Over the years, I've been stuck in a car with zombies who drone on and on, mindlessly repeating things they have been programmed to repeat. We would drive for countless hours, to countless houses, in the attempt to create other zombies. Sheer hell.
Posts by Sith
Awkward car situations.
by greendawn indid you ever have a serious problem while driving an awkward breakdown fire, or accident?
my worst was when i got an overheating problem on a night in the middle of nowhere.
it was the water pump, but by driving 20 miles at a time stopping to cool down and then restarting i got home.
Saluting the American Flag
by jeffk378 inthe other day my wife and i were at a function and the naitonal anthem was sung.
my wife wouldnt stand because the society tells her not to.
i think this is disgusting.
That's what makes America great...we still salute our flag and execute people
JW working the obituaries
by Icansaylucky ini was reading my local paper this morning and there was a letter to the editor.
the writer had recently lost a child and the child's obituary was recently printed in our paper.
the writer said she received a letter with a "jehovah witness tract" called "what help for dead loved ones?
Jeannie, maybe you could just whisper them
JW working the obituaries
by Icansaylucky ini was reading my local paper this morning and there was a letter to the editor.
the writer had recently lost a child and the child's obituary was recently printed in our paper.
the writer said she received a letter with a "jehovah witness tract" called "what help for dead loved ones?
The nerve and tactlessness (is that a word?) of these people have no bounds. My mother lay dying in a hospital room last month, and the sister...one of the annointed no less...who studied with us and brought us into the Untruth, came by to visit. She took the opportunity to pray for my mom. So with me, my two sisters and 3 kids standing around my mother's death bed, she prayed for me to see the light and find my way back to Joe Hoba's house. It took all my strength to keep from punching her in the mouth. The hilarious thing was, she had to borrow my hat to say the prayer. It had a big Black Sabbath logo on it.
How many of you are still in?
by IP_SEC in.
i just thought i'td be neet to get a poll of how many people on this board are still meeting attending, time reporting publishers, who believe the wts is all crap?.
Thanks, Crumpet. I wear it as a badge of honor now. I was also Publicly Reproved (do they still call it that?) twice. When I think of all the time and effort I spent trying to get back in, it makes me ill. Too much ass kissing and pride swallowing ain't good for you. I learned my lesson though...something about square pegs and round holes. Took me 22 years. If only that f***ing new system had come when it was supposed to...
I get so angry...
by Chia ini just get so irritated.
my mother always puts on this act with the elders like i'm this horrible rebellious child and she's so frustrated in trying to get me to see the error of my ways.
i get so irritated with her.
As hard or scary as it is, there's no substitution for just up and leaving. The longer you stay in "that wacko religion", the more of a hold it will have on you and the more it will screw up your life and your sanity. Do you slowly peel the band-aid or do you just rip it off? Your decision...either way is tough when you're leaving loved ones behind.
Windchimes--does WTS have info?
by love2Bworldly indoes anyone have any info on what the wts says about windchimes?
i seem to recall they were related to evil spirits or some-such-nonsense.
I was taught, back in the 70's, that they are "demonic" because they were originally used to ward off evil spirits...shoo them away from your front door.
Can You See Thru A Phoney Poster?
by minimus inare you able to tell the real from the phonies?
i see some posters that automatically raise suspicions because of how they state things.
others, after reading what they have to say over a period of time, show their true colors.
I've been hanging around the board for a few weeks now, before I finally registered yesterday. There are all types here, phonies included. Personally, I can't understand why anyone would want to portray themselves as something other than what they really are. I guess I'm still pretty naive, but I take most everyone at face value. I absolutely hate hypocrisy, but that is sometimes hard to detect on a message board. As far as JWs in "good standing" who frequent this website...more power to them. Maybe something they read or see here will rip those rose-colored glasses from their eyes.
How many of you are still in?
by IP_SEC in.
i just thought i'td be neet to get a poll of how many people on this board are still meeting attending, time reporting publishers, who believe the wts is all crap?.
DFed for the third and final time in 1991. And crap is too nice a word.
What would you say..
by carla inwhat would you say to someone who is going to be baptized soon?
i don't think he has a clue as to what it really means, what will be expected of him.
and just how his life will change.
It's been my experience that most people contemplating baptism don't have any idea what they are setting themselves up for. I was baptized at age 12 and didn't have a clue how much that decision would affect the entire rest of my life. I made arguably the most important decision of my life at an age when I was still reading comic books (keeping them well hidden, of course) This was pre-1975, when everyone at or over the "age of reason" was "encouraged" to be baptized as soon as their 6 month bible study was finished. The age of reason, my ass! Anyone who is thinking about being baptized as a JW needs to be told, in no uncertain terms, what the actual consequences are - short term and long term.