Spook, you picked the wrong user name. That Sp should have been a K
Posts by Sith
by Spook inwant this regime to be stopped.. .
the world cant wait!
november 2!.
It was Crumpet's and Brooke's fault
Wife's weight problem
by dangel ini amlooking for advice.
before getting married, my wife was slim and took care of herself.
after the wedding however, she started to eat much more and not exercise.
"actually maybe he does call me Big Crumpet behind my back"
Who knows? If we could see a picture of Crumpet taken from behind, maybe we ALL would be calling her "Big Crumpet".
Kidding Crumpet, kidding. -
Evolution and the Big Bang?
by emiter07 inhi, i was just wondering what the jw's beliefs in evolution and the big bang were.
is there an official position on this?
i was reading the offiical website but i couldn't really find anything definite.
And yet, to accept their position that Noah's Ark carried only animals "each according to it's kind", you have to believe in evolution.
It's a quandary, I tell you! A quandary! -
A newbie's impression on this board, pros and cons
by smelly onions incons.
i don't know who is scarier, the jw's or some people on this board.
man, r u guys bitter?
"The only suffering I did for being a JW was while growing up and being ridiculed by other kids in school because I upheld my beliefs...So, I'll do a little sacrifice in terms of few meeting attendance and little knocking on doors here and there. No big deal."
Yeah, and who knows DY? Maybe you can convert someone through your witnessing. Maybe THEIR children will be sexually abused or THEIR families will be ripped apart. Sacrifice their lives for your own. It didn't happen to you, so let it happen to someone else. Gotta keep those averages up, DY.
"God are you there?...It's me Smelly."
LOL @ Brooke. That makes me think of how sacrifices make a "restful odor" to Joe Hoba. Somehow, I don't think the Bible writers had "smelly onions" in mind. -
A newbie's impression on this board, pros and cons
by smelly onions incons.
i don't know who is scarier, the jw's or some people on this board.
man, r u guys bitter?
"I'll give you that there are many here who have suffered greatly but you have to give me there are also many who left the jw lifestyle so they could do whatever they wanted. Taking drugs, having orgies, sex with whomever and whenever and getting into criminal enterprises, gambling"
Ooooooooooh, yeah! -
Reply on some good things in the organisation...
by Do I Stand Alone? inmy motivation was not to "recruit" for the watchtower society.
i thought i made it clear when i stated that i am no longer one of jehovah's witnesses anymore and that i am on your side.
however, the impression i am getting is that no one is really understanding what i am getting at.
You're right, DY. It's always best to start mind control at an early age.
Name things that you discovered that you wouldn't do without anymore
by JH innow i only drive automatic transmission cars....because there is so much traffic and too many stop signs.
it becomes annoying.
i used to love driving manual transmissions, but no more.. the internet is one other thing that i wouldn't be able to do without.. how about you?.
"I could not live with out Kls! She is my new Mom!"
Brooke, here's some smart-ass words of advice. Ask your dad to teach you how to drive -
A newbie's impression on this board, pros and cons
by smelly onions incons.
i don't know who is scarier, the jw's or some people on this board.
man, r u guys bitter?
"Sith, for one who said this was the last time you swore you would come to this thread you sure have done alot of flip flopping."
Smelly...or as I prefer to call you, Stenchy...when did I write that I wouldn't "come to this thread"? Where have I flipped or flopped? You are delusional, dude.
Don't you have a plane to catch? -
Any Lefties?
by Why Georgia inmy oldest son is left handed.
everytime he does anything different from the rest of us.....my husband relates this to being left handed.. he is very artistic, detailed, and extremely particular about how he wants things in his little world to be.. this may be because he's 5 - who knows.. are there any traits of left handed people that you lefties may want to share so i can be prepared in the future?.
thanks in advance,.