ran into a couple of ex-witnesses today at mall and one is going for sure and the other considering. i'm considering but don't think i can sit thru the watchtower.
Posts by LV101
2011 Special Talk: Bible Principles-Can They Help Us to Cope With Today's Problems?
by yknot inahh low and behold!.
it turns out those bethelites were being bold!.
brazen is what many with login privileges can be called.... ....... knowing that such an important talk outline shouldn't be stalled!.
2011 Special Talk: Bible Principles-Can They Help Us to Cope With Today's Problems?
by yknot inahh low and behold!.
it turns out those bethelites were being bold!.
brazen is what many with login privileges can be called.... ....... knowing that such an important talk outline shouldn't be stalled!.
SHUNNING in the members' only watchtower same date as the 2011 special talk. they know there chances of having new, interested, people in audience is SLIM/NONE so they might as well crack down on their members now --- guess they've been spouting this since last summer's conventions. heard this from friend and hope she's referring to correct journal. CAN'T WAIT to read Blondie's watchtower review online.
the shunning is something about proverbs 27:11 making Ja's heart happy no matter how much it hurts them to shun their own children. they are going after the disassociated ones as well as DF'd. thought it wasn't until june or july! i can't believe the members are going to let them get away with this but, unfortunately, they will.
2011 Special Talk: Bible Principles-Can They Help Us to Cope With Today's Problems?
by yknot inahh low and behold!.
it turns out those bethelites were being bold!.
brazen is what many with login privileges can be called.... ....... knowing that such an important talk outline shouldn't be stalled!.
SDA's are such a nice community of worshippers in comparison to JW's --- EDUCATION is BIG TIME and they have one of the best hospitals around and are known for their longevity and healthy eating habits and peaceable relations w/non members. THEY DON'T FORCE their members to give up eating animal products or SHUN them if they refuse. one of their larger communities in loma linda, california, is one of the world's, five, Blue Zones --- healthiest, longest, living people in the world. compare that to the despotic, evil, watchtower that hurts people by the hundreds of thousands, if not more, daily, even causing suicides and allowing rapes --- threatening the victims and their families.
Religion vs. The Gospel
by Chalam inhello jwners,.
the jw i chatted with recently directed me to matthew 24 with regards to the witnesses and highlighted matthew 24:14. i asked him what "this gospel" is.
the only answer i got was "i'm not sure what you mean".. .
YES! love this --- keep talking to JW's and posting!
appreciate and thanks.
The Ransom for Nitwits
by Farkel inmark 10:45: "for even the son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many.".
1 timothy 2:5-6: "for there is one god, and one mediator between god and men, the man christ jesus; who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time.".
the ransom that was taught for the first 1,000 years of christianity.
have to slow down read later tonite --- Farkel you are too intelligent. concerned and hope you are maintaining/OK w/your health situation (meant to post this on your other subject).
tammy --- thankfully, your comments give me hope, believe me. it was a sigh of relief when you finally posted on the christian/trinity subject, also.
The trouble with Christianity. TRINITY.
by whereami ingotta love pat.. "ridicule is the only weapon which can be used against unintelligible propositions.
ideas must be distinct before reason can act upon them; and no man ever had a distinct idea of the trinity.
it is the mere abracadabra of the mountebanks calling themselves the priests of jesus.
Wontleave "If the Watchtower woke up tomorrow and realized the error of their ways, stopped worshipping itself, revoked the man-made rules, and started permitting Christian freedom, I'd be in the front row at the next meeting." IF ONLY --- can you imagine how successful they could have been w/out turning into despots and liars. Not that other religions have it all together but JW's have a lot right and, unfortunately, a lot wrong as Ray Franz talked about in his book (i think Christian Freedom) but we've experienced first hand.
reneelsorym --- ok, presbyterians are reformed theologians but do not believe any of the calvinism? seems where i live their churches are few and far between. you indicate they are big into theology --- like that part.
i know a couple of presbyterians and they LOVE THEIR FAITH. quite impressive and i'm wanting to check out myself. i'm assuming they're mainstream and decent to adherents.
appreciate any comments about.
Cult Free Radio on USTREAM
by leavingwt init has come to my attention that a new internet radio show will debut this saturday, april 30, 2011 at 10 pm edt.
i'm looking forward to seeing how it takes shape.
i wanted you to know about it.
will definitely be listening.
This may be the week I blow my stack
by Sargeant Pepper ini don't say much, but this could be the week!.
what an evil bunch of vipers when one of their clergymen can't speak to his sister --- i don't care if she ran with manson. i can't wait for God to punish those crook pharisees. their game obviously isn't working with so many DF'd individuals on the outside --- stupid LOSERS. I know one is not supposed to judge but i can't help it.
sorry for you having the experience.