After work. I'm going to my brother's and we're going to see a movie. I'm probably going to play some left4dead on his PC (since my laptop can't play anything). Then i'm going to pass out in the living room. :-D.
Maybe tommorow i'll play tennis.
today the weather in sw ohio is gorgeous.
breezy, low 80's, lots of sunshine.
the kids and i ate breakfast on the patio.
After work. I'm going to my brother's and we're going to see a movie. I'm probably going to play some left4dead on his PC (since my laptop can't play anything). Then i'm going to pass out in the living room. :-D.
Maybe tommorow i'll play tennis.
for years i missed out on "the cosby show" and "cheers" cuz they were on meeting night.
caught em years later on reruns.
some of those cosby shows still seem new to me.
As far as because of content. Buffy the vampire slayer . I convinced myself that i wouldn't watch the show for the demons/vamps even though i am a HUGE horror fan. The first rated R movie i saw in theatres was 'slither', and after that i stopped "missing out".
As far as because of the times, i only saw the series premiere episode of 24 because I was sick and stayed home to watch it. I know i would have loved the show if i could, but tuesday was bookstudy night and couldn't get home in time to watch it. I know this sounds petty, but i'll never forget it, I missed the last episodes of Xmen and Spiderman because we were out in field circus. I'm going to find them on Youtube right now.
just checking how many here have found that gaming is a better use of time than going to meetings and field service.
post your console type, what games you play online and your 'nicks'.
let's see if we can have some apostate gaming!
I moved recently and i haven't bothered to assemble a new gaming rig, but i have been playing alot of DS games lately.
Chrono Trigger( DS remake)
Final Fantasy IV (DS remake)
Civilization IV (PC)
Sins Of A Solar Empire(PC)
Ghost Master (it was $4.99, don't judge me).
World Of Goo (PC & Wii)
Call of Duty: World at war (Wii).
I used to play alot of left4dead and team fortress 2. Maybe in a few months i'll return to my former glory.
Lol, the thread is pretty funny. One JW vs a mix of ex-jw's, catholics and protestants about what it means to be christian and irritation at using the forum as a method of peddling their fiath.
I agree. I watched it saturday morning after TIVO'ing it and i LOVED daybreak part 2. Put Daybreak part 3 felt contrived.
My problems:
1) How could lee adama convince 35,000 people to just give up technology and just 'live off the land'? I'd have told them "Screw you" and took the timonium ship and landed somewhere in south america. Its not like they would have been able to stop anyone.
2) Why didnt they explain the whole baltar/caprica 6 'angels' bit? I was reallly surprised that they didnt bother saying why, but then showed them 150,000 years later walking through the streets.
O well, i will be watching Caprica and "The Plan" later this year. BSG will be missed.
any ideas?.
african gb member.
Yeah, growing up, i remember thinking about having to read the 'new scrolls' during the paradise. Imagine having an entire eternity to read more watchtower literature
my problems with the wtbs have always been their doctrine and their absolute control of the rank and file, not the principles that they and most mainstream religions teach.
i grew up in a predominantly black urban metropolitan area that had a high crime rate and drug usage.
when i go back to my old neighborhood, i always hear about how some of my peers are drug addicts, incarcerated or dead.
My problems with the WTBS have always been their doctrine and their absolute control of the rank and file, not the principles that they and most mainstream religions teach. I grew up in a predominantly black urban metropolitan area that had a high crime rate and drug usage. When i go back to my old neighborhood, I always hear about how some of my peers are drug addicts, incarcerated or dead. Of course, anyone could have avoided this if their parent's gave a damn and we're instilled with a sense of decency and reponsibility, but a part of me feels that i was able to bypass this fate because i was being too busy being good JW boy.
Here are some of the things i learned during and after my 'tenure' as a JW:
what would like to tell the elders that you knew?.
I'd tell them to chill out and not take themselves too seriously.
it is one of my guilty pleasures.
i love music and i think this year's contestants are quite good.. some have said the show is fixed.
but i love the singing competition.. what about choo?.
I like the first 2 or 3 episodes during the tryouts. Afterwards, i just lose interest.
Alex Jones, in my opinion, is on the same level as 9/11 truthers, Larry Sinclair and Phillip Berg. But you have to hand it to a guy who'll forgo DVD sales and place his movies for free online...