The part about the tax refund arriving today reminds me of those witness stories about Jehoba helping the witness at the last minute. So it kinda gave me a chuckle.
But yeah, Congrats on the independence.
many of you have known my trials and tribs in this marriage for a looong time.
as i said recently i told him i was moving out.
well i went out and found a really nice place for myself and my two youngest.
The part about the tax refund arriving today reminds me of those witness stories about Jehoba helping the witness at the last minute. So it kinda gave me a chuckle.
But yeah, Congrats on the independence.
The area i'm in (DC/VA/MD metro area) has one of the lowest unemployment rates in US. I think DC is 4.5% and my County is 3.5%.
The area has it's share of foreclosures and bankrupcies i'm sure, but the cost of living is still higher than other parts of the US and people are still trying to sell expensive houses.
I know i shouldn't be praying about, but i'm hoping the prices remain low (or continue to drop) until i'm ready to buy a home in a few years.
hey ladies.
today i was at a luncheon for work and when i went to wash my hands, the sink countertop was all wet.
i grabbed some extra paper towel-one sheet only, and wiped off the excess water.
The congregation i was in was 'in charge' of cleaning the bathroom for 5 or 6 years straight. Public restrooms repulse me now.
I believe that when you commit a violent crime upon another human being (murder, rape, assault), you're making the choice to forfeit your rights as a human being.
So sure, when i hear that this person's punishment is for his sight to be taken from him, a part of me cringes and feels that he should just serve out his original prison term, but if they do blind him, i won't be losing any sleep over it.
today i found out that for some strange reason and i say strange we are still on a book study list.... .
something to do with field service meet ups at various houses....well i haven't been to a meeting since.
1997.....or memorial since 2001....go figure...... what are they thinking?
6 months after i faded, an elder came by my house and facetiouslytold me that my name had been moved to another book study and if i had been keeping up, i would have known that HE was now my book study overseer (or whatever they call themselves now). It was kind of funny cause he said it like he was divulging some kind of secret information only known within the deepest inner circles of JW's everywhere.
I'm glad that they're getting rid of that BS though, least those that are still stuck in the religion will have a chance to make a productive use of their tuesday nights.
i think i must be a bit obsessive.....i cant shut up apostating every chance i get to any old freind or family that will listen.....i drive a lot and jwshit is on my mind more than anything else....and i come here many times a day and it seems like i have been here for two years at least but it is just over a year i believe....every step i take and plan i make is about whether or not i can do it with my wife or behind her back (like otwo and others here).......she is about to go out of town for over a week and it is like i am planning for christmas!!
!......i cant wait to have friends over i only get to when she is gone....the jw effect is still omnipresent and i dont even know how much 45 years of ingraining has wired my brain.........................oompa.
I think years leading up to my exit was what consumed me the most. I went back and looked at my postings on JWD and there was a drop as far on the amount of postings i made after i faded. I seldom even think about the religion until i run into witnesses or things are slow at work and want to chat it up on JWD. At first i had this "Overthrow the Watchtower!!!!!!!!!" mentality. Now, i'm all about living and enjoying life, and i check back every now and then to see if the Orgo has reformed yet.
i know- you aren't used to seeing me ask a simple question like this.
so- i'll start .
i am 49 years old, will be 50 in october .
Turn 23 in August. I'm an old fogey.
it re-airs again monday at 7pm et/4pm pt on tbn.. .
"If you are a christian click on this button to my left, if you are not a christian, please click on this button to my right". ~ Kirt Cameron's born again christain website.
Does anyone remember that shortlived sitcom 'Kirt'...starring non other than Kirt Cameron? I used to love watching it for that one season.
some things just tickle my funny bone.
i was driving this morning and the guy behind me was dancing in his car to the beat of the song that i believe we both were listening to on the radio.
he was goin' to town!.
Men that don't have any game.
I used to live in the library when i was in college, and there used to be this one guy that had absolutely NO pick up game. He looked like Joe Belushi and would obnoxiously ask girls two tables away if he had a class with her last semester. It would always end the same with the girl leaving in a hurry and the guy ineptly moving on to the next 'victim'.
Sad, but amusing.
were you ever called into "the backroom"?
Once, to be told that i was no longer to be collecting the contributions after the meetings (the ministerial servant i used to work with was becoming an elder, so he had to train another MS to take his place, you have so many other responsibilities so this isn't really a demotion or anything, blah blah blah).
Once, because i had handed a mic to someone i didnt know was on private reproof, i didnt know, i should have asked someone, yada yada yada.
Lastly, i witnessed a brief scuffle between an older MS and a young brother in his early 20's. The elders just wanted to know how much i heard and how it effected me. The older MS lost his position, moved to another congregation, got it back. The younger brother soon left and joined the army. I heard he was special ops.