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Big Local Case, Sexual Abuse by former Elder, Police Raided the Kingdom Hall ! Kent, U.K !
by Phizzy inthe police have started an investigation where a woman has courageously come forward about her sexual abuse by a former elder, who had a record of doing such things with the local congregation, and i think it was all covered up.
they have charged him, he is claiming he is not mentally fit to appear in court, i hope that lie does not hold up !.
this case was unknown to the local elders, but hopefully will now give the strength for other women, who were all very young and very vulnerable at the time , to come forward as well.
50 year anniversary
by Dromedar007 inremember 1975?
maybe when you were a kid - like i was?
i will celebrate 01.10.2025 the 50th anniversary of the "end of 6000 years of human history and the immediate end of the world".
A few years ago we had an elder who was doing a kh talk mention how he felt when he lived through the 1975 year, his reasoning was that this date was a misunderstanding by the organization at that time, and how he then had to make the call, was that disappointment going to affect his worship to Jehovah? He choise to continue worshipping Jehovah. and then reflected back on how he made the best choice.
The Bible Does Not Say
by blondie inthe wts often uses the phrase about then follows with their idea of what their god meant.
i have p0sted some of the most recent.
it is worth a look at more.
I clearly remember a convention drama about 20 years ago named "The life of Timothy", in it we were told that Paul talked Timothy out of getting a higher education in Athens or Rome.
The Bible does not say!
Setting the record straight. CSA report in New Zealand
by joe134cd inok i just want to officially set the record straight about the report of csa in new zealand.
i have a pimo relative who lives in nz.
as far as public awareness, with regard to the jws, it was basically a big nothing burger.
Actually, there was a news item on TVNZ One, 6pm national news that only talked about JWs, and how they tried to get out of being involved in this CSA report. This was broadcast the day before the report was released.
Reddit thread re Oct 2024 WT with picture of window washer - Theme knocking people who Planned
by LongHairGal inthis thread currently has over 300 comments.. it shows a picture of an older man washing a window looking wistfully… then it talks all about how some may have doubts about not having planned and the situation they are in now that they are older, etc.
it refers to others who did plan and who supposedly have ‘apparent’ financial security.
in my opinion, the whole gist of this article is to make older witnesses feel better who did not pursue a career or plan well for retirement.. it tries to imply that those others who planned only have ‘apparent’ financial security - which is to say they don’t (?).
"Simplify your life by reducing the amount of secular work you do". Heard this wonderful advice so many times, usually during the local needs part, from brothers who are well off financially and about to go on another overseas family holiday.
It's been ten years since congregations surrendered their finances to HQ
by truthseeker inanyone have any anecdotal reports of individual congregation finances since the stealth takeover by the wt of their checking accounts?.
are donations up?
can they pay their bills?.
Our congregation has a very detailed accounts document (accounts sheet S-26) pinned to the notice board on the back wall each month. Expenditures always seem high for a hall with only two meetings a week? This includes how much $$ is given to WT, power, internet, local rates (this one always seems unusually high), any KH maintenance is also included. Contributions average about $20 per publisher per month with about the same $$ going out. And then there is always those resolutions to give a one-off extra $$ to WT where you feel guilty if you don't raise you hand to agree with it.
JE-sus making a comeback at the 2024 Convention
by dropoffyourkeylee inattended the friday sesson of the 2024 summer convention.. july 5, 2024 summer convention crowd photo; they invited quite a lot of empty chairs.. .
the facility usually has 5500-6500. they spun it saying that fewer congregations were assigned.
there were 6 of the smaller, more distant sections blocked off with tarps to lessen cleaning, which i understand.
You gotta wonder what’s going through the heads of loyalists when they see that firsthand.
They will be thinking, "lots of empty seats here, at least we know that all the other conventions that I'm not at will be full".
How Did You Do It?
by KerryKing inhave any of you here successfully woken up pimi family members or friends and got them out?.
if so, how did you manage to do that, what was the information that made them jolt up out of their hypnotism?.
Remember, we are regularly reminded not to listen to the voice of strangers. In this situation, anything you say to try to wake them up, would be considered the voice of a stranger. Then they would heed this warning, go into WT mode, get as far away from you as possible to keep themselves spiritually safe.
Children dumped at ministry group
by Mikejw init’s not right for children to be forced to come to ministry groups on their own without their parents.
the parents just expect others to look after them.. we have this happening at our group all the time.
early teens and even younger.. the parents just want them out of the house for a bit and put the burden on others to look after them and get them home safely.. there should be an announcement or something that youths need to be accompanied by a responsible adult and not just dumped at the group on their own.. who is supposed to look after them?.
I remember this happeningbto me, I would have been in my mid to late 20's at the time, had no witnessing partner available that day, so this family sent their 4 or 5 old of control kid with me, I was not happy being given this kid to look after for the morning, but couldn't say no has it wouldn,t look nice in front of the field service group. So off we go knocking on doors, then this kid wanted a turn to knock. Well, we got this door where the householder just let rip into me for taking and using children to spread religion, I already wasn't happy taking this kid, and then to have to deal with that too.
Super Duper Awkward
by Slidin Fast indid anyone else find the teen section on the meeting tonight massively cringeworthy?
i saw two kids who will be laughing stocks for life after their world wide exposure.
complete exploitation in my opinion, unforgivable..
There were parts in this WT video bordering porn. The part where the young brother had his worldly peers grab his arms and force him to touch a girl. Although not showing that, he spoke those words in great detail. Listening to this made me roll my eyes...I mean, what schools are out there where sex is that normal during class.