JoinedPosts by DannyBloem
What time is it in your zone?
by sonnyboy in.
it's 6:04 am in maryland, so that means i spent another night wide awake.
what am i going to do when i go back to work...
Those crazy annointed
by joelbear ini knew several of the annointed over my life.. once when working door to door we were rejected and the annointed brother said loudly as we were leaving, "he will make good fertilizer for the ground after armageddon.
the annointed brother i worked with as a little kid used to take me to dairy queen on hot summer days to drink out of the water fountain at the back.. one brother who claimed to be of the annointed worked at the equal opportunity agency.. one guy about my age who i was friends with at bethel discovered he was of the annointed a few years ago, many years after he was baptized.
i think people will continue to make this discovery forever.. one annointed guy used to rub my knuckles together whenever he shook my hand and also used to grip my knee joint very hard, both hurt a lot.
I just met one last week sunday. (a well know elder)
He always starts to talk about the bible inmedeately. He told me now that the economical crisis is a clear sign that the end is not fat anymore.I told him that I did not believe him because 1) there is no economic crisis. 2) people would love money, and bla bla, this means economic prosperity. 3) the GBP has been increased ever since the time of the ending.
He just repeated what he already said again and walked away....
Survival of the fittest God?
by DannyBloem injust want to share some thoughts...... as i read in another thread, there are only a few factors needed to have an evolutionary process.. copying, survival mechanism and some kind of random or prseudom random changes (mutations).. if we think of the image that people had of god or gods, this is applicable.
copying by stories, writing and traditions.
changes are obvious and the survival mechanism is also present as the way in which the view of god was most powerfull, believable etc.. anyway how did it evolve?.
Golf wrote:
I came across this article, "Evolution vs. Intelligent Design."
http//www.newswithviews.com/Blumenfeld/Samuel32.htmYou forgot the : in the link, but anyway I looked it up.
It has nothing to do with the discussion in this threadthat it is atheism which is destroying true science, not religion.
Yea, sure
Also, there is no factual basis to evolution. No scientist has been able to mate a monkey and a human being and get something in between.
Ha ha ha ha. Someone does not understand evolution here....
Thus, according to Darwin, species continue to change or “evolve,” through a process of natural selection in which nature’s harsh conditions permit only the fittest to survive in more adaptable forms. But a funny thing happened on the way to the 20th century. The elite fittest are not having enough children to see that their tribe increases, while the so-called unfittest all over the globe are having kids like crazy.
It depends what you call fittest.
Anyway we limit the evolution that is going on now.Intelligent design is certainly proven by the fact that every living organism lives through a programmed cycle of birth, growth, and finally death. That very specific program is contained in the tiniest embryo at the time of conception. The embryo of a cow probably does not look any different from the embryo of a human being. But each has been programmed differently: one creates a cow, the other a human being. In the case of the latter, that tiny embryo contains an incredibly complex biological program that causes the individual to be born, pass through infancy and childhood, develop into maturity, middle-age, old age, and finally death, a process that takes sometimes as much as a hundred years. How can an accident plan what is going to happen 100 years after it has happened?
proven, right....
This reasoning is so wrong, I am not even going to start....But since intelligent design infers the existence of a designer—God—it is likely that evolutionists will resist any change in their views, since the acknowledgment of the existence of God is too nightmarish for them to contemplate.
Actually I would wish for a God. But that does not make it so......
One more thing: why are creationnist always posting and running away scared for any discussion?
Last Generation Of Jehovah's witnesses?
by Dune inhere's an interesting idea my brother and i have been discussing when we do parking lot duty during the service meetings.
we've come to the conclusion that this is essentially the last generation of jehovah's witnesses.
i thought you'd have to be young to notice this, but its pretty apparent anywhere we go.
I hope that it is true, but I do not think so.
Not all people are willing to look into the matter. Much of this information was already avaiable in libraries for a long time. But who wanted to look it up as it was a 'wicked' thing.
With the internet it is the same. Not all will try to look it up (the internet is powerfull though)
Not everybody has access to the internet. In lot of countries this is not any importance yet.While catolics and protestants have seen their menberships drop to a few procent in the latest generation, the JW's are doing much better then those churches. This says something.
Of course they need and will make some modifications. But then they can last a long time
Even if you don't believe in God, do you believe that spirits exist?
by sonnyboy inhow do so many people have similar experiences in "haunted" places if spirits didn't exist?
how do ouija boards work?
i recently purchased one and...i now know why so many people fear them.
Ideomotor effect:
Scientific tests by American psychologist William James, French chemist Michel Chevreul, English scientist Michael Faraday, and American psychologist Ray Hyman have demonstrated that many phenomena attributed to spiritual or paranormal forces, or to mysterious "energies" are actually due to ideomotor action. Furthermore, these tests demonstrate that "honest, intelligent people can unconsciously engage in muscular activity that is consistent with their expectations" (Hyman 1999). They also show that suggestions that can guide behavior can be given by subtle clues (Hyman 1977).
"Discovery" landed successfully!!!!!
by JH ini just watched it on tv.
it's still so fresh in my mind what happened last time a space shuttle tried to land.... .
with so many possibilities of "something" going wrong, it's like a technological miracle each time a space shuttle completes a mission successfully.. i wonder how many more flights the space shuttle will do before it's replaced?
What I feel strange the last time that it did not went so well, is that everybody did not stop talking about those poor people in the shuttle, and their families etc.
I think this is not the issue here at all. It is the delay of the space program, the money that is costs etc, that are worrying the people of nasa. I think also this is justified.Danny
Quantum information can be negative -- Possible to know less than nothing
by Elsewhere inhttp://www.physorg.com/news5621.html
august 04, 2005 .
quantum information can be negativeeven the most ignorant cannot know less than nothing.
The multiple universes theory is more a hypothesis.
Quantum physics does not requir it, but does allow the posibility.Everything that possible can happen on quantum scale does not have to mean everything that possible can happen at macroscale.
It is hard to imagine that a different collapse of a wave function would result in Hitler winning the war.Danny
"Discovery" landed successfully!!!!!
by JH ini just watched it on tv.
it's still so fresh in my mind what happened last time a space shuttle tried to land.... .
with so many possibilities of "something" going wrong, it's like a technological miracle each time a space shuttle completes a mission successfully.. i wonder how many more flights the space shuttle will do before it's replaced?
Just watched how it landed.
A relief for the space program....Danny
Survival of the fittest God?
by DannyBloem injust want to share some thoughts...... as i read in another thread, there are only a few factors needed to have an evolutionary process.. copying, survival mechanism and some kind of random or prseudom random changes (mutations).. if we think of the image that people had of god or gods, this is applicable.
copying by stories, writing and traditions.
changes are obvious and the survival mechanism is also present as the way in which the view of god was most powerfull, believable etc.. anyway how did it evolve?.
I read some about it. An interesting concept.
I agree with you, you state it better then i could.
Older men dating teenagers/Lolitas
by wanderlustguy inlolitas older men with little girls.
i promised myself only 30 minutes on thisso the timer starts now.
my perspective on this is probably different than most, i am a male, 32 years old.
The first real wise words I hear in this thread.