I noticed the chairs stacked outside were the same style and colour of the chairs in my old hall. My butt hurts from just remembering them.
JoinedPosts by cyd0099
KH restoration in New Orleans
by lostlantern ini just received this from a family member, i was wondering if anyone has any videos that depict bapstists, catholics or any other religion helping out with volunteers?
i would love to respond with my own video that shows jw's are not alone in caring for others when disaster strikes.
what other group of people can do this?
Latest films you saw?
by greendawn inwhat's the latest film that you watched on dvd or cinema and would you recommend it or was it bad boring film?
i haven't watched any films for months now but i will when i restart my satellite tv subscription next month.
I can add my enthusiasm for Little Miss Sunshine and again for Departed (just got home from seeing that). I almost forgot about the Straight Sory. That is a really good movie, too!
New Urban Legend! Anyone heard about Hormel?
by gaiagirl ina member of another conservative cult (calls itself a bible fellowship) where i work told me that hormel, the makers of canned chili and other foods, is run by homosexuals, and that i shouldn't buy or eat their products.
i asked how the bedroom practices of the company owners or employees affected the quality of the food?
their reply was that "everything gives off something" and that the food would be tainted by some kind of deviant unnatural vibes because the owners/employees were deviant and following an unnatural lifestyle.
mmmm.... jiggling, gelatenous meat substance. Cyd, of the "Hormelsexual and proud of it" class
How can one poison a goldfish?
by slimboyfat in.
...with inconspicuous amounts of a household substance?
Why risk the bloodguilt? If it aint baptized just wait for god to kill it at armageddon. Seriously though, I have a Betta and I wouldn't even think about ending his existance. He is almost no trouble to take care of and I enjoy having him around. You're a bit of a jerk, slim.
Secret Santa (Gift Exchange) 2006
by Angharad inhope this hasnt been posted already, if it has someone tell me as i dont want to step on anyones toes !!.
well christimas will soon be here !!.
gadget did a great job of organising the forum gift exchange the last couple of years so i thought i would give him a break and volunteer to organise it this year.. for those that are new basically what it involves is that those who want to join in will post to this thread and then pm me their name and address.
I'll join!
African JWs Can Keep "Messianic" Attire Because It's There Culture!
by minimus inmy mom went to the sunday meeting and a missionary that was formerly in the congregation was showing (boring) slides about the "work" in africa.
when he showed some pictures of some witnesses, they were dressed in what he called "messianic attire".
he told the audience that it was no big deal that they were being allowed to continue this style of dress by the society since it was merely seen as "cultural".
But Mr.Ed talked out of his mouth, not the other end,
John Edward (psychic)--What do you make of it?
by rebel8 inhave you watched this guy's show?
i really don't believe much in the afterlife, but this makes me wonder.
unless they are all plants in the audience, he is either a mind reader or is really communicating with their dead loved ones.
I've read on skeptic sites and in print that he practices "cold reads", is prompted by staff in the audience, that the audience is screened or questioned beforehand and that much of the guessing is edited out of the final show to make him look as though he has an actual ability. I think the walls between this life and anything else (if there is anything else) are unbreachable
Just in case you were wondering...
by cyd0099 ini went to extremes and managed to lock myself out of my mac.
but it's much better now.
I somehow managed to confound my Apple (Macintosh, Mac for short) G4 laptop computer into not accepting my password. A friend was able to wipe my hard drive and I re installed my operating system. Good thing I don't keep anything important onmy computer.
Just in case you were wondering...
by cyd0099 ini went to extremes and managed to lock myself out of my mac.
but it's much better now.
I went to extremes and managed to lock myself out of my mac. But it's much better now.
How 'diverse' is your life now?
by AK - Jeff inwhat have you done with your life, what friends have you made, what goals have you pursued, that were impossible to do as a witness?.
i know that in our case, we have few friends yet, due to spending most of the past few years 'healing' from the borg-torture.
i discuss politics and religion freely with many of them.
I was just talking about this last weekend.
I have friends who are considered a bit off the traditional path;
Artists, cartoonists, gay, straight, singers, actors, poly, monogamous, pierced, tattooed, religious and/or not, writers, t-shirt designers... A whole world of different but wonderful people.