She watched this illuminati video about lady gaga being part of the illuminati and she won't let me listen to her music now.
Of course the illuminati stuff is nonsense, but at least some good has come of it. Maybe find some good music.
hello again, for those who don't know me i'm a 15 year old boy.
and recently my mom is displaying symptoms of demensia, she left the stove on today and she yells at us for watching commercials on t.v that are "demonic" because today there was a commercial on television for the new 300 movie and she started yelling at my sister to turn it off, and then i was listening to coldplay as a playlist while doing my school work and she started yelling at me to turn the demonic music off.
she says "demonic" this "demonic" that.
She watched this illuminati video about lady gaga being part of the illuminati and she won't let me listen to her music now.
Of course the illuminati stuff is nonsense, but at least some good has come of it. Maybe find some good music.
i have had a facination with this passage for some time since starting reading james kugel's book "how to read the bible" and i am curious to get your imput.
it is genesis 32: 24-32 where jacob gets his name changed.. i am most interested in how this story relates to the early dealings with isrealite's god.
specifically, who is the person that jacob wrestles with?.
What a ridiculous fable! This one 'angel' had to 'wrestle' all night with Jacob, but another angel could instantly kill 185,000 'evil' Assyrians? Then after 'wrestling' all night, the 'angel' has his hands somewhere around Jacob's 'thigh', after which Jacob is then 'limp'.
Maybe someone saw Jacob rolling around all night with this other guy so he came up with the story that: "oh... um... ah... him... no... he's ah... a... an... angel... yeah, an... angel... and I was um... wrestling... yeah... wrestling... for a... a... blessing."
Maybe the 'wrestling' 'angel' was also one of the guys who wanted to stay in the public square in Sodom instead of at Lot's house (Genesis 19:2).
Just sayin'.
when i read today in this site: can god see into the future?
(by duvanmuvan ), i thought of posting an article, rather than commenting!.
did god know that adam and eve would disobey?
God only teaches us
Adam and Eve are just symbols
It's quite an awkward story if you're claiming that one character of the story is real and the other two are 'allegorical'. Especially when the one posited as real is even more proposterous than the others. Why not ditch the story altogether, stop making 'excuses' for the fictional barbaric God of the Bible, and just get to the point where people should take responsibility for their own actions?
If you want to know more about superior laws and superior system of things existing in the Spirit World, and other planets, read DESTINY OF SOULS, written by Dr. Michael Newton.
Ah... No. Seeing as there is precisely zero evidence of a 'spirit world', what is Mr. Newton's source?
when i read today in this site: can god see into the future?
(by duvanmuvan ), i thought of posting an article, rather than commenting!.
did god know that adam and eve would disobey?
Is there any evidence that God exists? No.
Is there any evidence that Adam & Eve existed? No.
Is there evidence that Adam & Eve as portrayed in the Bible definitely did not exist? Yes.
I think that covers it.
the first i became aware that one existed was 2005. but i was under some rock till then.. the other question is have should probably be fielded in some other thread but i'll ask it here anyway .
how long have watchtower writers been creating their magazine articles, books, booklets, etc., by using computer software?.
The Quiet One:
In 1993, Watch Tower of Pennsylvania produced the Watchtower Library on CD-ROM, an electronic compilation of most of its religious materials published since 1950. Subsequent up-dated versions have been released (collectively, the “CD-ROMs”).
Only The Watchtower magazine goes back to 1950 on the CD-ROM. Other publications only go back to 1970.
Watchtower Library on CD-ROM was released biennially from 1994 to 2002, and annually since 2004, each time titled as the edition for the year prior to release.
FatFreek 2005:
How long have Watchtower writers been creating their magazine articles, books, booklets, etc., by using computer software?
From 1977 onwards, including a special project ('MEPS') from 1979 to 1986 for multi-language computerised typesetting.
Elements of MEPS are present in Watchtower Library on CD-ROM.
