If the circuit overseer is visiting your congregation, he will read this letter at the conclusion of the next congregation meeting.
What if the district overseer is visiting at the time? "Dear Brothers. I've been sacked. Bye for now."
to all congregations re: district overseers.
dear brothers:.
march 20, 2014. we are pleased to inform you of a significant decision made by the governing body that will affect the work of traveling overseers worldwide.
If the circuit overseer is visiting your congregation, he will read this letter at the conclusion of the next congregation meeting.
What if the district overseer is visiting at the time? "Dear Brothers. I've been sacked. Bye for now."
a few minuites ago talking to my sister who is finally seeing the watchtower for what it is and is scrutinizing it alot brought something to myu attention that troubled my longtime jw mother dearly.
she said after reading the article about the death of guy pierce she noticed that they never refered to him as brother pirce.
she said everytime they mentioned his name they refered to him as mr. pierce.. .
She said after reading the article about the death of Guy Pierce she noticed that they never refered to him as Brother Pirce. She said everytime they mentioned his name they refered to him as Mr. Pierce.
Same reason you won't find the Revelation or Daniel books available for download on the JW website. Because they don't want to seem completely insane to non-members.
It's definately a PR piece.
Of course. It's the JW equivalent of 12.5% of the pope dying, which is 'obviously' deserving of media attention.
as the title says, share what you love about the truth!.
we know that the gb or anything else in the truth is all true and nothing is false!.
love u guys xxx.
Getting warm fresh baked bread after was the best part.
If only there were some other way of getting warm freshly baked bread without the woefully boring 'FS' part.
as the title says, share what you love about the truth!.
we know that the gb or anything else in the truth is all true and nothing is false!.
love u guys xxx.
Jeffro - Wow you should start your own cult, you have it down pat. Look into my eyes, you are Jehovah.
Either you're joking, or you've completely misunderstood. So I'm going to assume you're joking.
as the title says, share what you love about the truth!.
we know that the gb or anything else in the truth is all true and nothing is false!.
love u guys xxx.
a watcher:
The thing I love most about being a JW is my personal relationship with Jehovah. Jehovah's earthly organization is secondary.
It's ironic but not surprising that your favourite aspect is your 'personal relationship with Jehovah'. The part of the brain that people use for 'what does God think?' is the same part of the brain used for 'what do I think' (as distinct from the part of the brain used for 'what does someone else think?'). As far as your own mental process goes, you are Jehovah. That is, what 'Jehovah' wants is just your (re)interpretation of what you are constantly told 'Jehovah' (and therefore you) are 'meant' to like/dislike etc. This is why it's so 'important' to 'keep going to meetings' and read the 'spiritual food' from the 'faithful slave', because in the absence of the controlled source of information, people start to think independently. Your 'relationship' with Jehovah is merely an artificial side-effect of believing the teachings of your preferred publishing company.
apologies if this was discussed earlier.
i tried to search for a similar topic but couldnt find one.. anyway, i am an active jw or is it jehovah's witness?.
recently i noticed a trend, mainly found between teenagers and older techie brothers, of referring to themselves as jws.
They even seem to be promoting it with jw.org.
Well... not really. It's not that they "even" seem to doing that. They are especially doing that. They've been very far behind the technological age for some time, and obviously their marketing team (probably hired externally) have told them to get 'on brand'.
hello again, for those who don't know me i'm a 15 year old boy.
and recently my mom is displaying symptoms of demensia, she left the stove on today and she yells at us for watching commercials on t.v that are "demonic" because today there was a commercial on television for the new 300 movie and she started yelling at my sister to turn it off, and then i was listening to coldplay as a playlist while doing my school work and she started yelling at me to turn the demonic music off.
she says "demonic" this "demonic" that.
She watched this illuminati video about lady gaga being part of the illuminati and she won't let me listen to her music now.
Of course the illuminati stuff is nonsense, but at least some good has come of it. Maybe find some good music.
i have had a facination with this passage for some time since starting reading james kugel's book "how to read the bible" and i am curious to get your imput.
it is genesis 32: 24-32 where jacob gets his name changed.. i am most interested in how this story relates to the early dealings with isrealite's god.
specifically, who is the person that jacob wrestles with?.
What a ridiculous fable! This one 'angel' had to 'wrestle' all night with Jacob, but another angel could instantly kill 185,000 'evil' Assyrians? Then after 'wrestling' all night, the 'angel' has his hands somewhere around Jacob's 'thigh', after which Jacob is then 'limp'.
Maybe someone saw Jacob rolling around all night with this other guy so he came up with the story that: "oh... um... ah... him... no... he's ah... a... an... angel... yeah, an... angel... and I was um... wrestling... yeah... wrestling... for a... a... blessing."
Maybe the 'wrestling' 'angel' was also one of the guys who wanted to stay in the public square in Sodom instead of at Lot's house (Genesis 19:2).
Just sayin'.
when i read today in this site: can god see into the future?
(by duvanmuvan ), i thought of posting an article, rather than commenting!.
did god know that adam and eve would disobey?
God only teaches us
Adam and Eve are just symbols
It's quite an awkward story if you're claiming that one character of the story is real and the other two are 'allegorical'. Especially when the one posited as real is even more proposterous than the others. Why not ditch the story altogether, stop making 'excuses' for the fictional barbaric God of the Bible, and just get to the point where people should take responsibility for their own actions?
If you want to know more about superior laws and superior system of things existing in the Spirit World, and other planets, read DESTINY OF SOULS, written by Dr. Michael Newton.
Ah... No. Seeing as there is precisely zero evidence of a 'spirit world', what is Mr. Newton's source?
when i read today in this site: can god see into the future?
(by duvanmuvan ), i thought of posting an article, rather than commenting!.
did god know that adam and eve would disobey?
Is there any evidence that God exists? No.
Is there any evidence that Adam & Eve existed? No.
Is there evidence that Adam & Eve as portrayed in the Bible definitely did not exist? Yes.
I think that covers it.