Advice is easy to give and hard to accept. I'm sure "fading" is difficult. So is living a lie. Neither choice is an easy one. The only opinion I can offer is my own.
"It isn't for pussies. I don't know what makes people say things like this except they must still feel a lot of rage over how they are treated by their families, and they resent others who don't have the same problems."
Most of my anger stems from the fact that nobody heard my side of things. I was DFed and had to slink away to lead a life of being shunned by close family members. My biggest regret is that I never stood up and told them exactly what I believed and how I felt. Now it's too late...I'm an apostate and they won't listen to a word I say.
One apostate's opinion.
Posts by Sith
Please advise.
by embalmed inafter years of waiting, i finally turned 18. i remember distinctly that my mother said during an argument that i would not have to attend meetings once i turned 18. well that was a lie.
she denied ever having said such, and pulled the "under my roof" card.
so now she is saying i have to continue attending meetings until i move out.
Funeral arrangements - What would you do?
by pratt1 ini just found out last night that my aunt died.
my mom and dad are arranging the funeral arrangments, and because my dad is not a dub the fumeral will be held in a church.
most likely my mom will not attend the service.
I went through this 3 months ago with my own mother. I hated it, but I kept quiet and did as my mother wished. She had a JW funeral and the obligatory luncheon (fellowship) afterwards. I bit my tongue so hard throughout, it was bleeding by the time I got back home.
This isn't about you and what you believe or no longer believe. It isn't a time to debate or score points. It's not about unconverting the converted. It's about your mother and her final wishes. When the time comes, smile, bow your head when called upon, shake the hand of people who consider you scum of the earth, etc. etc. etc. Be bigger and better. -
New System Sewage
by joelbear in.
i was thinking this weekend.. how will sewage treatment be handled in the new system?
i assume mature brothers will be assigned the privilege of working at sewer treatment plants for shifts of 1000 years or so.
I'm a plumber by trade. I was always told that doctors and lawyers wouldn't be needed in the new system. However, I would always have work. As long as people ate, they would need plumbers. Job security, as long as I can operate a shovel.
The paradise is such a fallacy. None of the brain-dead DUmBs think about what conditions will be like when there are only six million or so people left on earth, when the infrastructure is completely shut down, and most of the surviving population are janitors. Always makes me laugh. -
Please advise.
by embalmed inafter years of waiting, i finally turned 18. i remember distinctly that my mother said during an argument that i would not have to attend meetings once i turned 18. well that was a lie.
she denied ever having said such, and pulled the "under my roof" card.
so now she is saying i have to continue attending meetings until i move out.
Yep. You can kiss ass and kow tow and pretend to be someone that you're not. You can sit through the meetings and go out in service to please your mom and remain safely under her roof. You can live a lie for room and board and maybe a hot meal once or twice a day. OR you can stand up and be a man. If she kicks your ass out of her house, so be it. I've been on this board long enough, and I've read enough, to realize that "fading" is, in most instances, the pussy way out.
My opinion? Be a man, make a decision and live with the consequences.
Be a man -
bad people!!!
by susu812 inwhy is it that good people are the ones who get treated like crap??
its like you have to be a jerk, rude, mean just to have good things happen to you.
if your nice then you get stepped all over.
"Learn to be more assertive, which is not the same thing as being aggressive."
That is exactly right. Sometimes you kick 'em in the nuts, sometimes you don't. -
Scientology & Tom Cruise
by rebel8 inthe stuff on the news is fascinating me, so i just had to start a thread about it.. yesterday i saw online at the guardian that tom cruise had hired some sort of cult bodyguard (tongue in cheek) to accompany his new girlfriend (katie holmes, an actress) around to continue her inculcation into scientology.
they are allegedly saying they're best friends now, though they met very recently.. i'm now reading the 6/17 issue of entertainment weekly magazine.
it says:he had a scientology massage tent on the set of his newest movie (his retort is he had a capuccino tent too)he compares psychiatry to nazis and claims jung (famous psychiatrist) was editor for nazi papers (a claim a jungian group denies)he says methadone was named after hitler (also refuted by the magazine)he slams brooke shields for using anti-depressants
Yes, he's a narrow-minded, self-rightous Hollywood idiot who doesn't understand women or childbirth. Who cares? Except for the "Hollywood" part, hundreds of thousands of men fit that description. What makes him dangerous is that he is very influential and:
"because he actively recruits people to Scientology which is a very damaging organization, both mentally and financially." -
Here's to Evil Force....
by avishai inone of the most ironically named posters i've ever seen.
kind, strong, intelligent, patient with those who are intolerant.
within the few short mo.
Yeah, I'm kinda fond of Evil too...not that there's anything wrong with that.
Proselytizing for the Borg
by Sith ini recently read a post written by a female jw who was obviously disenchanted with the wtbts.
she wrote about how she had been out in the door to door work recently because she had no excuse not to go, and how she had placed some magazines with a "householder".
it made me think about how just one small thing like placing wt literature with an innocent unknowing individual might eventually lead them into the watchtower trap.
Sorry GF, I overlooked your post.
I understand your point of view. "Normal" people may not be attracted to the WTBTS. Be that as it may, my mother was, when I was 12. I got baptized at 13. I spent the next 22 years of my life as a confused and unhappy DUmB. I raised 4 children in the Lie, and only one, my eldest son, made it back out. Now, maybe my mother was unbalanced or weak-minded or whatever. She made her decision and she stuck with it until the day she died in March. I however, wasn't unbalanced. I was just a kid doing what my mother told me to do. I had no choice...the decision was made for me. And it all started with a woman at our door, offering the Watchtower and Awake. That one placement has affected my mother, my father, my mother's 3 brothers and 4 sisters, my 2 sisters and I, our spouses, our 7 collective children, and who knows how many future grand and great-grandchildren.
Do I blame my mother? The witless witness at my mother's door? The WTBTS, as Evil suggested? Nobody? Everybody? The one thing I know for sure...the woman who placed those magazines is still going strong at 80+ years. She's one of the "annointed".
Like you, I spent many years proselytizing. I didn't personally convert anyone. But I shudder to think of the poisonous seeds that I sowed. -
Proselytizing for the Borg
by Sith ini recently read a post written by a female jw who was obviously disenchanted with the wtbts.
she wrote about how she had been out in the door to door work recently because she had no excuse not to go, and how she had placed some magazines with a "householder".
it made me think about how just one small thing like placing wt literature with an innocent unknowing individual might eventually lead them into the watchtower trap.
Thank you for that, 144001. Although I still reserve the right to disassociate myself from you
Scientology & Tom Cruise
by rebel8 inthe stuff on the news is fascinating me, so i just had to start a thread about it.. yesterday i saw online at the guardian that tom cruise had hired some sort of cult bodyguard (tongue in cheek) to accompany his new girlfriend (katie holmes, an actress) around to continue her inculcation into scientology.
they are allegedly saying they're best friends now, though they met very recently.. i'm now reading the 6/17 issue of entertainment weekly magazine.
it says:he had a scientology massage tent on the set of his newest movie (his retort is he had a capuccino tent too)he compares psychiatry to nazis and claims jung (famous psychiatrist) was editor for nazi papers (a claim a jungian group denies)he says methadone was named after hitler (also refuted by the magazine)he slams brooke shields for using anti-depressants
And for promoting Democratic candidates and party ideals, eh 144001? Had to throw it in...