Posts by Jeffro
Biden calls Trump supporters garbage
by moomanchu ina comedian in a comedy sketch at a trunp rally joked that the island of puerto rico is a floating island of garbage.. what to do???
potus pappy joe to the rescue!!
he sounds the alarm, comes out swinging and calls trump supporters, actual people, garbage.. .
🤦♂️ ok then. Enjoy your echo chamber -
Biden calls Trump supporters garbage
by moomanchu ina comedian in a comedy sketch at a trunp rally joked that the island of puerto rico is a floating island of garbage.. what to do???
potus pappy joe to the rescue!!
he sounds the alarm, comes out swinging and calls trump supporters, actual people, garbage.. .
With the apostrophe it should have finished with "his supporter's rhetoric, comments, language, speech, attitude, actions, jokes, discourse, views, opinions ........"
No. In the structure provided, the ‘garbage’ is already indicated as the thing possessed by the ‘supporters’. Whilst the nature of the garbage could be further clarified, it is not necessary to the sentence structure. However, the apostrophe should really go after the ‘s’ unless only indicating one supporter’s garbage.
If I were to say, “the only car I see here is his friend’s”, it is clear that the car belongs to the friend, and it isn’t necessary to further elaborate about the car.
It is funny how Biden (who isn’t a candidate in the election) is supposed to be this incoherent doddering fool who can’t say what he means until something he says can be conveniently misconstrued.
Biden calls Trump supporters garbage
by moomanchu ina comedian in a comedy sketch at a trunp rally joked that the island of puerto rico is a floating island of garbage.. what to do???
potus pappy joe to the rescue!!
he sounds the alarm, comes out swinging and calls trump supporters, actual people, garbage.. .
WT vs Norway - WT sends letter to the goverment saying they have now changed their practice on DF. Asks for their funding back
by liam indisfellowshipping is slowly fading into the night.. last efforts to survive..
From translated version on Reddit:
If possible, we kindly request a response within three weeks from the date of this letter, by November 14, 2024.
Assuming the letter is legitimate and the translation is accurate, it almost seems as though the Watch Tower Society expects the Norwegian government to give them money again for 'changing' their shunning policies before updated versions of Shepherding the Flock of God and Organized to Do Jehovah's Will more clearly identify the actual changes to 'disfellowshipping' (a primarily semantic change) and 'disassociation' (not mentioned anywhere in the changes). Any reference to the treatment of 'apostates' also seems to be missing from the 'letter'.
Biden calls Trump supporters garbage
by moomanchu ina comedian in a comedy sketch at a trunp rally joked that the island of puerto rico is a floating island of garbage.. what to do???
potus pappy joe to the rescue!!
he sounds the alarm, comes out swinging and calls trump supporters, actual people, garbage.. .
I don't care about the tedious US politics, but the manner in which it changes the meaning of the statement is fairly obvious. Anyone who understands basic English would realise that the inclusion of an apostrophe indicates 'the garbage of or pertaining to his supporters' (such as hypothetical attitudes or rhetoric) rather than saying the supporters are themselves garbage.Biden's camp has 'clarified' what he actually said tho... spokesperson stated that 'Biden put an apostrophe after the word supporters'.
What does that even change?
Loss of a Jehovah’s Witness who I considered a friend
by Fallen_Winter ini have known a jehovah’s witness for approximately 15 years and i have considered her a friend although i know that jehovah’s witnesses cannot have friends who are not jehovah’s witnesses.
approximately two years ago, i was going through a very difficult time and i asked my friend if we could have bible study.
she said yes and we have been studying the bible since.
She is a pioneer but not a full time pioneer. … I thought that Jehovah’s Witnesses were no longer counting hours.
JWs no longer need to report their number of hours as a minimum requirement to be counted as active members, they just have to tick a box to say they did any amount of preaching each month. However, pioneers (including ‘auxiliary’ pioneers) still have an hour requirement, so they have to report their time.
Loss of a Jehovah’s Witness who I considered a friend
by Fallen_Winter ini have known a jehovah’s witness for approximately 15 years and i have considered her a friend although i know that jehovah’s witnesses cannot have friends who are not jehovah’s witnesses.
approximately two years ago, i was going through a very difficult time and i asked my friend if we could have bible study.
she said yes and we have been studying the bible since.
Was Hell Consistently Taught from Genesis to Revelation?
by Sea Breeze insome sources cite that the word or concept of hell appears 167 times in the old and new testament.
jesus spoke about hell more than anyone else.
how can such consistent warnings by many different writers over 1600 years all be parables?
Sea Breeze:
How can such consistent warnings by many different writers over 1600 years all be parables?
Your fallacy: begging the question. There is no ‘consistent warning’ about hell throughout the Bible. Later interpretations were retroactively applied to the older texts. Additionally, later authors had access to the older texts. As such, your argument is neither accurate nor remarkable. (And it wasn’t over a period of 1,600 years. Some parts could have been written around the 10th century BCE, but the stories traditionally attributed to Moses were mostly written in the 6th and 5th centuries BCE.)
Jesus spoke about Hell more than anyone else.
There is no way of verifying that Jesus said anything attributed to him in texts written decades after his death.
by raymond frantz in
the watchtower’s babylon the great: a shrinking reality?.
so this latest annual meeting introduced a new idea about babylon the great, and here is the part from geoffrey jackson's talk we real need to dig in and consider it's ramifications..... so you’ve got to hand it to them; they know how to keep things interesting with their ever-evolving interpretations and, of course, those classic "adjustments" in understanding.
As is often the case, the change announced at the annual meeting is being made to be a bigger deal than it actually is.
The change introduced at the annual meeting was that the 'one thought' (Revelation 17:13) is now considered to refer to the 'nations' giving their authority to the UN rather than to destroy 'false religion'.
But the JW position that the UN, once it has been given authority in the imaginary scenario, will then 'turn against false religion' has not actually changed.
What evidence is there for a biblical jesus?
by Touchofgrey inis there any independently verified evidence that a miracle worker called jesus existed and did the things that the bible said he did?.
the four gospels were written by unknown authors many decades after the so called events, so can't be considered as eyewitness accounts.
i think that there may have been a apocalyptic preacher who was executed by the romans and the story evolved from their.