtower—study edition | february 2022. study article 6. do you trust in jehovah’s way of doing things?.
15 as the end of this system of things draws near, we need to trust in jehovah’s way of doing things as never before.
during the great tribulation, we may receive instructions that seem strange, impractical, or illogical.
Scary shit in my opinion.
I'm Back--Blondie
by blondie inyes, i am posting again.
i could not for awhile technologically and it is now fixed thanks to simon.
thanks, simon!
Hey! Glad to see you back.
Back to the Meetings------Back to Covid.
by pistolpete ina lot of pimos are reporting that returning to the meetings is backfiring in that covid is spreading among the members returning.. post;.
so last saturday was my first meeting back in person and well it completely backfired.
last night i got a text from my group overseer saying that someone in the hall tested positive for covid and that we need to get tested(great 🎉).. honestly i kinda expected this.
blah, yep, back to meetings in full attire
Does this mean back to fs too? even with gas prices as they are? knocking on doors while people are still wary of covid? I have seen conflicting reports on fs, anybody know for sure?
New Discovery at Mt. Ebal: the earliest historical instance of the name of God
by Terry in.
I'm with jhine on this one. Besides you still could put any vowels you wanted in there, the jw's would have no real reason to celebrate. You still have the problem of jehovah, jahuvoh, etc...
True story, years ago when my jw was first joining up one of the kids sees 2 guys walking down the sidewalk with ties and carrying book/bag, child says, "ugh, jw's!" I said, "no, not jw's" child, "how can you tell the difference?" I said, "the Mormons are smiling". Made perfect sense to child and child readily agreed as they had Mormon friends who were friendly and inclusive to all the kids in school. Also, the Mormons had name tags and no suit coats. We had never, ever seen jw's walking or coming to our doors with smiles on their faces and the jw's kids were 'odd' to be kind, ok, they were downright weird. Sorry, no offense but they were, at least the ones around our school.
Black Mass and the Memorial
by raymond frantz inmemorial is upon us and looking for material to fi my next video.i wonder if you can help.i know there is a loose connection between black mass and the memorial because both desecrate and disrespect the host but does any one know when the arrangement of passing the bread and the wine started and by whom?.
I remember some video or something on the jw memorial being compared to a Satanic ritual where they too reject the body & blood of Christ. Don't remember where I saw it.
Jw's sending me invites and letters, I don't get it.
by Foolednomore infirst off, i have made it real clear with jw's my thoughts on being a jw.
i'm out, there is no coming back.. second, i'm on their " do not call list" .. so why now all of a sudden my mailbox is getting bombed 💣 by their memorial invites and letters?.
don't they follow their do not call list?
You could write NY and ask them why the congregation isn't following the 'do not call list'. Isn't the 'do not call' a rule of sorts that comes down from the gb/org? if it is then those jw's are running a head of the org and not listening to mother! I wonder if you named names if those people would get marked or something?
I have written NY in years past and the letter(s) do actually make their way back to the local cong/ elders and actions was taken against a jw, that was my experience anyway.
Or write them back and bring up the pedophile problem, doctrinal issues, court cases, etc.... and that is why you are not coming back.
Or, just file it all in the recycle bin and feel bad for their sorry life in the jw's.