The following languages are referenced in MEPS but do not have full MEPS support:
The following languages are "deprecated" in MEPS:
are jws becoming radicalized?.
exposing hypocritical jehovah's witnesses.
At my blog about JW's '607' doctrine, I received this 'charming' message from "Maureen G." of Ashburn, Virginia:
Look at you. You think you are wiser than Jehovah. He will feed you to the birds on armageddon, we’ll see!
It's fairly clear she was 'inspired' to say that after reading page 7 of the February 2014 issue of The Watchtower.
recently attended a sad.. bethel speaker was gushing about the wt's embrace of new technology, in the part of his talk warning about "apostate" web sites.. a loose summary of his comments:.
"and the brothers at headquarters have made it very safe for you to go to our website.
in fact, the brothers talked to the folks at google, and they made a special arrangement so that when you type in 'j w period' into the google search engine, it automatically shows you the website.
Almost anyone typing "JW." (with the full stop) into Google is specifically looking for the JW website anyway. Clearly, this 'loving provision' protects innocent JWs from accidentally straying onto instead - the Texas-based Jackson Walker Attorneys. Praise Jeebus that JWs are protected from accidentally visiting that obviously apostate website designed to lure away 'true Christians'.
recently attended a sad.. bethel speaker was gushing about the wt's embrace of new technology, in the part of his talk warning about "apostate" web sites.. a loose summary of his comments:.
"and the brothers at headquarters have made it very safe for you to go to our website.
in fact, the brothers talked to the folks at google, and they made a special arrangement so that when you type in 'j w period' into the google search engine, it automatically shows you the website.
When I type "microsoft." (i.e. "microsoft" followed by a full stop [or period for American readers]) into Google, the first result is the Microsoft website. What a 'loving provision' from Microsoft.
maybe i am ignorant but why why why pray tell.
if i am not jewish and not of the 144k why is it necessary (compulsory even) for me to attend the memorial ?.
what is the scriptural precedent?.
They believe it is important to show 'respect' for the event regardless of whether the individuals are partakers. But beyond that, setting up the 'Memorial' as pseudo-'compulsory' is a mechanism intended to get 'weak' JWs 'back to meetings'.
i'm intrigued by the whole "bible chronology" topic, but have never really dug into it because to put any of it together you need a historically reliable starting point.
this wasn't a problem as a practicing jw because you just assumed their dates were right.
i would like for someone to give me one event described in the bible that is universally established and accepted historically that i can use as a reliable starting point.
The only suitable candidate in answer to your question is the Fall of Babylon in 539 BCE. This date is well cinfirmed by secular chronology and is well documented in the Bible.
It's funny how 'scholar' is happy to agree that 539 is "well cinfirmed by secular chronology", yet he at the same time rejects other dates that are even more strongly confirmed by secular chronology, including the siege against Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar from late 598 until early 597, which is in turn inextricably linked to the overlapping periods of reign of Babylonian, Egyptian and Persian rulers.
The Bible is in complete agreement with what is known in secular history that Nebuchadnezzar demanded tribute from Jehoiakim in early 604 which he then paid for 3 years; that Nebuchadnezzar lost a battle against Necho in 601 resulting in Jehoiakim then refusing to pay tribute; that Nebuchadnezzar sent various marauder bands against Judea in 599 while he remained in Babylon to muster his own army; that Nebuchadnezzar besieged Jerusalem in late 598 and took most of its people into exile; and that Jerusalem was subsequently destroyed in 587.
I think 537 was an assumption that it took a couple years for the Israelites to return and is really meaningless.
It can be called an assumption. (The most definite that Insight is willing to be about 537 is that it is allegedly "very probable".) More accurately, it's a lie. The Watch Tower Society used to say the Jews returned in 536BCE. When they learned (in 1943) there was no year 0, they changed it to 537 so they could shift 606 to 607 in order to maintain their superstitious beliefs about 1914. The false claim about 537 is disproved by comparing what is stated by Josephus and Ezra. The Jews who returned were in Judea by Tishri (September/Octobe) of 538 BCE.