JoinedTopics Started by Podiatrist
Do you have one favorite place on earth?
by AK - Jeff ini mean a specific location that you would go to time and again to just sit and look and enjoy?
or a favorite vacation destination?.
i love the cascade mountains as example.
I love this site
by Podiatrist injust want to say to everyone how much i love this site, in 4 days i've learned more than in last 3 years.
you are the greatest bunch of people one earth.
If you won the lottery would you still work anyways???
by JV ini'm really, really curious about everybody's opinions on this.
say you won the lottery would you continue to work???
or would you retire to pursure a shuffleboard career among other things??
After 15 Years I Finally Did It
by Honesty ini publicly said the pledge of allegiance with my right hand over my heart.
the irony of it all is it happened during vacation bible school this week in my church's sanctuary.
it felt good.
Is there a link between WTS and Freemasonary?
by Podiatrist ini've tried to google it and got some strange site talking about it.
but i don't know enough about it to see what's true and what's bull .... any takers??
Do you have a mental image of other posters on this site?
by dh ina lot of people here have posted their photo's, but i think the majority haven't... i sometimes wonder when reading posts on here, what person making those posts must look like, not that i want to see their photo, i just find it interesting... i recently got to see a photo of someone i have talked to on here since i first joined, and i had to say the person looked an awful lot like i had imagined, so i wondered if anyone else wonders about things like this?
is there a particular poster you have a mental image of?
care to share it and see if the person really looks like what you think they look like?
Hello world, this is my first post ever...
by zagor injust wanted to tell everyone how much i love this forum but never had balls to join in.
now that i'm officially dfd i can do whatever i like.
how about that?
Does watchtower society support any charity??
by Podiatrist injust wondering, do you know of any?
My Story.................
by whyamihere inmy whole mothers side of the family made us think like that as well.
everyone knew who my family was!
i knew he was the once since i was 9 years old.